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Blog Entries posted by paulprice

  1. paulprice
    The last few weeks have been what could be called manic to say the least, the strange thing is you can always seem to find extra hours to spend at work, but you can never find hours to spend on modelling.
    As a result modelling time has been like a Midget Drug Dealer, in Very Short Supply, anyway I digress as a n LMS fan I managed to find a prototype picture of two Terriers totally flat out.

    With the cheeky girls snoring their heads off at the side of me, I managed to produce a few "slate" strips and widows for what seems like and endless number of terraced houses (the next layout will definitely a rural layout) so progress was slow but it was still progress.

    I still have window sills to make and fit, along with front doors, of and fit some curtains but they are looking very nondescript which is what I set out to achieve, to add a little variety though I have decided to model a tired house.

    There is still a lot of detailing to add but I thought I would try and model a demolished house in the process of being cleared/rebuilt, I'm not sure how successful this will be of if its worth the effort (probably why you don't see many) but I might persevere and see how many modelling hours I can waste on this. Progress has meant that one side of the street has things that look like buildings on it, all I have to do now is work on the other side (oh and finish the house backs and yards etc, bit I'm nearly there).

    There is still a lot of work to complete on the street scene on board 1, and yet even more buildings but from a distance its looking balanced to my eyes and least, and I have even managed to start to look at the station area of the layout, you can even see a little sneaky preview of the track plan.

    What I need to do is to start work on mortising the trams, and testing how sharp a curve they can run round, just to have a break from endless terraced houses, if only to save what is left of my sanity.
    So until the next time, as ever Happy Modelling
  2. paulprice
    Well if this series of updates on my attempt to improve some of my motive power has not bored you to tears yet, I'm pretty confident that this entry might just tip you over the edge.
    With all the usual demands on the very precious resource of modelling time, I have not had a lot of time to spend on the various projects I'm in the middle of in the vain hope that I may actually complete one. In the traditions of all modellers everywhere instead of finishing projects, I even managed to start new ones.
    Anyway from the tray of doom, two locomotives have reached the stage where I am happier to release them onto Foster Street, all I have to do now is fit some lamps (when I can actually find them)

    This loco, has been a bit of a problem for me, I bought it new when it was first releases, god knows how many years back. It never really worked well, so I added into the "needing attention" section of the fleet. Several years later I discovered that the "crappy" running was due to a DCC chip being fitted.
    Anyway I soon sorted this out by hard wiring the locomotive and the running was dramatically improved, so it was time to add a little detailing, a crew, adding and a spot of weathering is all I have done to this loco, for now.

    My aim was to portray a locomotive that looks like its been earning its corn, I have tried not to go over the top on the weathering, but my research has shown these locomotives in a terrible state.

    One day I think I may invest in an airbrush to help with weathering, as imagine the destruction I could unleash with one of these
    Simple modification to the tender involved the removal of the moulded coal load and replacement with some real stuff, and a crew fitted (I hate empty cabs)

    I have tried to restrain myself with the weathering as, I don't know why but I have a struggle "grottying" up lovely crimson locomotives (though if you see some of my Jubilee's you would not think it )

    Again she just needs some lamps fitting, and of course the missing tender vents (I knew I had something to do) and she will soon find herself at the head of a freight.
    Other projects.
    The two Duchess locomotives I have been working on, have not seen much progress, thought the tenders have been filled with some real coal. The one that was in a terrible BR green livery has received a nice black coat of paint, and some work to produce a "semi".

    I think she will look good in the post war black livery, all I have to do is decide what identity to give her?

    As for the BR maroon one, being lazy I'm trying to get away with a total repaint, and I might be able to get away with this as I have some pictures of the class in the war years, and you would be hard pressed to figure out what colour they are under the grime.

    Oh the joys of modelling, until the next time as ever Happy Modelling
  3. paulprice
    Well its nearly a new year, and that means I can start even more projects, that will get in the way of actually finishing some of the ones currently in progress. I must admit some of my projects need to be stopped, in fact they should not have been started in the first place.
    Because I have been very good lately, the Domestic Overlord granted me permission to play trains so I retired with a glass of the hard stuff to the spare room and fired up the old transformers.
    Sometimes its just good to sit back and watch a couple of trains as they circle the layout, so it was not long before two locals were selected from the storage yard, the usual motive power substituted for something less run of the mill and I settled back to watch a Duchess and an 8F in action (well it is my layout )
    I always find that the good side to these sessions is that I get to have a good think, the Domestic overlord on the other hand would say that me having time for a good think is never a good idea, but as I always say "what could possibly go wrong??".
    So what was the outcome of this serious brain workout, well the result is the following set of targets, and questions I need to find answers to
    1. More of my stock needs to be weathered, so the target is at least to weather 2 items per week.
    2. There are too many examples of rolling stock that need lettering or numbers applying, so again 2 items per week complete.
    3. There are a few (actually lots) of areas where the scenic need to be improved.
    4. There needs to be more examples of the local population adding to the layout.
    5. Do I need to start to building a new N gauge layout (I have lots of GWR stock) does the world need another GWR layout?
    6. Do I need to start building a new 00 gauge layout (I have some blue diesel stock in the loft) perhaps it should stay there?
    7. Should I fit a draft Guiness tap to the spare room?
    8. Where did I leave my old camera as the new one is too complicated.

