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Everything posted by Smiffy2

  1. We're on Departmentales until north of Vire, and then the A84 to Caen, and the A13/16 across the wonderful Pont de Normandie. It's then motorway all the way to Coquelles. The whole trip takes about four hours. The tunnel is cheaper than the ferry from Ouistreham, but there are extra fuel costs. We like the flexibility, both in terms of changing bookings and arriving early and getting an earlier train - and also Julie is a poor sailor and finds the ferry quite hard work.
  2. Morning all. Croissants and coffee consumed. Back in Blighty, trying to remember where we keep the plates and how the toilet flushes... Good journey yesterday, the péage was calm, the surfaces good. Then to Kent. Cockwombles wherever you look, road surface (that pinky-grey concrete) absolutely hideous. Also straight back into family grief. It seems that other grandmother has been preventing kids from seeing their father - to the extent of shutting them in rooms whilst they call out that they want to see him. Mum was unaware of this, but the girl's behaviour is now disturbed - the youngest keeps saying she wants her Daddy and she loves him. We've done what we can to explain this to Mum but she seems unable to comprehend that kids' behaviour is prompted by the treatment they receive and the mood of people about them. Daisy is away at Cub Camp this weekend, I'll talk to her tomorrow. But grandmother can do no wrong in mum's eyes (she was, however, quite surprised that grandma gave Daisy's computer away...) The couple have 'mediation' this week. We'll see. Sorry, no seafood, Bazza. The whelkmen were en vacances, comme d'habitude. Julie is off to The Mills, so I'm sorting out stuff and doing some washing. Dan has 'access' to Rose this afternoon, so I don't know where he'll be - here, possibly, but it's a lovely day so far. Andy - very pleased to see your post. Build on that positivity! Jamie - we must have crossed at some point. We go through the tunnel, so it must have been around Vire! BTW - we use water-filled feet on our gazebo. Easier than casting concrete and work a treat on the patio. Saw a Greek proverb that made me think today. 'A great country is one where old men plant trees under the shade of which they will never sit'. I wish. Have a peaceful day, all.
  3. I bought one of their starter kits about a year ago, their website has changed but it looks like it's all still available. If not, there's always Tiranti. https://sylmasta.com/product-category/casting-mould-making/ https://tiranti.co.uk/product-category/mouldmaking/
  4. Good morning all. Just packing the car for the trip back to England...
  5. Ouch. Is this of GDB standard? Still bl**dy hurts!
  6. Just done a Grandad Bob. Bent over to pick up a dropped tea towel and whacked my head on a (metal) corner of the worktop. Cut forehead, headache, feeling a bit groggy. May have got out of the driving to go shopping...
  7. Morning all. Just off to Cancale for lunch, so must rush! Yesterday was a washout (in all senses) so hoping for better today. Ian - do you recall MEK* from the French forum? Having lunch with him and his missus. *Like me he was eventually banned for winding up the moderators/telling the truth.
  8. Morning. Ugh. Slept badly, now 40 minute drive the Emmaus in Fougères. Eyes hurt, really need this! Looking for a wardrobe and old clocks. Our weather isn't as good as Jamie's, I suspect/blame Aileen. Best wishes to Beth, that must be pretty painful. It always amazes me how much heat can be transferred to flesh in a few seconds.
  9. Oh yes. Learned that one at my grandma's knee.
  10. Evening all. Slightly tiring day, shopping and scoping out architrave and skirting. Yaaawn. Neighbour Elisabeth knocked this morning to ask if we liked mushrooms. We do. She's been out collecting in the field where the cows were. Later she brought us this huge bucket with 2kg of pieds-de-mouton. Used some for soup for dinner, some frozen for lunch, still a huge amount for omelettes, sauces and so on. Kind thought. Then, whilst we were eating, this little chap turned up at the kitchen window: And in case you were wondering, at these prices it's no surprise the Whelkmen prefer their duvets:
  12. Morning all. Sunny but a bit chilly, tranquil. Trolleybuses - LT route 654 used to stop outside our house, and would have been great if it still existed for visits to Croydon or Sutton. But long gone, and the bus replacement doesn't come here any more. Cut price Carly Simon? My mother used to recount how trolleybuses passing the house used to turn the TV picture upside down. Not sure about that... Off shopping in a bit (Lidl and Carrefour if anyone's interested) and then over to see our biker neighbours. Then more sleep. And after that, more sleep and some modelling. Andy - really pleased at your new situation. Teaching is the best job in the world in a supportive team, looks like you may have found one. Bonzer. Update on whelks later, none in the shops today because it's Monday.
