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Blog Entries posted by AlfaZagato

  1. AlfaZagato
    My pirates have been dipped in a sepia wash.   Next step is to fun through the lot with simple highlights.   These are just grunts for when I run Dungeons & Dragons.
    I finally decided to play with the stand I picked up.  The stand I normally buy for my Gundam kits, Action Base 1, is pretty straightforward.   Features include an extensible main arm, extensible support arm, and an adjustable final connector.  One of the Gundams I've built, the MG 1/100 FA-78-3 Full Armor Gundam Thunderbolt, comes from a series that takes place in a debris field.   I had wanted to represent that debris, and Bandai make another stand that came with debris.   Sadly, this other stand was not compatible with the Gundam, nor was the debris compatible with the Action Base 1.   I picked up Action Base 5 in its stead.   I've sat on the 5 for some months, though.    5 was compatible.    See below.

    Sadly the Action Base 5 is much too small for a Master Grade, much less this monstrosity.   Thunderbolt isn't even super huge.
    I also started laying paint on the DB5.   I will most definitely need to come back with further coats as time allows.

    I do kind of like how pale the one coat of BRG is on the body.   I might not take that super dark.   I probably will, though.
  2. AlfaZagato
    First off, I finished building the exchange gift for my buddy.   We do an exchange every year; he'll pick up a year's subscription for Xbox Live for me, and I'll pick up a Gundam kit and build it for him.   Effort is made to match gift values between the two of us.   Value match normally favors me, as many of these Gundam kits are pricey.     Presenting the 1/100 Master Grade Tallgeese II Special Coating;

    You can just make out some of the special coating in the pic.    All the white had a thick gloss coat applied from the factory, and everything else was molded with some flake.   I think the flake worked better than the gloss, but very flashy all the same.
    The kitbash for an upcoming contest is almost complete.   Paint is down.   I just need to add a wash.   Monolithic yellow is...garish, to say the least.

    I decided to play a little with some masking on the 'crossbones.'   Worked alright.    The lower one visible in the last pick came out better than I expected.   I tried replicating a technique I had seen in a magazine once.   I couldn't get both blades to fit in the handle.   I think I bulled it pretty cleanly, though.
  3. AlfaZagato
    I'm starting to get paint down on the most recent projects.
    Firstly, the latest contest model;

    I hate myself.   For some god-awful reason, I decided that yellow was a good idea.  Not only that, I decided 15+-year-old spray cans of Testors were a good choice for the yellow.    Some of the parts seem to be OK, but the whole lot could use a second coat.   Hopefully, the one can will last.  Of the three yellows I had, no two were the same.   
    The pirates are coming along;

    I'm starting to block in the base colors for each section.    I've also started on layering the white areas.   These are supposed to be 16th-century, so I think nothing being quite 'white' will work OK.
    Finally, the centaur is nearing completion;

    The pastel work isn't exactly what I expected.   The tutorial I was following was using the lovely Pan Pastel line.   I have one tray of such.   What I do have are an ancient set of chalk pastels.   The tutorial also didn't specify what kind of brush, so I guessed.   This is most definitely not speckled.   This hardly looks like a palomino.   I still like how it has come out yet.    I think I will try to deepen some of the shadows with more pastels.   Clear, and then I will add a wash.    I think this should get a pin-wash, and not a dip.   I also need to finish the base.    Naturally, all impetuous for this project is off.   The Dungeons & Dragons campaign this character was for has gone on hiatus.  I'll still finish him.
  4. AlfaZagato
    Mostly filling & sanding this week, plus a little paint. 

    As you can see, I'm trash at filling.   With how many layers of Squadron I have on here, this will eventually just bulge out uncontrollably.   Absurd.
    Primed and started painting some minis for my adventures in Dungeons & Dragons;

    The three minis on round bases are from a game called Blood & Plunder.   Very nice minis, really.   The big coat with her back to the camera is a Wizkids Dungeons & Dragons mini.   They're OK for roleplayers, but I like them most for the very low cost point.   About $4 for a blister, usually a two-pack.    The blue is an AK paint.  This is the first I've used such.  Seems splotchy; I may need to add another layer.
  5. AlfaZagato
    A couple of months ago, I had what then seemed like a clever idea.    I would knock together a Bachman-Farish Gronk with a pannier body.   I was inspired by a picture of the Buffalo in a book I had bought second-hand.   I hadn't known any outside-framed tanks received pannier tanks, much less lasted until the timeframe I nominally collect.   Excellent, I thought.   I figured this would be a simple bash.  Nope.
    First, my inspiration https://www.philt.org.uk/Misc/Archive-Photos/i-ZPJSZ5t/
    So, what I started with.