    So what I am to do? I think while I have a think I might investigate the supply of the Black stuff in the fridge and see how long it may last?
    As ever until the next time, Happy Modelling
  4. paulprice
    Well as Christmas day is rapidly approaching, the usual colds and sniffles have hit the Price mansions and the Domestic Overlord has been hit with the dreaded lurgy
    Every cloud has a silver lining though, and it has meant that I can play with my trains, so today I have managed to spend a hour our so just running trains around Foster Street.
    While I was doing this I a couple of thoughts hit me, one of which was a little concerning, do I have too much stock? The question raised itself from the depths as I looked for a couple of con-flats I knew I had somewhere, but could not lay my hands on. Eventually I found the con-flats all three of them, which is a bit of luck as I thought I only had two as well as a load of tank wagons I seemed to have forgotten and some Toad brake vans I just wished I could forget about
    So the first question is... If you have too much stock to put on your layout, does that mean you have too much stock, or as I suspect you need a bigger layout (I already have plans for Foster Streets replacement, but don't tell the Domestic Overlord its a secret).
    The second question, is..... Am I the only one who seems to connect certain types of locomotives with certain types of train? For example my Ivatt Class 4 does not seem right unless its at the head of the milk train. Or my Patriot seems to suit my parcels train, or the coal trains need 4F's. Does this happen to anyone else, of so let me know what locomotives you associate with which trains?

    As ever until the next time Happy Modelling
  5. paulprice
    Well just like unexpected visitors, that turn up, and then never seem to take the hint to go away, or those people you see when your out that you want to avoid with every fibre of your being, that recognise you before you can leg it, well another project has fallen into my lap.
    The Domestic Overlord, decided to abandon me today, and leave me alone an innocent in a cruel, cruel world, so once they had buggered off and left me to fiend off legions people knocking at the front door, I decided to have a filling and healthy breakfast of choccky biscuits fizzy pop
    (you need all the energy you can get, when fighting of the legions people who want to leave you a magazine so you can repent your ways and "witness" a better life, surely they should have realised by now they should address me as "my Dark Lord") .
    Anyway, I decided that I had already corrupted enough souls this week already, but headed to a well known site of corruption and avarice my local model shop. As I always the case you go in for one thing and come out with something totally different. Today did not break this habit, so I left with 3 second hand additions to my rolling stock collection.
    I managed to procure a GWR Toad and a couple European 4 wheel drive coaches, when I got them home I plonked the Toad, and one of the Coaches on the layout, with a cattle wagon that just happened to be near, and then it hit me like a "Thunderbolt", I need more cattle wagons.

    Oh and if your wondering the Domestic Overlord, soon returned home, who said all stories had a happy ending???
    As ever until the next time Happy Modelling
  6. paulprice
    Well my attempt to create a passable impression of an Ivatt Class 4 (a very vague impression ), sort of ground to a halt, it was not because I lost interest, it was just that I found lots of other things more interesting.
    However I was spurred into action because of Ebay, the acquisition of a old Minitrix Ivatt Class 2 in a horrible condition (mint but with a British Railways number and emblem, of the inhumanity)meant I had to get some transfers to get the old girl in a decent livery.
    So I thought to myself (I often talk to myself but that leads to arguments) if I am going to number 1 loco I might as well number 2, so I corrected a couple of areas that had a painted finish I did not quite like and the transfers were soon on both Ivatts.

    As you can see from the photographs there is still lots to do, I need to fit the glazing, paint some of the more visible engine parts black, and of course more pipework, and then a bit or a lot of weathering. It hides a multitude of sins and in this case I think I need it, I may apply it with a trowel.

    Still it looks like I might have another addition to the Foster Street fleet, the problem is there are so many little projects on the go that just take all you valuable modelling time, well that's my excuse anyway....

    Can you tell what it is yet, because I have not got a clue.......until next time as ever Happy Modelling
  7. paulprice
    I probably won't have long to type this post before the Domestic Overlord, or as he will be known from now as the Prison Guvnor confiscates my laptop as well as everything else
    I am normally too sensible to believe in all these conspiracy theories that keep going around and around and usually put them down to cranks with nothing better to do, BUT now I see them as the work of true visionaries who want nothing more than to help humanity and people like me
    I never thought I would find a conspiracy so close to home though, and one it appears masterminded by the Domestic Overlord, I may be wrong and over reacting, but if you read what follows I'm sure you will agree with me (which opens up a whole new can of worms).
    Saturday Morning - It begins.
    After walking into the local town centre with the DO, on the way back seeing as it was still relatively early it was suggested we had a spot of breakfast as a treat (it does not matter who suggested it, I mean it could have been me but that is not the issue ) as the DO agreed we went into a nearby purveyor of fried products and I was soon confronted by this.

