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  1. Thank you for responding - My understanding of the cyberattack on the Royal Mail is that is was relatively recent, and I ordered and paid for my order back in October of last year...as I said, I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I've had no responses to my communications for nearly a month now...that's frustrating. Anyway, I'll try reaching him through his IG or Facebook - maybe he's just not getting messages through the eBay system.
  2. Does anyone know what is going on with Fair Price Models? I put in a substantial order from their eBay shop (from Australia) in late October of 2022, and there's been no sign of it - setting aside the Christmas period and some recent issues with Royal Mail, I've had no issues with anything else I've ordered from the UK during this period. It's February now, and I've politely asked the gentleman concerned to follow up, or resend my order - or initiate a refund - but after some initial reassurances that he would chase up my order through the postal service, I've heard nothing back, for nearly a month now. I've contacted him several times through Ebay, but I've had no response. I very much want to give him the benefit of the doubt in case something has happened and he's not currently attending to business, and it seems his eBay shop page is still running - short of trying to contact him through his Instagram page, I'm at my wit's end. I've always tried to be supportive of small suppliers, so if there's a reason why he's not responding I'm prepared to be patient - he's had consistently excellent reviews for his service, so I'm wondering if this is out of character. Thanks for your advice! BK
  3. Hi everyone - some advice please? I'm trying to reach out to Brassmasters - are they still in business? I'm trying to order some Cleminson under frames - their website is still live, and I've emailed a couple of times, but no response. They don't have a phone number on their website, so that makes it difficult to reach them. Is there any other way of getting hold of them? I'm located in California, USA, so attending a show in the UK is (sadly) not possible... Any thoughts? Brendan
  4. Thank you, everyone! Plenty of useful insights, much appreciated!
  5. Hello all My question is regarding the ubiquitous 16 ton steel mineral, either of British railways manufacture, or its pre-Nationalisation predecessors. During the 1950's, did these wagons carry bulk loads other than coal? Did they ever carry spoil, clinker from foundries and so on? I'm particularly interested to know if they were ever tasked with carrying sheeted bulk loads (like wood chips, or farm manure)? Did they get roped in to carry other loads, in the event there wasn't a more suitable wagon handy? I could swear I've seen photos *somewhere* of a 16 tonner sheeted over, carrying something quite large under the tarpaulin...I'm pretty sure I heard mention of them being used to carry unpleasant loads like bones from an abattoir (although that may have been another steel open or hi-bar, I can't recall exactly). Would be very interested to hear your thoughts! BPK
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