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Everything posted by Shedman5

  1. Morning, dry here but that's irrelevant today as shortly about to depart to Portsmouth and then catch the ferry tomorrow. I wonder if my liver will cope staying with our friends for a week, suppose it will be fun finding out! Have a great weekend all.
  2. Morning, How nice for Aditi to be in the zone from Nov 6th puts a different perspective on work when you know you can go and without any reduction! Sorry to read your news Ashers No sun here though its forecast for this afternoon, rain as per usual, off to Portsmouth tomorrow and pleasingly the weather looks better across the channel than its has been here of late. Enjoy the day
  3. Afternoon, Cleaned the car out and washed it pending our week with friends in Normandy starting this Friday, by the time its get to Portsmouth I'm sure it will be dirty outside but never mind. The talk of cataract surgery takes me back many years ago when I was responsible for a certain type of lens which was being marketed by the company I was with, spent many hours in theatre watching this procedure. Amazing how quick and simple it is and the difference it makes to peoples lives.
  4. Morning, Dull with slight breeze and showers forecast, off to get 2 new tyres this morning which I ordered on line for fitting today. Have a good day
  5. 21 now! after a lovely sunny day yesterday which enabled me to spend the day mowing lawns and general tidying up today in contrast is wet indeed very wet and extremely windy. The wood burner is on and it feels like winter! 2013= equalled early retirement for me! That surpasses everything !!
  6. Late today, played tennis outside this morning, no rain slight breeze and the sun trying to make an appearance, if it holds tomorrow I will mow the lawns etc. However its back in the shed this afternoon as I have a couple of points to wire up.
  7. Forget to log in this morning, to busy tidying my work bench after 20 mins I got involved in other things track cleaning and a running session and before I knew it I realised it was mid afternoon. The work bench ? needs tidying up even more now! Haircut, similar to Pete every 35 days or there about.
  8. Eh think I will have to have a slight clean up first!
  9. Not only is it page 2000 but we are at 49,988 posts 12 short of 50,000 and yes back with the internet and now with infinity which seems to be very fast so far!
  10. Morning, a early riser today by my standards anyway! Having BT Infinity installed this morning between 8am and 1pm hence being up before 8. Thus it is more likely to be towards 1pm than 8 am lol! Hopefully all goes well and I will be on line later today. Have a good day
  11. Morning, glad to see it was a short "off the air" situation this morning, need to catch up on the posts from the weekend. Weather sunny with showers probably a good time to put the autumn feed on the lawns, did this last year for the first time and it did make a difference. Knowing my luck it will not rain during the prescribed 2 days after application! Some clot scratched my wife's car yesterday whilst parked at a supermarket presumably with a trolley. Managed to polish them all out bar one which is to deep so that will need a professional rather than my efforts. Have a good day
  12. Afternoon, morning spent shopping but at least its done, wet and grey here. With regards to woodburners have to agree with Neil best thing we did was to install one 4 years ago. Hoping that there is a few more weeks before its use though! I can recall Mrs Dales Diary just!
  13. Morning, missed yesterday due to an excessive night on Tuesday whilst watching the US Open, bad head yesterday afternoon lol! Car was serviced ok on Tuesday, as for changing the headlamp beam for driving abroad its a simple case of changing the settings via the instrument panel, I had missed this bit in the handbook which is about 2 inches thick. So that is that sorted, off for a walk this morning as its nice and fresh with that autumn feel. Have a good day all
  14. Morning. up early today well for me anyway! Dropping the car off for service this morning so not sure what I will be doing today. Have a good day everyone
  15. Morning, Grey at the moment outside, supposed to clear up we will see. Happy birthday Tony, local children not back at school today some tomorrow others Wednesday. A trip to the local tip beckons then if it does clear up a doubles tennis at the club this afternoon. Enjoy the day
  16. Morning, cloudy and overcast here, patient information leaflets ( assuming you have the eye sight to read them) have to list every side effect that was reported in trials prior to launch then have to be updated periodically as more information becomes available through general use. My mother god bless her used to read the leaflet and having digested the "possible" side effects used to say well I'm not taking them! Feels very autumn like but we are now into September so I expect all the Christmas stuff to start appearing in the shops soon
  17. Morning All, Nice and sunny with a strong breeze at the moment, BT didn't come yesterday as I suspected but we had communication and all is planned for the 10th now. Not to sure whats occurring today will have to check with the boss. Enjoy the day
  18. I had the misfortune a few weeks ago to use one for the first time ever , thankfully I was only a few miles from home and limped to my local garage to get the original repaired. Driving the car felt ok at 30 but just glad I was not on a motorway as that speed is not practical!
  19. Morning, Grey cloud but the sun is trying to shine, supposed with the emphasis on supposed to have BT Infinity installed today, I say supposed because after ordering and agreeing an engineer date I have heard nothing which makes me wonder if the guy on the phone completed the paperwork. We will see what happens! Not much else to report other than waiting for a day with no showers forecast so I can get the shed (railway sanctuary) painted. Have a good day everyone
  20. Morning, just! Back from shopping and just caught up with the posts, cheese and tomato sandwiches my favorite soggy or not, rather than Tizer I would wash them down in my youth with Dandelion and Burdock! Then I would take the bottle back and get some money back on the bottle, cant recall how much it was, think it was sixpence in old money? Sure someone can recall the exact amount Enjoy the day
  21. Happy Birthday Don and congratulations Ashers, mowed all the lawns, trimmed the bushes and wiped the shed clean for painting later this week weather permitting of course. Whacked now! Last week I was looking at the car in relation to our hopping over the channel in a couple of weeks to visit friends, high vis jackets no problem but it did strike me that I would need a GB sticker on this car. Not being very keen to use a sticker on the body work I investigated getting a new set of plates with the GB/EU symbol on, cheapest I was quoted was £34 for the pair. After some web searching I bought these for the princely sum of £1.99 which will do the job nicely! They have gone on the existing number plates fine.
  22. Morning, sun shining though forecast to be cooler than yesterday, busy bank hol weekend with both boys home for the weekend, local supermarket manager rubbed his hands in glee as other half stocked up on Friday. Mick hope your dentist is as gentle and as good looking as mine Have a good day all
  23. Morning, dry and the sun is breaking through the clouds, shopping morning then the dentist this afternoon, don't mind the latter as my female dentist was at the front of the que when good looks were being given out lol! Eldest son back tomorrow from London for the bank holiday weekend which is nice so all "jobs" ie lawn mowing etc to be done tonight/tomorrow before he arrives so we have some quality time together preferably over a pint. Enjoy your day
  24. Afternoon, back after a long weekend away with friends, spent most of the morning on the phone to BT and latterly Sky customer service centres. BT absolute nightmare in terms of waiting and advice, Sky well have to say got through within 2 mins, only thing is Sky don't seem to keep their customer agents up to speed with whats happening! ie you can now order films etc via wireless rather than telephone line, received this update last night, according to my customer services agent no you cannot lol! Suggested he read the advertising literature for a starter! Didn't believe me at first until I pointed to a notice on the Sky Forum. Anyway it all got sorted which is more than can be said for BT which is short for bloody titanic in my opinion. If anyone reading this works for the said outfit sorry but honestly there is room for vast improvement in the call centres!! rant over and I will return to my sedate retired life where its raining and a session in the shed beckons! Enjoy whats left of the day
  25. When the bins were introduced I decided to ask for a extra brown one (garden rubbish) which I got free of charge, now if you want a replacement or extra one as in my case you have to pay for it!
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