  13. Here in France, good journey apart from one coquewombelleuse who decided to cut in front of me at 80mph... Trolley buses - we used to use them to go to Croydon and Kingston (apparently I went on the trams as a toddler). I have a memory of rushing to the front to sit alongside (almost) the driver - is that correct? I do remember the acceleration and the noise as the driver wound it up.
  14. Morning all. Slept well, managed to go 5 hours without a pee! Jus off to fettle Daisy's computer (she's acquired her father's iMac) and rescue all the family photos, which he never backed up. Then, packing for France. Have a good day, all.
  15. I tried them and gave them back. Made me queasy, and useless for photography (in the days when you had to do the hard work of focussing by yourself). I now have: 1 pair distance 1 spare pair distance (in case of breakage whilst away from home) 1 pair distance sunglasses 1 old pair distance sunglasses for no discernible reason 1 pair reading/laptop (usually lost) 1 pair modelling I may have to get a handbag.
  16. Ugh. Drizzle. Wet, annoying drizzle. Can't go over it, can't go under it, have to go through it. We're waiting for a blood test. What a horrible day. May get better later....
  17. Thanks for the nice comments on Daisy's photographs. I've passed them on to her.
  18. No idea how the echo occurred. These are a few of Daisy's photos, which, given that she's 8, I reckon aren't bad. The camera is a Nikon D3100 my youngest son donated to her. And the dustbin lids:
  19. Well, it's been a full day, including having Frozen's greatest hits bawled at me by a 2 year old for an hour, shopping, more shopping and getting a child car seat out of the loft. And then getting the child into the seat when she didn't want to go... It's still all cacky. Lots of tensions and bad feeling. But still, this is us in France, where we had a great time. And if Debs doesn't mind I'll put some of Daisy's NRM pictures up later. Well, it's been a full day, including having Frozen's greatest hits bawled at me by a 2 year old for an hour, shopping, more shopping and getting a child car seat out of the loft. And then getting the child into the seat when she didn't want to go... It's still all cacky. Lots of tensions and bad feeling. But still, this is us in France, where we had a great time. And if Debs doesn't mind I'll put some of Daisy's NRM pictures up later.
  20. Hi all, I'm back. Did you notice I was away? I've been having a bad time one way and another, and it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel might actually be the end of the tunnel (though it's a way off). I've not been well (reaction to new medication, leading to 'frequent urination', no sleep) and #1 son has walked out on his wife - in a very bad way - and is now living with us, and being a proper arse. It's bloody awful. I've been quite depressed. So, not really been in the mood to socialise - I've still got awful feelings of volcanic anger, especially when I'm with my grand-daughters, and the 2 year old asks when Daddy is coming home... I have done some Monty - scratchbuilt wagons and vans for the Lancre and Uberwald narrow gauge line. Just about to embark on some luggage (not that luggage) and a troll, made from a cut down Historex Academy figure. Might work... Daisy (8) visited the National Railway Museum last week and brought back some (654) photos, which show real promise as a snapper. Sorry for not reading through, I'll go back later. I hope everyone is well and in good part.
  21. Alan - I love your photos on Instagram of cleaners and fitters photoshopped onto real locos. Shows the quality of the figures beautifully.
  22. Superb. They just keep getting higher and higher.
  23. As it happens I partook of some excellent whelks in Cancale, Brittany, recently. I ordered the Plateau de Fruits de Mer (€30) It was big. It came in a boat. It was so impressive a man came in off the street to ask if he could photograph me eating it. Half a crab, nine oysters, a dozen whelks, two langoustines plus two sorts of shrimps, loads of winkles, aumonds and other stuff. It took an hour of steady munching. Then we went for a walk along the front, and Malcolm (this is him) and I decided to have another dozen oysters, ably shucked by this lovely lady in her chainmail glove. We sat and chatted with a Canadian from New York and his wife. Oysters fresh from the sea, €5 the dozen. When can I get back?
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