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Everything posted by Ponthir28

  1. Just the one pub. You have to compare the different types of beer. Well I do.
  2. Second for me but I do like the sheep in the first.
  3. I am pretty sure there was a car turntable on the old Aust Chepstow car ferry. Before the seven bridge.
  4. What time of day is little Muddle set. Early morning closed. Afternoon or evening open.
  5. Can’t be the for the door can it? It’s too far from the crate.
  6. Just found this thread and I am in truly amazed at the quality.
  7. Could it be for squadron leaders flight plan. So he can see it from a couple of miles.
  8. It wouldn’t be little Muddle without the crate. It’s the same as the Tower of London with out the ravens.
  9. Who needs David Attenborough. When we have little Muddle.
  10. Looks like they are getting ready for a race.
  11. So why is it going backwards? Or is it normal life in Little Muddle.
  12. It beats the election results by a country mile for excitement.
  13. Need to find a scammell with drop sides or tail gate only joking. Lovely modelling as always.
  14. Waiting for 17th of may to open the pub for indoor drinking. As not much of a beer garden at the moment?
  15. A trip to the garden centre or wait at home for the next exciting instalment? But I think the wife will be the one who has the last say.
  16. Who needs line of duty. On Sunday night?
  17. I will leave that conundrum to greater minds than mine. But look forward to the results in the next few years.
  18. There more tension in this saga than East Enders. Not that I watch it.
  19. I think it’s going slow waiting for the new pub to open?
  20. I do like clutter. Lovely photo.
  21. Never have to many pubs. Lock down proved to me how much I miss a pint and chat.
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