    As I happily munched through my breakfast the DO and I spoke about many things, one of the topics being House Hunting, and storage, then the penny started to drop. I was being manipulated with the help of some fried chuckie eggs down a very dark path. I asked myself how can you actually House Hunt, Houses are everywhere and they don't move, you can literally leave your house, turn to the neighbours house and there you go its a House hunt over.
    Anyway being a good boy, despite it nearly being a sausage too far, I cleared my plate, and being fully fuelled with backed beans (should be called fart fuel) I waddled off home with the DO, not long before we reached Price mansions, the DO asked if Foster Street would fit in 50 square feet, to which I replied of course with room to spare.
    Saturday Early Afternoon - the plan evolves.
    On Friday the DO very kindly bought me two new plastic storage boxes for my trains, so I thought I would spend a little time putting the old ones into order, and adding a couple of recent stock additions to the relevant trays. Whilst I was doing this the DO appeared, and quite helpfully asked if the boards for Lugsdale road would fit into the car as he thought maybe it was a little too large.
    Now as I know my planning skills and legendary, and I never make stupid mistakes, I said I knew they would fit without even trying, but if it meant the DO would be happy I would test fit them. Just to prove my planning and design was dare I say perfect, I decided to illustrate how easily they were to more around, within a short period I had them both sitting in the old JamJar.
    Being the sweet and innocent little Angel that I am, I never saw anything suspicious in what came next, the DO suggested that seeing as we were already near the car, we might as well just nip out to sort out a few things before we took the boards out of the car again. Knowing that the DO has nothing more than my well being at heart, and being very supportive and loving I thought nothing more of it, fired up the JamJar and off we went.
    Saturday Early Afternoon - the trap is sprung.
    Following the directions from the DO I happily drove to our destination, to a place called "You Store" or something, when I went inside with the DO there was a very nice lady inside who said she wanted a layout like Lugsdale road for herself, but was not sure if it would fit in her train room, so she asked if I could see if it would fit. Of course being nice I soon had the boards out of the car and inside her train room to see if they would fit.

    Now call me slow, but this is when I started to smell like Captain Birdseye something fishy, the train room did not have any carpet strange I thought but who am I to judge. It was then I looked up and it all fell into place, the train room had now ceiling, in fact it was not a room at all it was a prison, for Trains, and worst still MY TRAINS.

    Panic overtook me and I frantically looked for the door, and then I realised there was no door handle on the inside, thankfully the door opened and I got out, and found the DO waiting outside ready to calm me down. When I was asked what all the fuss was about and I said I could have been locked inside for ever, I was told that was silly, as sooner or later someone would let me out (how lucky am I being looked after like that )
    Even better to stop accidentally being locked in there, the DO would keep padlock and only key safe so I would not have to worry about losing it .
    Sunday Morning - I cant handle the truth.
    Last night while I pretended to be asleep I reviewed the events of the day, and I may be wrong but my trains have been sent to Train prison, will I be next?, who can I trust to help me?, will they or me ever see the light of the train room again?
    Im not stupid though, I can dig an escape tunnel, the fact that the Train Prison is on the second floor, will just mean the Prison Guvnor will never suspect my cunning plan...........
    Until the next time............
  8. paulprice
    Yes I admit it I have a problem.......... I think this model railway bug I have is terminal, or at least it will be when the Domestic Overlord finally realises how many "Toy Trains" I have.
    After a brilliant weeks holiday with the Domestic Overlord, down in Cornwall, a day out resulted in me becoming the proud owner of my second one of these.

    At only £90 pounds (I still have pains in my wallet) they are astonishing value for money, I know they have been out for a number of years but if you can still find one snap it up.
    Now I thought all I had to do would be to either give the loco a simple repaint into LMS black, or like I have on my previous one splash a bit of weathering around to represent a loco, still waiting to be repainted into the glorious LMS ownership. Having limited time today, I thought while I was working out what to do I would add a crew and lamps to my previous loco.
    That's when the simple task got a little more complex, as I got the loco out of the stock box, I noticed a couple of the fleet had a crew member missing, so I resolved to put this right,

    However I soon ran out of my supply of ready painted crew (I need to paint some more up, I normally do this in batches) as I had a Pat and Scott to crew, and I have also run really low on oil lamps.
    The good news is that if I order the lamps, I will have plenty of time to decide what to do with the loco livery wise, the bad news is now I have all the 4Fs together on the layout, perhaps they are still a little too clean, and also what codes to apply to them?
    Problems, problems, problems, which will all pale into insignificance if the DO ever found out about my little problem, but I can trust you chaps to keep a secret cant I?????
    Until next time happy modelling
  9. paulprice
    Well I don't know how its happened but I have managed to find a little time to actually do some modelling, and as a bonus the Domestics Overlord, very kindly allowed me a little time out from my manacles .
    Just in case the Domestic Overlord reads this, I'm sorry, I'm portraying the DO in a bad light, of course I was not released from my manacles................
    Anyway before anyone notices I'm taking a break from "black leading the stove" I better let you know what I have been up to. Foster Street is based loosely in the NorthWest of the country, deep in LMS territory, but those sneaky so and so's in the LNER have a habit of sticking their noses in. So with CLC influences in mind I slowly set about collecting a rake of LNER teaks.
    The initial idea, was to create an interregional train, and slowly I started to collect a few Dapol teaks to form this train, I even started to work on producing an example of a, wait for it GREEN locomotive, that I could attach to the front of this train, at the very least to save a poor LMS loco from the indignity of pulling this rake (even worst that this I actually have a second green LNER loco passing through the works).
    As the layout is set in the period leading up to Nationalisation, if you at prototype pictures from the time, most the passenger stock, had what you could describe as coating of grot, even on some of the major expresses. So I would be able to get out the old weathering brushes and apply some grot to the rake, or as some have said ruin them??

