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Everything posted by themymysteryman101

  1. Loved seeing the layout for the first time at Doncaster yesterday, unsurprisingly it always seemed to be drawing a crowd! Here's a short video of the event, with Deadmans Lane featuring from 10:17
  2. Looking forward to seeing DL tomorrow, first show I'll have seen it at!
  3. Layout looking great as always, Not sure what I'm more jealous of, the Deltic or the Breakfast!
  4. Hi Mick, Layout looks superb, couldn't make it down to Derby unfortunately but I hope to see DL on the circuit at some point!
  5. So it's been a while since any update of this thread, not to worry, the layout is still (hopefully) going ahead... I've recently decided that he section I have constructed so far isn't ideal, and would rather have a complete baseboard first and start construction on that, rather than having a baseboard made from smaller modules, although as I hadn't made much progress on the first section, this isn't really much of a set back at all. Dabbling around on AnyRail has allowed me to produce a plan of what could possibly be the layout, or the beginnings of one at least. My father has opted to help construct a baseboard so hopefully this should be complete by the end of the year, however with me being in York for university and him being down in London, it all really depends on how much free time we get. As you can see, the plan is to construct the lines outside of the Great Hall, with the museum forming part of the back scene. The ECML north of York station run on the viewing side of the layout, with the NRM and Trans Pennine Depot in the background. Possibly at a later date I can add in a full interior to the Great Hall and potentially extend the tracks round to the station, but lets takes things one at a time! This plan hasn't been finalised yet, so some tweaks will probably be made before track laying commences, but I'm happy with the general idea I'm currently going with. In the meantime, there is plenty in the way of trains to see in York coming up, here's just a selection of what I've seen over the past couple months; [media= ] [/media] I'll try to keep you updated on goings on, I have my model of 55002 which I am currently working on as well as a couple of other additions and projects, so look out for an update on that...
  6. Looks great Mick, debating now whether to go down to Derby for the show this year!
  7. Great show this year, some great layouts on display, will definitely look at making it again next year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U52qnhv_wKo
  8. Hey everyone! Next week is reading week at university so I'll be spending most of my time back at home. I'm doubtful I'll be able to make any progress on the layout for the few days I'm there, but I do intend to bring back one or two models with me to work on for the time being. In the meantime, here's some images of some of the more interesting locos that have passed through York over the past couple of months: 46233 "Duchess of Sutherland" by James McLeish, on Flickr 60163 "Tornado" at York by James McLeish, on Flickr D9009 "Alycidon" at York by James McLeish, on Flickr
  9. Work has quite quickly ground to a halt recently, having started at university in September, however given I'm studying in York, the station and NRM are right on my doorstep! The layout as it is currently is back at home, but I will bring that to uni with me once I get the chance. In the meantime, I have plenty of railtours to be seeing, as they're practically on a weekly basis here! James
  10. It is indeed a EFE model, and it may be best to change the point. Looking at the point on Google Earth it seems to be a lot shallower in reality, so I'll probably look at getting a Peco streamline point at some point soon. At least I can begin wiring the other lines up now, so that's something, although I do need to get a replacement soldering iron though, so that's a job for tomorrow Cheers James
  11. Hey guys, just a short update on the layout; Track work has now been completed for this small section of the layout, although I'm deciding whether to change the small points on the far right to a set with a much shallower turn out? Next job is to add in dropper wires for each line and continue with the scenery (You'll notice the beginnings of a walkway at the rear of the baseboard). DSCN2383 by James McLeish, on Flickr Also recently acquired a couple of die-cast vehicles for the layout, most notably a York Pullman open top Double Decker DSCN2386 by James McLeish, on Flickr DSCN2387 by James McLeish, on Flickr
