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roy h

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Status Replies posted by roy h

  1. Burglar Stabbing: Police just stated no further action against Pensioner :) :)

    1. roy h

      roy h

      good hopefully will make some of the scumbags think twice before the carry out there crimes

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Do people seriously not know how to use roundabouts anymore?! Second (minor this time) accident on one in 4 weeks. Silly old pr!ck straight lined his lane, wanders into mine and side swipes the front of my car, then has the absolute cheek to blame me saying I drove into his lane! My bloods still boiling about it now!

    1. roy h

      roy h

      i feel for you had this happen to myself a few months back. he also had the cheek to try to blame me. like hows it my fault when im in my lane going round aarrrrhhh. was lucky as i got the lad i was working with to take a pic quick from the cab of the van to show where we were on the roundabout.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  3. There's an 8BA nut on the carpet..somewhere

    1. roy h

      roy h

      remove your shoes and socks and walk about youll find it in no time.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Why do I have this strange retro desirer to build an Airfix plane and hang it with thread from a cup hook in the ceiling

    1. roy h

      roy h

      launching from a upstairs window was always guaranteed to put a smile on my face as it hit the ground

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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