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Everything posted by Smiffy2

  1. Morning Risesters. Not too bright here, a bit like the denizens. Up and out on our Freedom Passes to visit the grandsons before we head off to France for a couple of weeks. Always enjoyable.
  2. I've always hankered after a steampunk railway... This all looks like O 16.5 and the seller has no idea what he or she is selling.
  3. Two available, £5.50 and £22.19. Must all be down to condition and opportunism...
  4. Two different seller IDs - interesting...
  5. Dunelm Mills cancelled. Phew... Getting on with packing and posting my first GBL swapsie!
  6. He wrote this: JOB LOT OF 1, OO GAUGE TRI-ANG/Hornby R356 BATTLE OF BRITAIN CLASS 4-6-2 HAS MOTOR BUT IS A NONE RUNNER HAS NO TENDER, HAS 2 LARGE CRACKS IN THE BODY SEE PICTURES, HAS BOTH BUFFERS AND NO HOOK, HAS NO BOX, HAVE MARKS ON ALL BODY`S AND ROOF`S SOME RUST, IN O.K. CONDITION. Written communication isn't one of his key skills. And his idea of OK condition is a tad optimistic. Just another chancer I suspect. His other sale items consist of sexy lingerie...
  7. Up early - drank a little too much red last evening... Weather overcast but the forecast promises brightness later. I remember so well the feeling of this day - only half a term to go, better weather, the sense of relaxing just a bit, Year 11 gone... Now every day is like that, of course! May be off to the new Dunelm Mills in Croydon. Not sure why. Perhaps I'll buy a teapot.
  8. The seller should also have been punished for apostrophe abuse...
  9. The knackered pug went for £18.25. You can't do irony in the face of that...
  10. Have you seen this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/181418692524?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 I quote: "Dapol 00 gauge loco all black [apart from the filth] Ok so here is a product we no [sic] nothing about, I bought it for a gift for a friend but I believe I have purchased the wrong size he has 009 and I got him 16 if that makes sense to anyone [Hmm...] I am listing at the price paid so please don't be to [sic] hard with the offers!!!!! [They paid £50 for that?] Its [sic] a train [sic] by Dapol has L M S on the sides with numbers 11217 on some very tiny transfers on the side it says L M S Rails 1910 Horwich There is a man in the cab of the train [a man...] We have not tested so don't no [sic] if it works or not but has the motor and all the right bits according to my friend [except the chimney, of course, and some other bits. And the handrail has come loose and there's a knob hanging off...] I can not tell you any more than that sorry " It certainly is sorry. Hardly surprising there's no bids, it is?
  11. At least you haven't made a cup of tea and put the milk back in the dishwasher...
  12. Morning all. Sun is shining. Fine morning, looks like a good day in the offing. Cleaned the patio yesterday, may well go and sit there for breakfast! Absolutely nothing planned for today, which is both nice and unsettling. Julie at Abbey Mills, so alone for most of it, but I've got a couple of ideas, mostly photographic. Have had some absolutely brilliant news that my cousin, who we thought had dementia and was really on his way out, in fact has a treatable condition, Autoimmune Encephalitis. After four months in hospital he went home yesterday and is already complaining about the state of his garden and what he's going to do in it! I'm off to France next week, and have promised him all sorts of treats when I come back!
  13. Done that. Humbrol RC401 is a good match - I painted up close to the boiler band lining where it had gone a bit fuzzy, and where I scraped the mould lines off. Just painting the wheels matt black before a light drybrushing with gunmetal/dirty black and then gunmetal and a bit of brown ink on the motion. This is the first of two, the second one is my subscription. May go LMS or may go Swapsies, not sure. Still waiting for T9s in LSWR and Maunsell green... I'm thinking of making a photoplank...
  14. I went and got one from Smith's this morning - they keep them hidden behind the door... It looked reasonable from one side - although there are a couple of glue fingerprints which should paint out and the boiler band painting is a bit erratic. Unfortunately the cylinders were a bit out of place, so I glued them in place - and then I looked at the other side! I'm not planning to modify it other than touching up the paint, painting the wheels and motion and perhaps a bit of light weathering. For me it's another good model spoiled by poor execution. In other news the Schools repaint is going well (by my standards) and now has nameplates and a decalled tender - apart from the lining, which I can't find anywhere, but Fox tell me that Maunsell lining for a Schools is on their to-do list, so I'll do what I can and hang on until it goes onto the done list. Annoyingly I forgot to order cabside number plates when I ordered the nameplates, so that area looks a bit bare. Photos later.
  15. Up really early (about 4.30) due to falling comatose on the sofa... Need to go and get petrol as the drive back from Canterbury yesterday saw mw get home with the amber light on. And, bemusingly, a tear in the leather on one of the rear doors... Weather is dry and coolish (I note that the heating has come on!), looks reasonable for the day. May be off to Smiths later for a Black 5 and Screwfix for a pressure washer.
  16. Agree with formatting. I download everything onto whatever device (iPad, laptop or iMac) is at hand and iCould and Photostream sends it to everything. Then onto a big hard drive, possibly another memory card, and then format the card. Not terribly OCD about it at all...
  17. I replaced all my cards recently with 16GB SanDisk Ultra SDHC. Anything above 16gig seems pointless, because even at full definition that's almost 1000 images on the Nikon (less if shooting HDR of course) and I usually change the card after 200. Top tip - old memory cards make nice compact storage disks and they're smaller and easier to use than DVDs.
  18. I suppose that's fair enough, but most T9s seem to go for £85 - £100, so this is 50% more. Perhaps just a bidding war. It does look nice in the LSWR - perhaps the GBL version may go that route...
  19. My son, great photographer and used to do pro work, advised me to consider memory cards as consumables, change them often, and if it's important change the card halfway through the shoot. I've lost two, fortunately only one with pictures I wanted.
  20. All the T9s seem to command high prices. Is it really that rare?
  21. Morning Risernauts. Wet. 'Orrible. Bunged up and coughing. Will have to go shopping later. What a glamorous life...
  22. I really didn't know that Bulleid designed any air smoothed 4-6-0s. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Locomotive-Airfix-Biggin-Hill-34057-Engine-and-Tender-OO-gauge-/111322882075?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item19eb5c601b
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