  12. Finally an update on the project! Since my last post I've been able to acquire some etched nameplates from Narrow Planet for Olton Hall (Thanks to Hilux5972 for the heads up), which I've now fitted to the locomotive to convert it to the infamous Hogwarts Castle, complete with Hogwarts Express Headboard. Secondly, on my recent trip to the DEMU showcase, I've be able to pick up some supplies for a WCRC Mk1 BSK I've been working on. There's still a few minor details to finish on the model, but I'm quite pleased with the end result. Finally, I've began work on a baseboard, albeit for a very small section of the layout. This section will be the lines outside the museum which lead into the warehouse. The track I've put down is only to give a rough idea, but in the next few weeks I should have the tracks and wiring finished for this section and I'll begin on scenery. DSCN1965 by James McLeish, on Flickr DSCN1967 by James McLeish, on Flickr DSCN1963 by James McLeish, on Flickr That's it for now, first exam starts tomorrow, so I best get back to some last minute revision! All the best James
  13. Really enjoyed what was my first DEMU showcase, will hopefully be able to visit next year. Managed to get some good video footage of some of the layouts yesturday -
  14. Looks fantastic James, can't wait to see it next weekend! That car lift reminds me of the scene from Johnny English
  15. Unfortunately no, barely had any time with up coming exams, but hopefully I'll have an update in the near future... - James
  16. Christmas Arrivals to the collection! Hornby Mk3 VTEC Buffet and TGS DSCN1672 by James McLeish, on Flickr Shown here with 43238 DSCN1675 by James McLeish, on Flickr (I've yet to purchasse the TSOs and TF Mk3s to make up a full train, but these were the main ones to get, given how Buffet mk3s have a history of going for high prices after retirement!) Hornby Olton Hall DSCN1666 by James McLeish, on Flickr (Soon to become Hogwarts Castle, once I can source some nameplates and transfers for the tender, which I'll appreciate if anyone has any information as to getting some, and possibly suitable headboards?) And my model of 60078 has recently had the EWS Beastie logos added on to it, which I'm very happy with to say the least, given applying transfers isn't my number one skill... DSCN1677 by James McLeish, on Flickr - James
  17. Happy New Year everyone! Lets hope 2017 brings us all good news and modelling! Also, lets hope progress is actually made on the layout I've acquired some new stock over the festive period and hopefully I shall start on the layout soon... Watch this space
  18. Hi all! Not a huge update unfortunately, however as my 18th birthday passed recently, I was lucky enough to receive the Locomtion Models NRM 40 HST, and for my first Hornby HST, it's a cracking model. Just waiting for the VTEC Mk3s to complement it Locomotion Models NRM 40 HST by James McLeish, on Flickr Locomotion Models NRM 40 HST by James McLeish, on Flickr Locomotion Models NRM 40 HST by James McLeish, on Flickr Locomotion Models NRM 40 HST by James McLeish, on Flickr - James
  19. Great work James! Superb modelling as always
  20. I plan to keep this model in BR Blue, as I'd have to start all over again otherwise, however I may get a green variant in the future, but there are loads of locos I still need to get before I even consider variations of the same loco - Mallard, Midland Compound, Evening Star, DP1 Deltic, Green Arrow...
  21. Might have a go at 6262/6263, I have some BGs sitting around, might as well use them for something
  22. It's getting along slowly, I've been focused on exams and revision a large amount recently, but hopefully I can get the baseboard sorted over the summer. I will also visit the NRM again at some point in the next few months, but as soon as I have any more information regarding the layout I'll make a post. - James
  23. Update time! Planning is still going ahead for the project, but I hope to start work on constructing the baseboard for The Great Hall soon(ish) next year. This all depends on when we can get the garage cleared out! Also, I have gone ahead and reserved a NRM Limited Edition "40 Years of the NRM" VTEC HST, which I feel will make a good late Christmas present! I still have the series of YouTube video to film regarding the project, but with A Levels to worry about, it's hard to find the time or the energy to make them! That said, I will hopefully get the first one done for before Christmas. Also, for those of you who weren't aware, there is also a Facebook page for the product, which hit 100 likes today, so it's great to see the large amount of interest going towards the project! Any queries please ask - James
  24. Love that livery, hopefully Hornby will release it for it's 2016 range, with mk3's to go with. Are you looking at getting the NRM Special Edition VTEC HST to go with it?
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