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Posts posted by Clagsniffer

  1. Very well received here in my part of Newcastle too. I must admit to have been in two minds wether to do it or not for feeling daft, but I thought sod it. Just before I started clapping virtually the whole street was clapping and whistling, was really brilliant. 

    • Like 2
  2. Good evening folks, that’s for all the replies some helpful and interesting posts.


    Ive managed to free off the wheel, I now see what is meant by winding the wick up and down. On the shaft there’s two wheels that grip the wick so when the wheel is turned it turns these grips and moves the wick up or down. I took the wick completely out and there’s quite a bit of length left. What I’ll do is clean out the fuel tank to get rid of all the crud and fill it with fresh paraffin and give it a go. Thanks again.



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  3. Have just sorted out my bird feeding station today, gave the feeders all a good clean and restocked. Installed an upside down hanging basket at the base of it so the robins and wrens can get a look in without the wood pigeons clearing it all out. So far I’ve had blue tits, sparrows and a single robin so not bad. I used to get dozens of goldfinches but they all seem to have vanished, hopefully they will return. Was a very pleasant day in the garden, took my mind off everything else going on for a little while at least.16B342CD-7440-48FB-A991-3E6D34CF6E8E.jpeg.1b27f9fee756f755af82dab5887d1a68.jpeg

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    • Craftsmanship/clever 1
  4. Wow, game gear, that takes me back!! I remember being obsessed with G-Loc, couldn’t put it down! I remember playing a racing type game too but can’t for the life of me remember what it was called.


    Fun times!

    • Like 1
  5. Hi Dave, absolutely love the Tyne yard pictures, full of interest!


    Was interesting to see the Sat Link brake van used on a ballast train of grampus wagons in J10639. Were the sat link vans often used on ballast trains? Also there is a Dutch liveried grampus in the train which is surely vacuum braked, so I’m presuming it’s a mixed train of fitted and unfitted wagons hence the brake vans?


    Thanks for posting.



    • Thanks 1
  6. Good evening chaps, thanks for all the responses.


    I suppose I should have been clearer in my opening post on what I meant by “restore”. I would like to get it up and running so that I can hopefully have it on in the back garden on a summer evening, more for ambience than anything else. I’m not looking to restore it for selling on. That being said, you never know what’s around the corner, so I think I’ll go down the “gentle cleaning” route as suggested. No point in decreasing the potential value of it. I quite like the used look anyway.


    so back to the burner side of it, are we saying that knurled wheel should turn and raise/lower the wick? Does seem jammed pretty solid, god knows when it was turned last. Where could I source paraffin from? Not that I’ll be going anywhere anytime soon with this lockdown!



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  7. Hi folks. I’m looking for some help/advice in restoring a BR lamp that I’ve acquired with a burner. 

    For starters how does it work? I know it’s pretty obvious that it has a fuel tank and a wick that gets lit, but what is the little knurled wheel for? I’ve tried to turn it but seems pretty solid. I took the wick assembly off to look in the fuel tank and it’s full of gunk, so I’ll need to clean all that out. Can I get new wicks for it? Is it paraffin that is used as fuel?


    I’ll be sanding it down and cleaning the outside of it, would a paint like hammerite be ok to use? Would that cope with any heat from the lamp? 

    Here’s some pictures;






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  8. Anyone getting Doom Eternal tomorrow? 

    I’ve been playing through the previous one again, forgot how much fun it is!!!! Can’t beat a good curb stomp to a demons face lol.


    My only concern is that Bethesda are involved.

  9. Hello again folks! Been a looong time since I posted in this thread. Had actually gone off gaming completely for a while, really don’t know why to be honest!

    Anyway, I got a notification yesterday to say that Train Sim World 2020 was available free with Microsoft game pass, couldn’t pass that up could I? Haven’t played it much but find it very therapeutic, except when I got a SPAD driving a DB aggregate train, I turned it off at that point lol. Hoping to sink some time into it over the weekend.


    also downloaded State Of Decay 2, again free on game pass, I like the bits I’ve played of that too, except when I get spotted by Screamers, doh!!!!

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:

    The high phosphates level is probably coming out of your tap. So changing the water frequently is not going to help much. We have a big problem around here with high phosphate levels in tap water - probably due to excessive fertiliser use.


    Other than that, I don't have much aquarium experience. My cousin has one for her turtle, Myrtle.

    Thanks for this. Phosphates in the tap water would make sense, as my friend said he couldn’t get rid of his after several water changes. I’m sure there must some additive available to balance things out.

  11. Was just wondering if anyone on here keeps goldfish, or indeed has any other aquarium? I have a couple of questions regarding water quality.


    My friend alerted me to a problem he was having in his tank caused by high phosphates. I bought a test kit for this and when I tested came back as 2ppm. It does say 0ppm is ideal but is this level ok for goldfish? Is there anything I can do to reduce this other than water changes? Maybe something I can put in my filter? I’ve got a Fluval 306 external canister filter with baskets for different media in it.


    The other thing I tested for was carbonate hardness (kH). When I tested my water it came back as 74ppm ish, which from what I can gather is on the low side of ok for goldfish, but greater than 200ppm is better. Again, what can I do to raise this? I’ve seen people suggesting crushed coral, but this also effects pH which I don’t want to change as it seems stable at 7.5pH.


    Will be interesting to hear people’s thoughts.


    P.S. Feel free to post pictures of your aquariums, I love looking at them. Also a big fan of the TV show “Tanked”

  12. Track shack are brilliant. Don’t know how else to say it! Good prices and delivery time is incredible. I also find their website really easy to navigate. Definitely my go to online retailer now, fully recommend them.

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  13. I’ve recently acquired some PECO code 100 electrofrog points but they have no springs. My question is, can I still use them with PECO PL-11 side mounted point motors? Or will I need to contact PECO to see about obtaining replacement springs? 

    The points are destined to be fitted in my fiddle yard with the recommend mods for reliable DCC running. Frog switching via a microswitch operated by the tie bar.



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