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Everything posted by Shedman5

  1. Morning, another nice one here, off to London today, meeting up with our first born, he lives and works in central London then off to Heathrow overnight for our for our early flight tomorrow to Miami. Then about a 2.5 hour drive across to the west coast and our hotel and some relaxation. Noticed Don B hasn't posted yet, he is normally one of the first ones on, hope his new lady friend hasn't pinched his computer! 5 day weather forecast for UK doesn't look to bad so enjoy whatever your doing and no doubt I will log on at some point in the week. Cheers.
  2. My experiences of European conferences and business meetings has led me to believe that Italian watches run slow! One could guarantee that they would be the last to arrive!
  3. Afternoon all, having caught up with the latest postings it seems everyone is good form which is great,maybe the weather has something to do with it. I mean morning sunshine now 3 days in a row! Back after an enjoyable walk and the process of packing now starts for our impending trip. This will take me less time than my other half ! Downloaded latest BRM which I am saving to read on the plane, trying my best not to have a quick look. So a quick pack and a session in the shed running a few trains beckons.
  4. Morning, nice morning here two days in a row! Good to read your news Gordon and I'm sure your glad that investigation is over, Don what a dark horse you are, maybe you should change your name to Don "Juan" Bradley!!
  5. This sums up my sentiments having been a reader for a while who is now able to contribute. A great forum to share life's ups and downs. You never know what's going to come up next as the variety is immense.
  6. Hope it all works out for your friend DD Ian- Nice model worth the wait I guess? Tony- You are just wetting my appetite for breakfast in the states roll on Tuesday!
  7. Morning and what a nice one it is for a change! Spent yesterday with other half making final arrangements for our trip next week. Going to the states is the only time when said partners suitcase is not packed to the brim, alas it always is on the return trip. Modelling Don , I wish though I sat and made a list of what needs doing next for my return! Though spring beckons and that means law mowing etc! I have never seen so much moss on my back lawn in 20 years of living here. Off for holiday haircut, have a good day all.
  8. I have been to the states numerous times on business and holiday, I've flown into most of the major airports and in the main had no problem at all. Only " unfriendly one" was Atlanta otherwise fine. I fly to Miami on Tuesday next week and then travel to the West coast and don't expect any problems I've always found the people to be friendly, I often got/get asked what part of England am I from and when I say near Manchester/Liverpool it's always the same Man Utd or hey that's where the Beatles came from! Tony, traveling on business was exciting for the first few trips then it was just a routine you got into,something now retired I don't miss at all, an avg of 115 nights a year in a strange bed for 8 years is not something I would recommend. After all it plays havoc with modelling! Air miles come in handy though! Looking forward to hearing about the model railway exhibition.
  9. Morning, thanks Don for the update this morning, made me laugh! Have a good trip Tony and just bear with it going through Heathrow security, trying to snow here and it's cold.
  10. Morning All, glad your back Don, off to Manchester today to see number 2 son who is at uni before our trip to the states. Other half has produced enough bags of frozen food, toiletries etc to keep the whole flat going never mind him! Good job we have an estate car. Recall said son age 6 running around the walls of Carcasonne with a plastic sword causing mayhem! How time flies by. Have a good day everyone, at least it's not raining well not here.
  11. Morning, Don B,s last post was Friday, most likely caught up in Rugby/Cricket over the weekend or maybe internet problems. Cold, no snow though, few things to sort out today for our trip to Florida next week, looking forward to some warmth. Have a good day all.
  12. Morning, Cold damp and grey but looking forward to the rugby, spent yesterday clearing out the loft and came across a bundle of Railway Modeller magazines I had forgot about. On the back page of every copy Beatties ( who remembers them) offered the latest locomotives, Sr Sir Dinadan for the sum of £8.25 to a BR 060 Diesel shunter for £4.15p The year 1977. Some amazing layouts featured and sadly one in particular has caught my eye. Hmm maybe for the future!
  13. Wonder if Don has realised its Friday yet? Otherwise known as POETS Day for the working fraternity! All quiet weather wise no rain just cold.
