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Everything posted by pH

  1. Can the VAR adjust the lines, or are they drawn automatically? Because if you exclude Mane’s arm, which Law 11 says you should, he’s clearly onside. If the lines are drawn automatically based on the ‘edges’ of bodies and can’t be adjusted, then that’s a problem. (Or else the ref acting as the VAR doesn’t know the rules. It does happen!)
  2. CN freight crossing the bridge over the Fraser River from Surrey to New Westminster: I was hoping to get a closer shot, but it turned left off the bridge, instead of right. The bridge was opened in 1904, originally with an upper deck for road traffic. Behind it is the Pattullo road bridge, opened in 1937, which replaced the road deck. And behind that again is the Skytrain (rapid transit) bridge opened in 1990.
  3. Outside a local backstreet auto shop. I have no idea what they were doing there - the vehicles in the background are the usual type of visitor.
  4. There’s a normal route? We parked somewhere near the station, walked back along the military road and went just about straight up to the summit, through the middle of a herd of deer at one point. It’s a hill I’d love to do again. But with things as they are, I may not get to visit the UK while I’m still capable of doing it.
  5. Is this what you’re describing? https://images.app.goo.gl/fFApWkLM4wwC732r6 The bus is a Brill. Previously used in Vancouver, but all withdrawn several years ago.
  6. Do you want to put a small wager on that, Brian? He’s already mused about setting up his own TV ‘news’ channel, and a group he is associated with has apparently looked at buying into OANN (Mods - delete if felt to be overly political.)
  7. This destination would be appropriate for some of the Sheffield routes, too. https://images.app.goo.gl/irerC1X9G4aYaiaTA
  8. Sorry - a bit OT. I was surprised to read that about Scottish Region engines. I went and checked some photos online and found that yes, some did have catcher recesses on the tender - I had not known that. My problem was that I had actually seen some of those engines - so much for my powers of observation!
  9. Here (Greater Vancouver) all the bendy buses - trolleys and diesels - drive on the back section.
  10. If I remember correctly (it was half a century ago!!), the view of the curve from Ben Dorain - the mountain in your photo - is great.
  11. Plus the ‘regular’ one. Yes, I understand that, and fully expected that would happen. I should have added “in the first batch” to my comment - significant number, some US significance to the decoration ...
  12. That could be a mistake. What happens if you’re elected? We’re going to vote in the advance poll for our provincial election later today.
  13. I’m a bit surprised they’ve not done CPR 6644.
  14. I think that job’s already been filled!
  15. Probably a good move. My son has the same model of car as me, and showed me all the possible information screens. They are addictive and, unless you are very disciplined, can be quite distracting.
  16. Still in operation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_cable_car_system An example in the UK was the original Glasgow subway, later converted to electric motors on the trains: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_Subway
  17. It’s been mentioned in the “Worst Looking Locomotive” topic. The original post has gone (I think the person who posted it may have “left”!), but the post below quotes that post. https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/152467-worst-looking-locomotive-topic-antidote-to-best-looking-locomotive-topic/&do=findComment&comment=4054321
  18. ... but a BC “city” has the best municipal drinking water in the world! https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/canada-s-smallest-city-has-world-s-best-water-1.1180976 We regularly stop there on the way to visit our son and family. I don’t know about the water, but the ‘Deadwood Junction’ coffee shop mentioned in that article makes excellent coffee and cinnamon buns. Just the thing for a pick-me-up seven hours into a nine hour drive.
  19. A selection of fungi from the woods behind our house. With the exception of the fly agaric, I don't know any names.
  20. http://www.microscale.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=60-4328
  21. Yes, it’s funny how quickly children learn that, isn’t it?
  22. This talk of honours lists reminded me of the short street of 25 houses I grew up on. One person living there was awarded the MBE. Another, who I went through school with, was awarded the BEM later in life, after he’d moved away. Plus there was a guy who’d played football internationally for Scotland. (Then there was the rest of us.)
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