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Everything posted by Sr-Dixon

  1. Oh and I just had word from a supplier, and as far as they know they are 90% certain that oxfordrail are making model railway products not static ones
  2. My comment wasn't about the history of it all, purely based at current standings, and in relation to pregrouping stock, aren't Bachmann releasing SECR birdcage stock? And at present how do we not know that Oxford arnt going for pregrouping? Their image at present shows a pre grouping adams radial does it not? Going back to the collector and modeller etc, shouldn't their be a "genre" inbetween of people who just want to run trains, and not care for 100% accuracy? That was what OO was made for wasn't it? fine kits come before RTR and like I said I have no issues with kit built, but for the vast majority of people RTR is completely fine and, like myself when I'm working a 77 hour week and caring for a family I don't have the time to make things as accurate as possible
  3. I might be looking at things wrong here, but if there was no collectors and modellers there would be no product, if rtr was a perfect standard there would be no manufacturers making kits, in my view for whoever purchases or makes their own models it's still keeping the hobby alive, consider this, if the next generation were faced with an introduction to the hobby by building kits or making their own then chances are in this day and age we would be the only ones left in the hobby. As much as I can appreciate that scratch building and kits offer a higher quality, I for one wouldn't be able to afford buying a kit let alone practise kits to gain knowledge to build a decent quality, so Im quite happy for more and more company's coming to the plate to make rtr items, if people want a higher quality they can go buy a kit, or scratch build etc, how many kits are available and still sold of locos and stock that are produced rtr? In relation to companys making the same prototype, what's the issue? Burger King and McDonald's both make burgers, it's better to give people a choice of essentially the same thing but to personal taste, like I'd take a Bachmann a4 over a Hornby a4. If we didn't have that then companys would produce a "it looks like one" model rather than put more quality into a product to make it better than the other companies.
  4. Forgive my crudeness but isn't the angle connecting the buffer beam and smoke box more curved on a t3?
  5. Scale drawings and the like, hunted everywhere for some but closest I came was via network rail and even they didn't have one of the station buildings
  6. Hi all, Been awhile since I've done any form of update so here it is haha, Once again I've had a rethink about the layout, and now instead of it being based on feltham it's gonna be an area of my own creation, was a pain in the bum trying to find anything useful for feltham, so instead it's gonna be a lower level station (no idea what it would be deemed as) with the station building above the platforms, a side bay for a push pull branch service, and a non active line acting as a pway siding of some sort. I figured as this layout is mainly as a stop gap between now and a bigger permanant layout when I eventually decide to move, I want it as simple as possible but still fun to control and watch etc, I've made it so simple in fact that there isn't a single point on it, how about that haha Instead the layout is essentially going to be an elongated oval, with casettes at the back, displaying an inner london suburban station, might even try my hand at converting a tram to run on the town level but we'll see! It came in my mind that generally I prefer seeing stuff moving, hence keeping it simple, and also keeping costs down! I'm trying to use as much of the stuff I have already to build it and so far so good! I've laid down the majority of the track work, being finetrax, and started now building the framework for the upper town level, the idea being that I can lift the upper board off and work on it outside of the layout, as if you've seen previous posts you'll realise Ive made the baseboard a giant rectangular box....all good intentions to begin with but a pain to work in! So for now that's it, both me and the project are still alive and works being done I'll attach some photos later on when things are tidy Paul
  7. Got my first 8 lengths of finetrax ordered! Never even knew about it until now, was exactly what was wanted tommorow I'll pop to my parents and get the plan printed off (should really get my own printer) and I'll have the first 2 parts laid soon only going to do the mainline at the moment, the rear sidings can wait awhile, then I'll lay some third rail once I have an emu to check clearances etc. will upload some visuals when it's done
  8. Just a thought though, what size rail would I use for a third rail?
  9. Thinking about it I might actually remove the mainline points, I think they were taken away by this era anyway (can't see any photos of them during late br) so finetrax it is!
  10. I'm liking finetrax, may well go with that! How would I do the curved turnouts though?
  11. Planning on using code 55 track so standard n gauge at the moment, although the temptation is there to go finescale, wouldn't know where to start though