  14. Hi everyone, only comment on hospitals and nurses in particular is that the last crop of nurses who trained on the job rather than through the degree course are coming to an age where they are retiring and thus a lot of excellent nurses who believe in patient care as a priority are leaving the profession. My wife a ex Nurse Practitioner had a student on placement with her just before she retired and the student told her that she was not doing a degree course to empty bedpans and mop fevered brows. Anyway back from tennis, mixed doubles today. OMG the women were so competitive, lines calls disputed and loud grunts when serving It was like a war zone at times, and its supposed to be social tennis or is that antisocial tennis? Anyway Waitrose beckons have a good day
  15. Dealing with the disposal of a loved ones estate is a trying time, my mother passed away 2 years ago, as executor I did the lot including house sale and probate. I found the people I dealt with in this process to be in the main supportive and helpful. It is a trying time but I echo the Stationmaster in the sense that I also found it cathartic at the time. As regards probate I was given an appointment locally nearly 4 months from my date of request, on phoning up I was advised if I was willing to go to them in Liverpool there was an appointment in a fortnight which I took. It was a strange feeling when it was all done and I box filed all the documents and put them away. It prompted my wife and I to sort our affairs out and everything is set out ie names of bank accounts/savings accounts/where the will is etc so that its a little bit easier for our two sons when they have to deal with it. I hope its a long time away!
  16. Morning, Sunshine today long may it last, since I retired my sleep patterns have gone askew and it seems I'm waking up later and later each day. Think I will go back to an alarm clock with a waking time of 8am which is reasonable cos at this rate I will miss the summer (on its way) mornings! Trip to the tip and then wash and vacuum my car then who knows what. Have a good day all.
  17. Morning, gordon s, on 05 Feb 2013 - 08:58, said: Is it me or do we just get grumpier as we get older? This just made me laugh out loud over a late breakfast! Other half looked at me as if I was mad! Cold but no snow, off to extract the hard disk off my old computer before I dispose of it and then general chores I guess. Enjoy the day.
  18. Morning All, Grey and windy today, not much else to add except Andy B - Fortunate your mother in law used a credit card, wonder how many have been caught using a debit card? Oldddudders- Postal Service in the UK not much better, letter posted first class by my son in London took 6 days to arrive!
  19. Afternoon All, Didn't post yesterday due to internet problems, all resolved now but at least I had two rugby matches to watch. Grey and wet here the opposite of yesterday. Noticed it was still light yesterday around 5pm, think its seven weeks till we change the clocks? Roll on in my opinion!
  20. Morning, Dry some clouds but blue sky and no wind how long will it last I wonder. Fish and Chip shops, maybe its old age playing tricks but they don't seem to be as good as when I was a youth. I used to enjoy reading the paper they came wrapped in and was always delighted if I got the sports pages!!!
  21. Morning, very windy all night and still going strong, tennis this morning then who knows what after lunch. Awaiting a parcel from a well known retailer, if it arrives then its in the shed to unpack and run.
  22. Simple facts are people are living longer, the advances in medicine mean more can be done now for many diseases than say 25 years ago, there is the drive to move care into the community by that I mean checkups/followups/monitoring which at one time had to be done at the hospital are now for certain conditions done in GP land. I would hazard a guess that there are not many days with free appointments which means people are visiting the Gp and yes maybe in some cases a visit is not warranted. Back in the 60s how many people had an ECG or Glaucoma checkup in their Drs surgery? Yes we might grumble at times but as an example my wife phoned for an appointment for her mother in law this morning. No appts but when my wife explained the situation she was given one for 10.00 this morning for the emergency surgery. All GP practices are different and we are lucky with ours and there is always good and bad, I do agree about the out of hours service, I d rather see someone from my practice than a complete stranger. Final note, on a £ basis the older you are the more a GP gets paid for looking after you!
  23. Morning, its sunny here, but it was yesterday morning then it went downhill, very windy last night. A few mundane chores for me this morning then off to the pictures this afternoon which means it will stay sunny. I was in Cascais in October and caught the train into Lisbon a couple of times, a really nice route along the coast for 40 mins. Have to say I was very impressed with the rail service, every 15 mins and on time! Lots to do in Lisbon. Have a good day.
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