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Foster Street - Ivatt Class 4 Part 2 Or How to Turn a Purse into a Pigs Ear



Well its the start of the New year, and I managed to celebrate by actually doing some more modelling, and yes gluing my fingers together a couple of items. god I love super glue.


Anyway while other members of

the household, who will remain nameless lay in slumber I set about my on-going attempt to convert a springside std 4 into an Ivatt class 4.


Its still early days in the process, but in certain areas I think it's beginning to take shape, even if that shape is not exactly what I intended when I set out.




Most of the work so far has been completed with the use of my trusty files and laminations of 10 thou plasti-card, once I have the majority of the work done it will be time to get the model filler out to work on some of the joins.




Even though it does not look like it in the photographs the chimney is on straight, to build it up after filling the original single one into shape, I grafted some plastic onto it and the shaped it until it resembled the required shape, all I have to do now is add the lip and the final shaping.




For the chassis I have tried to get away with as little modification as possible, so for the moment I have just reduced the height if the cylinders by filling them down, but I may do a little more on this. As you can see there is still a lot to do, as it seems I'm at that stage where completing one little job just crates more new ones even if most of the new jobs are just figuring out how parts that that are not even intended for this model, are still managing to glue themselves to me :)


Still at least I have the saving grace that the model will only need to finished in simple un-lined black, I mean what can possibly go wrong????


Until Next time as ever Happy Modelling :)

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Looking good....! (I'm only jealous as it would look handsome, in an ugly way, on my Victoria Bridge..). I wonder if it is the first 'Flying Pig' to be fashioned in N gauge, keep up the good work..!

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Thanks for the kind comments, there is still lots to do on, perhaps when its finished, if it ever gets finished, I could send it over to get photographed on your layout, before it falls into the more mundane surroundings of Foster Street.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy new year Paul. Looks like the Class 4 is coming along, I don't know you N and 2mm modellers manage the detail work, do you have tweezers for fingers or what (now that would be handy - well, sometimes). 


I know what you mean about modelling while the rest of the household is asleep - best modelling time there is, I think!

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Happy new year Paul. Looks like the Class 4 is coming along, I don't know you N and 2mm modellers manage the detail work, do you have tweezers for fingers or what (now that would be handy - well, sometimes). 


I know what you mean about modelling while the rest of the household is asleep - best modelling time there is, I think!



Sometimes I don't even know how some of the proper modellers actually manage to put as much detail into their models as they do. I tend to suggest details where possible, and when I have no option but to add detail, my secret is to make a number of the same part.


Not so I can add the best to my model, but so I have one to glue to my finger, one my arm, one to lose, one to glue to my work top, and hopefully one for the model. :)

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  • RMweb Gold

A good strategy. There is a special law of the universe operating on my workbench. It rules that whenever I find one missing object, another will have disappeared while I looked for the first one!

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A good strategy. There is a special law of the universe operating on my workbench. It rules that whenever I find one missing object, another will have disappeared while I looked for the first one!

I also work on the principle of one to use one to lose


It works

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