  12. Hi all, after trying to work the 009 layout, and ending up reducing and reducing the amounts of things going on with it I got sick of it! plus why would i want to spend near on £200 for each loco (im useless at scratch building them) so i figured, after stumbling upon a video for Hettle, that I quite liked the aspect of having a normal mainline station with decent sized rakes going through! So I decided that im going to base the layout on my local station (Feltham) during the 1960's, which would offer me the potentials of running EMU's, diesel, steam, short suburban rakes, long express rakes, and a looooooad of freight both going to the marshaling yard and local. so despite the fact there isn't much in relation to track work etc it would mainly be based on seeing decent sized rakes trundling by! I'm intending to make the level crossing an operational one to add a little more visual during the time the trains are being changed around the back via 4ft cassette's which will be removable from a constant oval. Whilst im basing this on my local station, it obviously wont be an identical production as the real one is more of a straight line rather than the curve im having, but i'll try to make it look as much like it as possible!, trying to find a 2mm scale plan of the station building is proving impossible though! The station (as per attached picture) will be on the right side, curving around and disappearing off the board to allow spacing for an 8 carriage train at most. the 2 siding above the mainline are still in planning and are not exactly how they are going to be! but they will be used for a platform parcels etc, and a coal merchant, which most of the time will just have static wagons but will be moved at least a couple of times during the full cycle of the operations! the level crossing will be around the middle, at an angle with our concrete footbridge present! and to the left there is another siding mainly being used for departmental stock (dont think ive ever seen anything else stationary on the real thing!) so all in all it may look boring, and i might be the only one to find it interesting but i'm the one building it so i may aswell enjoy it eh? and with a total projected track cost of around £60-70 i cant complain if anyone has any info/pictures of 1960's Feltham please give me a shout (i wasn't around then being born in the 80's)
  13. Morning all, After a lil bit of tweeking, I've finished the "plan"...it's now printed at a 1:1 scale and already I've found issues but they're just spacing issues which can be resolved at the physical building stage (main platform needs to go back a bit to increase the width of platform 2 and the engine shed siding) Hopefully there's an image attached....a rough mix of anyrail and paint...all fun. The boards woodwork is now complete and has its layer of undercoat on, just gotta wait to buy the main colours! And the backscene is also up....good thing I accidentally ordered 2 lots as I messed up the first one!! (Don't use watered down pva on plywood to fix paper...nightmare of creases and unexplainable bubbles!!) it's not perfect but I'm planning on covering the join with an oak tree anyway so lucky failure!! Whilst "working" I drafted a plan for the movements so I and yourselves get an idea of what's going to take place! This is as follows... Movements plan: Carriage only trains. Train will come in on platform 1 or 2. loco uncouples from train, runs around and enters shed area to use turntable, then connecting back to end of train waiting for a train to enter opposite platform before departing. Trains with goods attached to carriages Train will come in on platform 1 or 2, loco uncouples from train, runs around to rear of train, attaches to wagons to be uncoupled, then shunts into either platform 2 goods siding or main goods siding. Train then turns around on turntable, then either connects to wagons to be going out from opposite to where it just brought them in (siding 1 if siding 2 just received), then attaches to carriages and waits for next train to arrive. Advanced goods attached to carriages As above, but if a wagon needs to go to either engine shed or engine shed siding, uncouples from main goods siding and moves to relevant location. Loco coal train (night/morning) Arrives at platform 2, loco uncouples and runs around, pushes train into platform 2 siding to uncouple brake van (at front) or moves brake van into goods siding (at rear) Loco then connects to rear of coal train, locates into engine shed siding. Parcels traffic (Night) Train arrives at platform 1 when all other traffic has ceased or goods siding when traffic still on-going. Train then left at platform and loco returns to engine shed after turning around, or reconnects to train and departs. Goods only train Loco arrives at platform 1 or 2, loco uncouples from train, runs around and connects to rear of train, moves into either platform 2 siding or main, or splits train and moves into both sidings separately. Constructing a goods only train. All wagons to be departed are created into a train on the main goods siding, loco attaches to front and waits for train to enter platform 1 or 2 Loco change! If a change of loco is needed, new loco warms up etc (coaling/watering) loco arriving at platform 1 or 2 uncouples from train and sits in the run around waiting for new loco to attach to rear of train, previous loco then moves into shed area, turns on the turntable and moves into engine shed line 1 or 2. New loco waits for arriving train on opposite platform to arrive, then departs. Crane If needed, crane collected from imaginary siding off scene, locates to relevant platform, use if a derailment etc, loco then pushes crane back to imaginary siding. Future use of Push-Pull, Railcars and DMU’s Train arrives on platform 1,2 or main goods siding, waits for next train to arrive, then departs…easy enough!. Heres some more pics, one of the board with the backscene....please ignore the horrible gap!! it will be covered!! and 2 pics of the trackplan on board...with the first part of track fixed...with screws for now to make adjustments etc! enjoy
  14. Sr-Dixon

    All change!

