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Everything posted by Ponthir28

  1. Where’s the dam busters theme tune.
  2. I only said as it’s what I remember wandering around the then closed Ebbw Junction loco shed in the late 60s which was beyond filthy. Only wish had a camera.
  3. From my old and distant memory every thing was pretty black and oily. In the sixties.
  4. What you need is a class 28xx working hard.
  5. I am old enough to remember walking to school and standing on a foot bridge on purpose. Just to feel the steam.
  6. Could be the story of my life.
  7. I agree with Graham T. Cold frosty morning just right for a little walk up under the viaduct.
  8. Winter coming. It’s a little bit foggy here in South Wales where I live this morning.
  9. Perfect Sunday morning.
  10. If he reading tomorrow’s paper can he give me the lottery results today.
  11. Am I missing something or have you built a cattle dock in Little Muddle? Lovely view as always.
  12. Number 2 for me. But looks like a dark scary hole the train heading for.
  13. I can count 14 men trying to unload that crate. Today it would be one man and a hiab.
  14. I think the potatoes will need harvesting as well.
  15. Winter coming by the look of it.
  16. Seems to me quite a well dressed trainspotter.
  17. Love the view of the farm.
  18. I do like a nice goods train.
  19. I worked for over forty years as a toolmaker we always called a vernier a guessing stick. Both digital and analogue. Micrometer checked against slip gauges for anything accurate.
  20. Some one must have been busy organising a party in one of the pubs.
  21. Personally I like the grime. Give me a heavy freight train anytime.
  22. No trains today. Isn’t that what branch lines look like most of the time. Anyway I like looking at the country side.
  23. I thought little Muddle was the seaside.
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