    All of the rake where attacked, sorry treated in my usual manner, with a limited (3 colours) of enamel and some good brushes, if you can tell from the photos the 3rd class coaches have got the worst of the grot, the Buffet and the 1st coach have only got a light layer, as most of the photo's I looked at from the period seemed to suggest they were cleaned a little more often?

    I think I still have a little to do on the rake, I think I need to work on the roofs a little more, and the under frame and buffer areas, and maybe apply a little more general grot? One thing is for certain I need to finish the locomotives for this rake then I can concentrate on stock from a proper company LMS LMS LMS LMS LMS LMS
    I can hear the DO approaching so as ever until the next time Happy Modelling
  10. paulprice
    Well lately modelling time has been in very very short supply, and then when I get the chance to spend a little time to do some modelling I cant be bothered
    I don't know about you but apparently when I am in these moods, I can be a real pain, personally I cant believe this as I'm positively wonderful all the time, but when the Domestic Overlord actually demands I do some modelling perhaps the is some justification.
    Anyway being a good boy, and always doing what I am told I went to the spare room under protest and did a little modelling. Of all the many projects I have been working on, the one that is proving to be a really slow job, is my attempt to convert a couple of older farish Black' 5s from the Poole era into something more usable.

    As in a previous entry you had seen how I had made short work of what some might say was destroying the original bodies, but with the help of my mini drill and various bits of metal, and plastic I managed to get them sort of resembling my chosen prototypes.

    This is where the work started to slow down and the detail work and trying to provide a good paint surface, seems to be taking an age. That's when I noticed another spare chassis, and in another one of may many boxes of secrets another part finished body.

    So yes you guessed it despite being a die hard LMS fan I started to work on a locomotive from a lesser company and I even decided to paint it green.
    That's when all the fun started, using an off the shelf brand of model paint, I gave the loco, what was supposed to be apple green. Then I opened the paint, it appeared to have a white layer, which after stirring for an age, developed into a blue colour, before finally turning green. I must admit I was impressed with the coverage, and the fast drying time, and I soon, had a green loco.
    I must admit I left the loco for a day or two as something did not seem right to my eye's, initially I put this down to the fact that my I was use to seeing locomotives in proper liveries like Crimson and Black, but it just did not seem right. So today I made my own concoction of paint, got the old brushes out and slapped the paint on, and I think I have actually got the colour nearly right?

    This is where I need your input, is the shade suitable for an LNER locomotive, if so I can think about lining and finishing before a coat of grot is applied?
    The other thing is am I going mad, is turning green contagious? as I now have 3 LNER machined in the fleet, is there no hope for me.......As ever until the next time Happy Modelling
  11. paulprice
    Well the good news is that this post has no pictures (I can hear the cheers from here ), I've not done much modelling over the last few days, as with the demands of work and being a little off colour I have spent more time on the more "theoretical" projects.
    As you know Foster Street in a continuous run layout, in an attempt to portray a secondary line somewhere in the Northwest, leading up to the dreadful day the LMS was nationalised .
    The layout is approximately 11 foot long, but because its under 3 foot wide, once the scenic area is taken into account means I have around 12 inches of width to play with, which is where I need some help. I reckon I can get 4 loops in each direction fitted into the space, if I use settrack point this means they will be a considerable length, (even if I use medium radius points they will be pretty long).
    I suppose like most modellers I have far too much stock to be used on the layout, and the storage yard will never really be big enough form my ambitions, but I need some help reining in my thoughts and ideas. The other thing is that I have accepted a very kind exhibition invite to the Weston Show (Andy what have you let yourself in for???) so I need suggestions on what type of trains people would like to see running.
    So I need suggestions or help on the following...
    1. What sort of trains would you like to see running through Foster Street (I know I need suburban/local trains, but I also like running big long coal trains, and my Elephant train too, would the exhibition visitors be happy with, if not what would you think they would like to see?
    2 At least one of the tracks in each direction will be used for a long train (express, or freight still to be decided), the other loops I am thinking of splitting into smaller sections to hold more "local" type trains. Obviously this means that on these lines through running would not be continuous because as a train leaves the ones behind would have to be edged up. My experiments with this have shown that the two, or more trains slowly edge up the yard, as the first train leaves, but as I isolate the loops when they have reached the correct position, the train on the visible section gets a higher voltage and then goes like a bat out of hell. Is there a way round this, or should I just isolate the loops and move the trains up manually as the one at the front makes its way around the visual section??
    3 I still have not decided on some form of auto coupling for the branch line freights, so as to avoid the hand from the sky, in the past I have added staples to the "elsie" type peco type couplings and used magnets under the track for this, but is there a better option.
    4. Can you ever have too many trains? Obviously I think you can never have enough but I think the Domestic Overlord is getting suspicious of all the shoe boxes around the house, he must think I have a footwear fetish (the boys a fool ) everyone knows shoeboxes are ideal for N gauge.
    Could not resist a picture of my favourite train (well for today at least) until the next time as ever Happy Modelling
  12. paulprice
    Well its the start of the New year, and I managed to celebrate by actually doing some more modelling, and yes gluing my fingers together a couple of items. god I love super glue.
    Anyway while other members of
    the household, who will remain nameless lay in slumber I set about my on-going attempt to convert a springside std 4 into an Ivatt class 4.
    Its still early days in the process, but in certain areas I think it's beginning to take shape, even if that shape is not exactly what I intended when I set out.