    Morning all!, after much consideration I have now come to hate the prospect of n gauge, just didn't feel it was to my enjoyment of creativity if you get what I mean :S love n gauge though and sure ill dabble in it again at some point! So with that said, feltenham is now becoming a fictional station upon the lynton & Barnstaple railway! And yes I've already got the Heljan manning wardles on pre-order!.....6 of them! (Want to have 2 to give a personal name change! Don't want it being too prototypical now So, unfortunately as I dont have a printer I left the track plan on my dad's computer and came home with the paper copy which is now on the layout....perfect fit, so can't add a picture! The layout will feature as usual as a terminus, with 2 platforms and run around, goods shed & siding, A triple engine shed to hold 6 locos...ironic that, a siding on the side of that for sanding & fuelling for diesels and a turntable. Having seen the plan on the board....which reminds me I can just take a picture of that! I've completely fallen for it without even owning a single 009 item! I had too much time on my hands at work...the pleasures of being a nightman! And as a consequence I've noted all the rolling stock that ran in the l&b, and where I can locate the kits for them, and intend to own all of them....greedy eh? Think this Wednesday I might be tempted to buy a peco 009 tram (gl-6) just as a tester engine as the mannings are gonna take awhile to be released! Already pretty much planned the general locations of buildings etc, including the road bridge and the slope down from the road to the station. Just need to figure out the signal locations and a rodding plan! Oh and I've still got to finish the decorative parts of the board, put a backscene on and underlay before I do anything!!! Think along with the tram I might get the first sections of lighting (they come in ft strips and connect to each other) for the daylight running mode, and I'll get the night lights later down the line! All in all, I'm quite excited about getting started! Only problem is I've gotta work 11 hour night shifts as overtime to get some debts paid and money saved for the LBFR (lynton, Barnstaple & feltenham railway ) Which is a nightmare as I'm now working 12 nights straight...still £100 a night so can't complain, and it gives me time to plan!! Although saying that given enough time I'll probably end up on O gauge...hope not! (Not that there's anything wrong with O but a 6ft x 16" board isn't gonna look to great for that scale!!) Anyway rant over, Laters all Paul
  15. i might actually extend the bottom platform and have the potential for 2 passenger services to be on scene, 1 waiting for the line to be clear & 1 approaching etc, you know how it works
  16. Morning all! whilst I should have been working I came up with another track plan I might use, after some tweeking and advise from all of you peeps! so here it is, labeled a few basic things to get the jist, let me know what you think or what you would add/change etc Cheers, Paul
  17. Morning all, just a quick update on where things are with Feltenham! most of the cladding on the board is now done, and the first part of the moulded edging is in place - albeit I need to take it off to put bigger nails in! new image attached next work - finishing cladding around the left side, adding edging to inside and outside of cladding, filling gaps and inconsistancys in the wood with filler, adding internal angles - to avoid 90 degree angle in the backscene, building the doors - going to be a bi-folding design, with locks for when not in use. priming and painting! adding the nameboard & a couple of logos either side of the nameboard & gwr posters on the sides, adding cork & backscene, then thats it until I gather enough funding to get the trackwork and point motors placed long process! and probably going backwards but tis all fun until the next update! Paul
  18. Sr-Dixon

