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stan williams

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  1. Our next gathering is Saturday 17th August starting at 12.30pm Corpus Christi Hall, Alfred St., Rainford WA11 8BY Free Parking. Several NG Layouts, plus Show you how stands. The Model Shop with a 20% discount off all products. Couple of secondhand stock tables. Do you consider soldering one of the dark arts and would you like to improve your skills, well Allen Doherty (Worsley Works) will be there to guide you through the process. Stan.
  2. Perhaps some of you should look at this discussion from an exhibitors point of view, because in some cases you have no idea what that contains. If you receive an invite to exhibit your layout at an exhibition, do you look to see what will be on show there, no, because generally when the invite goes out, the exhibition manager does not know the line up either. The vast majority of exhibitors are out of pocket after taking a layout to a show and by the way some clubs and organisations fall into three catagories, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and you certainly find out the better ones over the years. Exhibitors are giving up their free time, it could be two days, three days or even 5 days. The latter for myself when exhibiting at the SEC in Glasgow. You travel up the 200 miles on the Thursday and set up. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are three full days of running a layout. Its a great show (your knackered at the end of it). The organisers are great and they put you up in a hotel on a B&B basis, if you want something to eat at lunchtime you have to provide your own, but tea/coffee is plentiful. In the evening you have a meal out at your expense (thats 4 evening meals plus any liquid refreshment). You are paid your fuel costs, van hire if needed and of cause you get the B&B hotel. Yes, you have made that decision to take a layout and exhibit it, you are out of pocket and you have spent a whole weekend away from your family. Now think about the above, when you are pondering whether to go along to an exhibition.
  3. gr,king I think you should tell the world, how many model railway shows you visit each year and for how many years and can you honestly say, with your hand on your heart, that by going I have kept that show alive. Enough said.
  4. L would more likely tell the small minority on this forum who want to know the inside of a ducks ------! To go and take a running jump. I suspect if you where going to a Knitting Exhibition, you would want to know in advance the colour of the wool, what size knitting needles, the sheep the wool came from and who sat down with their arms out, while the wool was wrapped up. Some of you need to get a life and stay away from model railways.
  5. Are you looking for that Narrow Gauge Fix ? Then come along to our next gathering at Corpus Christi Hall, Alfred Street, Rainford WA11 8BY from 12.30pm Free Parking, Light Refreshments. Be part of the largest NG Modelling group that have regular gatherings. This Saturday 13th July,, Several NG Layouts, Two show you how stands. The Model Shop with a 20% discount off all goods. Enwins 3D printed products. 009 society kits available to members. All welcome to join us and you can be part of a great group of modellers. Stan.
  6. Our West Lancs Rly Group Open Day was a great success with 87 attending including 7 children. Many taking up the opportunity to drive a diesel loco. Great refreshments, bacon rolls, burgers, Rufford Bakery Pies and even ice cream. Weather was perfect. The group were able to make a donation of £460.00 to the railway. Our next gathering at Corpus Christi Hall, Alfred Street, Rainford WA11 8BY is Saturday 13th July starts 12.30pm NG Layouts in various scales. Show you how stands, two trade stands and some secondhand sales. All welcome to join us. Stan.
  7. Saturday the 22nd June will see our group holding our annual Open Day on the West Lancs Light Rly. We have 96 people booked in to attend and its always a great day out. Ride the trains, footplate rides, tour the workshops and sheds. We also have our Model Shop there with great discounts off all goods. Enwins 3D printed products. Couple of displays. Some secondhand 009 stock up for grabs. Bacon rolls, Burghers and Rufford Bakery Pies, tea/coffee available. Ice cream from the station shop, if Summer returns. If anyone would like to join us, then drop me a line. Stan.
  8. I totally agree, the general public are unlikely to purchase many items from the trade stands, but how many people on here, use mail order ? and not visit exhibitions.
  9. I think some of you are getting ahead of yourselves. Take out the very large exhibitions ie Warley, York and the like, which modellers attend in droves. The majority of model railway shows, would have died a death years ago, if they just relied on the RM web modellers, its the general public who keep most of these shows going. They don t ask what is going to be at a show, they just turn up. Some of you should take stock, you are not that important in most model railway shows.
  10. Next gathering at Corpus Christi Hall, Alfred Street, Rainford WA11 8BY starting at 12.30pm Saturday 13th July. Seven Narrow Gauge layouts, supported by two show you how stands. The Model Shop with a 20% discount. Enwins 3D Printed products. Secondhand sales tables. Our average attendance is well into the 70s and we are always looking to attract more NG modellers. If you fancy bringing a layout or a display, then let me know, you will be made very welcome. Stan.
  11. We open the doors at 12.30pm at the corpus christi Hall, Alfred Street, Rainford WA11 8BY. Kato/Peco Large England locos available at discount prices. Peco Bowsider FR Coaches.. Bachmann Peter Sam in green livery 10 NG Layouts. Enwins 3D printed products. The Model Shop. All welcome to join us. Stan.
  12. Next gathering is Saturday 18th May starting at 12.30pm Corpus Christi Hall, Alfred Street, Rainford WA11 8BY Free Parking. 10 Narrow Gauge Layouts on show supported by two show you how stands. Enwins 3D printed products. The Model Shop and we should have have the latest Kato/Peco Large England locos 20% discount on all goods. Come and join us for an afternoon of playing trains, having a brew and meeting like minded NG modellers. Stan.
  13. Join us at Corpus Christi Hall, Alfred Street, Rainford WA11 8BY starting at 12.20pm for our next gathering. Free Parking. Narrow Gauge Layouts, supported by Show you how stands. Enwins3D Printed Products. Secondhand Sales. 009 society wagon kits. The Model Shop with 20% discount on all goods. All welcome to join us for a fun filled afternoon. Stan.
  14. You can please some of the people all of the time. You can please all of the people some of the time. But, you cannot please all of the people all the time.
  15. Next gathering Saturday 27th April starting at 12.30pm Corpus Christi Hall, Alfred Street, Rainford WA11 8BY. Free Parking. Six NG Layouts in 009, 7mm and Gn15. Two show you how stands. Enwins3D products. Secondhand sales tables. The Model Shop with a 20% discount off all goods. All welcome to join us, play trains, eat cake, have a brew and meet like minded NG modellers. Stan.
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