    Most of the work so far has been completed with the use of my trusty files and laminations of 10 thou plasti-card, once I have the majority of the work done it will be time to get the model filler out to work on some of the joins.

    Even though it does not look like it in the photographs the chimney is on straight, to build it up after filling the original single one into shape, I grafted some plastic onto it and the shaped it until it resembled the required shape, all I have to do now is add the lip and the final shaping.

    For the chassis I have tried to get away with as little modification as possible, so for the moment I have just reduced the height if the cylinders by filling them down, but I may do a little more on this. As you can see there is still a lot to do, as it seems I'm at that stage where completing one little job just crates more new ones even if most of the new jobs are just figuring out how parts that that are not even intended for this model, are still managing to glue themselves to me
    Still at least I have the saving grace that the model will only need to finished in simple un-lined black, I mean what can possibly go wrong????
    Until Next time as ever Happy Modelling
  13. paulprice
    Well its finally the weekend, and after the usual highly stressful week at work, I was looking forward to a couple of hours this morning playing with my trains (sorry of course I meant testing ).
    So the plan was to get up long before the Domestic Overlord, and get a few hours operating the layout in before the one "whose wishes are my commands" woke, with an inevitable list of lovely "fun" activities we can do in the run up to Christmas .
    Anyway I sneaked off to the spare room, fired up the controller, set the points and tried to run some trains, the first let the storage yard made its way to the front, the uncoupled halfway down its consist. Not a problem, a quick reverse of the controller and the train was re attached, two feet later it happened again.
    Not to be put off I set the track for the down circuit, sent a local out and it came to a halt just outside the tunnel, so I grabbed the trusty track rubber, crawled under the layout to the front and set to work......THATS WHEN IT HIT ME........
    In the past when people have moaned about having difficult stressful jobs, I always quote the mantra my first Boss use to constantly say "Stress is for concrete, Pressure is for tyres" but I think this may be wrong. As I was busy cleaning the rails I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye.

    I was sure I did not put, a cow here, and I thought mine where brown and white, not black and white, still at least the track on the first board was clean, so I moved onto the second.

    Then the second strange thing happened, I knew I had two taxis outside the station, but one appeared to be wearing its "jimmy-jams", which I thought was strange as it should have been dressed properly by now? Anyway I had two boards with clean track and only one to go the station board, so I pressed on.

    Ten minutes later and all the track was clean, and trains could be run without stopping or uncoupling, and that's when I noticed the third strange thing. Call me stupid, but like an idiot I had forgot to put a headlamp on the local engine, god what a fool.
    So not wanting to have this obvious error on show for all to see, I went downstairs to see where the Domestic Overlord had securely stashed my supplies of Super Glue (apparently because I'm not safe to have it)and then it hit me, where had all those bloody Elephants come from.
    Maybe its time to give up modelling? I'm off now to a dark room to gently rock myself to sleep, until my next beakdown as ever Happy Modelling
  14. paulprice
    Well call me observant but I have discovered another difference between the Forth Rail bridge and our Living room, the Living room takes more painting, honestly there is nearly as much paint on the walls as there is on me!!
    I must admit though that the satin finish seems to suit me quite well, anyway in a brief moment of respite from the endless decorating sentence imposed upon me, I have I think decided on the next locomotive project to add the Foster Street stud.
    I may change my mind, between now and the next decorating break I get (whenever that will be, oh woe is me, woe I tell you), but providing I don't make a total "Pigs" ear of the early stages I may post some progress pictures.
    Oh if I don't get chance to post another blog before the big day, for all of you who get something you truly want as presents from the Big Fat Man, you lucky @*$@@*** its not nice to brag
    Until the next time, as ever Happy Modelling.
  15. paulprice
    Is it just me this happens to, or are there other modellers out there who suffer from the same condition?
    how come whenever I set out to complete a task, just before I do and sit back all smug with my achievement I managed to start another project? It all started this weekend, Foster Street is due to make its exhibition debut at the Weston on Trent 2014 show and I have a list of things I need to complete.
    Now Foster street is only 10 feet long and about 2.5 feet wide, so in the grand scheme of things its not that big (I think it could be bigger, as 30 wagon coal trains just don't look right). So with a layout of this size, given the amount of time I have spent on it (some may say wasted) I reckon I should have made more progress than I have, but its very hard when you set foot in the railway room not to just play trains.
    Anyway the main target for this weekend was to finish off the storage yard, including the branch storage yard, and wire up the shuttle unit for the branch train, the good news is that I managed to get this at least completed, and I think I have
    For the eagle eyed out there yes it is a prototype Deltic lurking in the yard, but it's "my trainset so neeerrrrr", the problem is that once the shuttle unit was set up, the Johnson 1P 0-4-4T looked lost running up and down the line, so it was out with the mini drill and the first part of creating a push-pull carrage was created, and I was supposed to be completing jobs not starting new ones.
    One job that was completed, was painting out some of the with areas around the canal and finally fitting the water, but yes you guessed it, I decided another barge might be needed so another job is added to the list (I still have the area to populate with workers etc).
    The problem then was I started to play, err sorry test some trains so more time was taken up with this valuable exercise, this highlighted a few things, one being that I really need to remove the knackered point motors in the good yard, and replace them, and finally sort our a reliable auto un-coupler, but yes you guessed it I then spent time trying to work out what trains to fill the storage yard with at the exhibition.
    All I did discover was that 30 wagon coal trains are not big enough, and yes another Jubilee decided to lose a traction tyre (ARRRGGGHHHHHH), the other thing was how small the actual station board is (just over 3 feet long).
    So having a bit of a liking for lists, all these extra jobs, at least keeps me sort of happy, but here is the thing, I need help with a new list, what do I need to take with me to an exhibition (yes I know I have to take the Domestic Overlord ) and what have I missed.
    Until the next time as ever Happy Modelling
  16. paulprice
    Well with a deadline looming I should be spending more time getting the layout up to a reasonable standard. However like most things there in always something in the way, and I don't mean the Domestic Overlord
    The problem is the major jobs I need to complete are those little jobs that just eat up modelling time, and in the case of me and a soldering iron, lead to lots of burnt fingers and industrial language.
    Still I managed to get the surface of the canal ready, or at least nearly ready, all it needs now is some surface ripples, just to make you think what lurks in the murky depths.