    Board meeting

    Back again!! as mentioned in the first blog, i'll upload some images of the board in progress! so here they are... the reason for the cladding is purely decorative, it'll go around the front 3 sides, (the front isnt added yet - i work nights so by the time im awake im sure my neighbours wouldnt appreciate powersaws working!) then comes the wooded edging, and a roof! (tiled with foamboard tiles with gwr awning on the front with the station name fixed to it - if anyone knows where i can get one made id be very happy! - needs to be older gwr style not the br hotdog!) all of this will be painted in true gwr colours, probably the only prototypical thing that will happen! there will also be doors on the front, made from the area cut out from the front board, on hinges and lockable to protect it all! lighting will be provided by 2 sectional 6ft long led strips (reptile lighting), one for daytime, one for night. both on a dimmer just to set the mood! (i'll book a candlelight table on the platform for the lady....who says we dont go out enough eh?! haha) im thinking i might replace the legs for screwable legs, much akin to ones on a breakfast bar etc, if i can get some long enough. the reason for the mass of sawdust around the back is due to the holes ive made for the wiring to go into the switchboard, which will control the pointwork, gates, scale lighting, overhead lighting, dcc supply etc etc basically everything in a box, sure thats never been done a million times so far! but not by me so its special wooo! in my mind im gonna make this a layout to be proud of, just depends if my abilities live up to my minds expectations! so thats that, wont post another blog today i promise ta ta!
  19. Sr-Dixon

    First stop!

    Hi all, thanks for being nosey and coming to check this out! lets get some basics!, firstly, this is my 3rd attempt at creating a model railway, originally i hada specific room that the layout was permanantly fitted to, but that wasnt working out too well with the lady of the house so i agreed to do something smaller but of the same style etc....also didnt work, got broken :/ So here we are at the 3rd attempt, and reduced scale too! im now working in n gauge, back to my childhood roots! secondly, a breif explanation of the layout itself! Feltenham is a fictional location (i hope) and is somewhere in the western region flying the GWR flag originally in the 30's. the layout will go through some minor changes to create new eras, simply different engines, rolling stock, road vehicles etc, all the way through GWR, BR (WR) & into preservation in the end. the trackplan is as follows at present. (just a basic plan) the whole board is 6ft x 2ft but im using 16" of the 2ft area as the main area, with the remaining area behind as a casette yard Feltenham will be a GWR branch terminus, the station area being based on Ashburton, but with modifications in the goods area, the platform will be long enough to hold a 4 carriage train, with a run around and an engine shed (bottom left) there is only a single line for branch movement outwards. slighly above (3rd & 4th line from the bottom) is the goods yard area, incorperating a goods shed, and an open siding for straight to road unloading etc. the sidings at the top, are the exchange sidings for an off scene dairy, with the impression that its close by but still far enough to need an exchange to avoid timetale delays on the branchline itself. the line going to the dairy is the inward curve. both this line and the outer curve will disappear under a road over bridge. the exchange sidings will be walled off from the goods yard, with fencing following the line under the bridge. the entrance will also have a gate, which will be servo operated to open & close when not in use. so thats that part!, next for some general running plans!! passenger - a mix of autocoaches via a 14xx (1 autocoach) & a 64xx (3 autocoaches). there will also be a couple of 3 & 4 coach trains on the odd occasion at peak times etc. freight - the general freight for the station/town will be loaded/unloaded at the goods shed and siding - pretty obvious!. no specific plans for freight, just a nice mix. the main emphasis on the freight will be movements to the dairy, generally a tanker & siphon milk train departing from the dairy in the morning, leaving to join the main line. leaving a few tankers behind for use down the branchline, and vice versa for the return trip of empties later in the day (both twice a day!) also i'll incorperate a short coal train to go to the dairy, after all they'll need some to keep the place running!(i imagine) i'll have the odd parcel train coming during the night mode and anything else i fancy running really!! so thats the general plan! dont know how prototypical it is but sod it its mine! muahahaha! i'll put a few pictures up shortly of the baseboard in its partially complete state! (the main boards done im just finishing the containment! hopefully ive not bored you already!! all the best, Paul
  20. Thanks for that info, i'll rectify that today, never actually been inside a signal box so i went on assumption. I need to redecorate the inside anyway as ive realised by the cruel eye of the camera how shoddy it looks!
  21. Hi, I believe its an lswr type 1 signal box, it was originally a kit for the arlesford on the mid hants railway, or watercress. its for my first full railway project of my own design, just to gain experiance and have something to run stock on while im working on my prototype plans for feltham station, and if i win the lottery the marshalling yard too! as such ive dubbed this layout Feltenham, as im from feltham and my partner is from twickenham. I tried to dull the look of it down a bit as im planning the layout to be based on quite a miserable rainy day in the 1930's.
  22. My first attempt at a signal box, built from A kit from the mid hants railway.
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