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Status Updates posted by Ross34

  1. 3 hours in the shed..2 of them cleaning an airbrush.. many times. Some days its best not to bother. 

    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      Been there and done that so many times.


      A few years ago there was a thread on here about tools and/or equipment people had but rarely if ever used.  It was astonishing just how many of us owned up to having airbrushes that rarely came out of their boxes.  In my hands an airbrush is simply an expensive tool used for ruining an otherwise perfectly good model and I found it very comforting to discover just how many of us are in a similar situation.

  2. Would be happy if the Met Office got it right....just once.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Ah yes, Devon technology.

      In the civilised world these are a machine called 'a barometer'.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Aye. You can tell when it's a force eight gale - the seaweed vanishes...

    4. Horsetan


      The Seaweed Vanishes - wasn't that a book by Agatha Christie?

  3. Would be happy if the Met Office got it right....just once.

  4. Would be happy if the Met Office got it right....just once.

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