    All I need to do now is finally finish the canal boats, paint/blend in all the white edges, add some form of loading scene and general clutter.
    The problems started when I was playing, sorry testing, some of the trains to be used on the layout, and then one of my favourite locomotives a Jubilee decided it was a good time to shed its traction tyres.
    Not to worry I though, it would give me the chance to finish off weathering one of the 10 coach rakes of Stannier coaches, great no matt black paint.
    Ha I thought a little thing like this is not going to stop me, I would get my supply of head lamps out and fit them to some of the fleet, and yes you guessed it, they have suddenly vanished, into the black hole modelling.
    It was at this point that I my safety valves just about lifted in time to stop me exploding The Domestic Overlord noticing my pending apocalyptic rage, suggested a nice day trip to Chester, and a fantastic time was had by both of us, that is until I visited a model shop.
    Yes you guessed it while looking at endless boxes on shelves, I saw an LMS Ivatt 2-6-0 at a bargain price, and despite the pains in my wallet, I put my hands in my pocket, slapped the cash on the counter and walked out with a much wanted addition to the fleet.
    Well that's what I would have done if I was not, as people have said "as tight as two coats of paint", I returned home empty handed and wishing I had just splashed the cash
    God this railway modelling is a fun hobby, until the next time as ever happy modelling
  17. paulprice
    Well, its been a while since my last update, and have I got anything to report, have a made major progress with any of my on-going projects? - ERR NO, I think I have lost my modelling mojo
    Even though I have had a bit of time available to spend on my modelling, and I have had active encouragement from the Domestic Overlord, I have not really done much modelling. Maybe its a psychological thing with me, maybe if I'm actually allowed to do something I rebel against it and don't do it
    Anyway what I have done is accept a few exhibition invites that take Foster Street on the road into 2018, so you never know I might actually get it finished by then, I mean how much longer can it take? I must admit I actually look forward to taking the layout out "on tour" even if the operating team and me should not be allowed to mix with normal people
    What I have been thinking about is a replacement for Foster Street and I have even managed to scribble down a few plans, so all I need to do now is start secretly building the new layout, without drawing the attention of the Domestic Overlord. I mean how hard can it be to hide another layout in our two up two down mansion.
    Until the next time, Happy Modelling
  18. paulprice
    Well the Domestic Overlord and I have spent a brilliant few days away in North Yorkshire and returned home today feeling totally refreshed. Then it hit me, its nearly the end of September and the exhibition deadline is rapidly approaching.
    So I decided to start to overhaul some of the locomotive fleet, four use on the layout, I must admit I thought I had more maroon locomotives but I was wrong, ad two of them are Duchess's not what you would expect to find on a secondary line?

