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Status Replies posted by 51E

  1. Back from Canada and absolutely recharged ready for this weekends announcements! Clear the decks, open the gunports and train guns at the waterline, standby to repel borders!

    1. 51E


      Daves supplying the mk1's everyone's running to the newsagents for????? lol

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. flickr wasnt broke, but they fixed it

    1. 51E


      Upgrades and playing around with the site just because they can??

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. If people have problmes with you, why dont they just talk to you about them rather than complain on forums like spoilt children?

    1. 51E


      The flip side is sometimes the reply they get is quite childish to what could be quite a reasonable question... Forums are a 2 way street. Just depends which side your on lol

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. One way ticket to Mars ? apparently I can't put forward others names - darn.

  5. Enjoy the Sinful tanks Jim !

    1. 51E




  6. please can people start liking my group on facebook if you have it or like my page https://www.facebook.com/#!/TWWOMR

  7. Yawn - if it looks like a duck and quacks it is actually a duck.

    1. 51E


      Not sure if they Quack but they do smell funny...


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Yawn - if it looks like a duck and quacks it is actually a duck.

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