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Everything posted by themymysteryman101

  1. Thanks for the info! Just off to raid my piggy bank
  2. This is one of the many issues I'm going to face in the project, perhaps there is a HO model produced in Japan that I've never heard of, if not, I'll just have to keep fingers crossed for the future... Apologies for being so quiet over the past few weeks, but moving house has given me very little time or money to start work on the project. However, a series of YouTube videos shall be uploaded in due course, starting with some FAQs before looking at the planning and research going into the layout. Feel free to leave any questions you may want answering in the video
  3. The layout will be present day, modelling the museum as it has looked over the past decade or so. As for buildings, it depends how much space I have available, but the Great Hall, Warehouse and Workshop are my main concerns for the moment
  4. I was able to make a trip to the NRM for "research'' on Tuesday. I also was able to pick up a OO Banana Van from Monk Bar model shop, who I heartily recommend (And no, they didn't pay me to say that!). Now though, I can to begin planning the baseboard and track work, and then hopefully begin baseboard construction soon. I will also be creating a series of YouTube videos with the first episode answering questions you may have about the project.
  5. I've spent the last week or so doing some research on the museum, more specifically The Great Hall. This has included obtaining track plans for the building as well as making some rough measurements using Google Earth. These measurements will help me find the dimensions for the baseboard. I have planned for The Great Hall to sit on a frame allowing it to be removed from the layout, allowing it to be displayed separately from the rest of the scenery, as I shall also be modelling some of he exterior of the museum surrounding The Great Hall, as well as the mainline if I have the available space... More updates to follow soon
  6. This is a project in which the National Railway Museum in York and the national collection are to be recreated in 1:76 Scale. This is an unofficial project. Please visit the official NRM website for any quires and information about the museum - http://www.nrm.org.uk/
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