    The problem is I found this lot lurking in a stock box, and I believe I have things called Pannier and Prairie tanks as well hiding somewhere (all in various stages of detailing - from a past layout built when I was suffering from a head injury)

    If ever a chap needed an incentive was needed to get the rest of the fleet serviced its the thought of having to use Great Western engines. Oh well only a load of Black Fives, 4F's Compounds, 8F's, 3F's, various 2-6-4 and 2-6-2 tanks to sort out!
    Now what to do with those green things, I suppose I could use the chassis for something..........................
    Until the next time as ever Happy Modelling
  19. paulprice
    Well despite the company I work for considering it acceptable for me to work nearly 24hours a day, 7 days a week, and then the demands of domestic life taking up what time I have left, I have still managed to find a little. and I mean little time for playing with my trains.
    With exhibitions looming for Foster Street, I should be looking at finishing off a few jobs on the layout, and giving the scenery a little refresh, I decided to spend time working on less vital projects.
    I have always had a bit of a thing for the old Farish Compounds, as a child I always wanted one, two or even more but despite looking at the relevant years catalogue, Santa never brought me one, yes the big guy must have just forgotten all about me, consistently year on year . Still I bear no grudges, because I am bigger than that, but if I ever meet the bearded old fart, it wont just be Rudolph with the red nose.
    Anyway back to the Compounds, over the last few years I have managed to accumulate a few (at bargain prices, I'm not tight I', just very prudent), anyway four examples managed to find their way onto my workbench. As every LMS fan should do, I have a thing for maroon locomotives, so the first for attention was a regular member of the Foster Street roster.

    A little black paint in the relevant areas makes in my opinion a big improvement to this livery, though it needs a steady hand with the paintbrush, and an attempt to add the missing yellow lining improves the loco (well I think so). A spot of weathering also helps hide my rough paintwork, and the removal off the moulded coal from the tender, and the addition of lamps and a crew means she is ready for traffic.

    I did say I had a bit of a thing for maroon locomotives, so another example had to join the fleet, a quick renumber and she is will receive similar detailing to her class mate, though I think she may receive a little heavier weathering.

    Not all my compounds are maroon, I have a few black examples, in a moment of madness I thought, I would liven up the livery by adding a little red lining, I thought it would be a simple quick job, I was so wrong. Shaking hands and a loaded paintbrush are not a good combination, so I think I may have to do a bit of a cover up job with a little weathering.

    The final example on the work bench, met with a nasty accident, I introduced her to my new snips and she is well on her way to conversion to a 2P, this one came with no tender, miss treated by her previous owner. She will soon get a new tender, I'm thinking she may get a Deeley tender just for a little variation.

    So there you have it, when you think about it, to get this lot finished would not take your average modeller busy for long, but this is me we are talking about, and I never rush anything, just ask the Domestic Overlord about my decorating speed (positively glacial ). One thing I want to get a sorted quickly is those undersized bogie wheels, I think I can feel a ponder coming on.
    Until the next time as ever happy Modelling
  20. paulprice
    As the Domestic Overlord has granted my parole, because I have been such a good boy recently I decided to ballast the track on Board 3.
    This usually boring job, progressed far quicker than I thought and as a result I had some free time, so out came the paint brushes and I attempted to make the girder bridge look more realistic.

    Feeling rather smug with myself I thought I would review some of my goods rolling stock, and work out how many wagons I needed to finish, a task I'm not looking forward to as some of the transfers are tiny, and I have even had lettered some (yes I am mad ). Anyway now to the precautionary part of this blog, PEST INFESTATIONS.
    I needed to get something from the spare room and I was only away from the layout for 5 minutes but when I returned I found the following swarming over the greenery.

    It took me ages to shepherd the little pests off the layout, and you would not believe the mess they have left behind, if only I had some miniature rhubarb, but I know one thing the Domestic Overlord will never believe me.
    Until next time as ever Happy Modelling
  21. paulprice
    The Domestic Overlord is definitely plotting something as I seem to have been given a lot of freedom to "play with my trainset", only time will tell what evil, nasty machinations are planned for me but for now hay ho
    As a result progress on Board 3 has cracked on at a pace, and I have not glued my fingers together once (nothing to do with the fact that I have not been using Superglue, the Domestic Overlord has confiscated my supplies and my hidden one as well).
    Anyway using my new favourite material, card I have built the girder bridge that carries the railway over the canal, put the base of the canal in (though it may need raising as its a little deep), and I have managed to build another factory.

    So being a "busy little Bee" I may even get round to finally finishing off the canal barges I started several long months ago, where does the time go?
    Once I have decided if I actually like the factory, it will require lots on detailing and of course weathering, I can see the job list getting bigger.

    At this rate there may be a risk of actually getting the board to basic level before the November deadline, of course now I have said that something will go wrong.
    I think I have discovered one of the reasons the Domestic Overlord has allowed me to use the kitchen table, it appears its closer to the cooker, I must go now, as the boss has just posted his dining requirements for this evening........must go as culinary excellence doesn't just happen by itself.
    Until next time, as ever Happy Modelling
  22. paulprice
    Well I have had a few projects clogging up the workbench now for weeks, the problem being that time to spend on them has been extremely limited.
    Amongst the other projects desperately trying to get my attention, and finally succeeding was a pair of 4F's. One was the latest Farish offering from the "Landship" pack and the other was an older Farish model that I have been trying a few things out on over a long period of time.
    Anyway I had a little time today so, 30 minutes modelling time was spent on adding a little weathering to the unusually clean 4F No 3854, and blending in the better number transfers on No4543.
    The best thing is that I found my "missing" camera so that I could take a couple of pictures of the work completed, if only to act as a cautionary tale on how not to modify a locomotive.
    First up No 4543 - Tender cab

    Caught having a rest in Foster Streets good yard, before running off to be turned ready for her next duty. The tender cab will be appreciated by her crew in a couple of weeks, as the Summers can be a bit grim up here in the North

    Turned and with her new crew on duty, waiting to replace another 4F with a hot box.
    Followed by No 3854

    Supposedly suffering from a "hot box" No 3854 has been detached from her train and dumped in the goods yard at Foster Street. Later inspection revealed no such problem so she was turned and returned to Foster Street to await adding to another freight

    So there you have it a couple of projects finished, well nearly I have to add some real coal to the tender of No 3854, but that's a job for another day, I still think she looks a little clean for one of my 4Fs.
    I was a bit hesitant about adding the newer Farish 4F's to the fleet, as I thought it would make the older ones look toy like in comparison, but with a little work, if you close one eye and then look the other way, they don't look too bad.

    I don't think I will be adding any more 4F's to the fleet, and before any one thiks it its not because the Domestic Overlord might notice, its because there are 2F's and 3F's to add to the fleet.........
    Until next time as ever Happy Modelling
  23. paulprice
    Well my on-going battle with the string of 14T tank wagons continues and has got as far as them all receiving an initial coat of grime.
    As usual with me I think they look far too clean, the Domestics Overlord has commented in the past that if I could get them as dirty as I manage to get my shirt cuffs I still would not be happy.
    Call me suspicious but I'm beginning to think its not a comment on my weathering prowess but maybe targeted more roundly at me. I personally believe when it comes to maters of couture its better to be a leader than I follower, and it takes a lot of effort to look as scruffy as I do. I mean its not as if I just through any old things on, I positively spend micro seconds deciding
    Anyway I way digress back to the tanks, they are sitting in the storage yard drying, while I think of adding more dirt to them, which means in theory I have a little time to spend on other projects clogging up the work bench.

    So there you have it, a relatively short update (I can here the cheers from here)I must go now as I have trip planned to the local refuse tip, and I want to wear the perfect ensemble, and avoid getting thrown into a skip.
    Until next time as ever, Happy Cat walking, er I mean Modelling
  24. paulprice
    Well as part of the preparation for the Wigan exhibition at the weekend, I thought I better get some prep done one some of the locomotives I might run.

    I thought rather than concentrate on the more elegant locomotives in the fleet, I would start on the tank engine fleet, so I started some of the larger tanks first (I know this is sensible, I don't know how it happened but I thought I would give it a try).

    The first to get some attention was my attempts to represent a Fowler and Fairburn 2-6-4Ts, thankfully the Fairburn did not require any lining, there is something to be said about plain black.

    I think I need to work on the trailing bogie on the Fowler, but that can wait until after the weekend, I have also been harbouring thoughts about a second Fowler but in crimson, but that would mean more lining

    As I was on a bit of a roll I thought my Stanier 2 cylinder hatchet job would be next, again the trailing bogie needs to be replaced, but fingers crossed she runs well so I may not mess around with her just yet. I know both her and the Fowler are a little too clean and could do with a little weathering, if only to hide the dodgy lining.

    The next to get a little attention, where the crimson section of the tank fleet, they really need a little weathering I think, but the lining took that long to finish to a reasonable standard I'm a bit afraid to get the grot out (it wont be long before I do thought). The Flatiron is a bit of a strange looking beast but I kind of like them, and I could not resist finishing her in crimson. The Johnson 1P is incredibly lightweight but I have run out of places to add anymore, so her haulage capacity is not brilliant.

    My little pet though is my attempt at a Fowler half cab, I know the purists will hate her, as she is in a fictitious livery, but its my trainset so there, and she runs as sweet as she looks

    I will say though that, I will not be lining anymore locomotives for a long while, plain black is the way to go for me (that is unless I find any bargain at the Wigan show, waiting to be rescued from horrible BR liveries). So there it is, until the next time Happy Modelling
  25. paulprice
    What is the world coming too? you turn your back for two minutes and before you know it you're the victim of a bunch of brainless vandals.
    Yes Foster Street has been attacked and horrific damage has been inflicted on the environment, will the layout ever be the same again? There was I being a busy little bee, and there was a knock at the from door.
    I was only away 5 minutes, trying to explain politely to the salesman that although his product was environmentally friendly, it was not for me as I did not need a solar powered and heated cat bed and well being pod. Despite the compelling evidence that 9 out of 10 frozen Puss cats prefer warm tootsies and a spot of reflective yoga in the winter, I did not have a Cat nor was a likely to own one, and that if he did not sod off the local environment would not be very friendly for him.
    Once the nice gentleman had buggered off, err sorry departed to find a Cat owning tree hugger customer, I returned to the spare room to continue my modelling to find that some bunch of Numpties had attacked a lovely 8F and painted this rubbish on the tender, I mean who are these LNER people, I bet its got something to do with that silly football lot that are all over the TV...
    I better get my tools out and restore the old girls dignity, I mean she cant be seen out in public like this, what would the neighbours say....until next time Happy Modelling
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