    The gronk was had decently cheap from Hatton's.   I chafe at the cost of these 08's.   So many N and OO9 kits call for them as a donor, with good reason.    Finding one for less than $100 online is uncommon.   Graham-Farish N isn't exactly common at local shows, either.   The 57XX body was from Hatton's, as well.   I ordered it with a host of Dapol Easi-shunt kit, to be featured at a later date.   
    It took me quite a bit of fiddling to get the footplate off of the gronk, after I found the plate on the 57XX integral with the casting.   After much fiddling, I ended up with below;

    Yeah, my idea wasn't as straightforward as I thought it would be.   The 08's motor and gearbox are significantly tall.    You can see just how tall below;

    I also managed to mangle one side of the brake gear, which I had planned on reusing.   A shame, as it seemed perfectly reasonable to my ignorant local audience.   I'll have to see about a shorter motor and mount.   Are their other Farish drivetrains that might drop in clean?  I hope so, or if there is a another, cheaper option.   The Gronk frame is much too obviously wrong, as well.   I may try cutting frames from styrene instead.    So much for an easy project.
  6. AlfaZagato
    Maybe I should title these usefully, huh?
    First off, the contest I built the wolfman for came and went.   I didn't even place.   Disappointing, really.  I had decently high hopes.   Maybe the SD contest will go better.
    Speaking of the SD contest, I've started on paint - maybe a beat early.
    Base colors here;

    Additional filling on the head.   I greatly overcomplicated the build with this aspect.

    Here's some parts that I thought only needed the satin black, plus a drybrush.   I used Tamiya X-11 Chrome Silver as the drybrush color.   I like the effect;

    Maybe a little heavy on the two.  Still learning, I am.
    Lastly, my centaur is actually nearing completion.   I reckon on a clear to protect the paint so far.   I will follow that with some pastel work.   I hope to approximate a Palomino with the horse body.   The tutorial I found for Palominos used almost exclusively pastels to get there.    That will be a new experience.    I also need to paint the base.   I think I will do a simple sand base.

    Once the heatwave here in Illinois breaks, I can continue with clear on the centaur, and color on the contest model.    I'll punch myself with yellow again.    Can't spray when it is 100 F.   Just doesn't work right.
    I'll do better.   Updates should be more reliable soon.   Also, pay attention to my other blog!   I have a stupid idea I'll post there soon.
  7. AlfaZagato
    No pictures this week.   Did more filling and sanding of the Zaku head.   Started panel lining on the F91.   Cleaned up some pirates for paint.    Too hot.   Just, way too hot.
  8. AlfaZagato
    Not much this week.   Started working on a new contest model.   I haven't done much yet.   Mostly, I have started the conversion work.

    I have only a month yet.    Here's to a decent finish.
  9. AlfaZagato
    I finished the model for my local Gundam club's contest.   At least, I'm calling it done.   

    More work was had on the centaur.   I'm going to plan and finish the 'human' torso before I go farther with the 'horse.'  The paint guide I found for a palomino is about 90% pastels, so I want to minimize handling before clear.

    I also made treacle tart.   Went over well.

    Here's to the contest.
  10. AlfaZagato
    I have a short post this week.    I bought a Woodland Scenics Static King at a reasonable discount.   Store I bought it from had used it once for the store layout.  I payed about 70% of list for the applicator itself.   
    Why do I mention this in my anything goes blog?  Why would I not post this in my trains blog?

    and a cruel close-up of one of the pauldrons;

    I'm OK with some patchiness.    This is supposed to be a horror-movie sort of thing.   I must be mad, though.    I will use the applicator for a layout.   Sometime.
  11. AlfaZagato
    Missed the update last week, but more to show this week for it.  Mostly in-progress of paint.  The contest Gundam model is in paint, now.   I picked up a Woodland Scenics Static King to do the fur.   The Magister is in yellow, and the Aston is in silver.    While iconic, my DB5 will end up being green.

    (Probably) See you next week.
  12. AlfaZagato
    I need to do more work.
    Work was slow at work, so I had the bright idea to bring a Gundam to build at work.   Took me a day-and-a-half.   I do enjoy the Gundam kits, especially the Master Grade kits.   They are snap-fit but entirely rewarding.   Here is the F91;
    If any of you are Gunpla fans, this is the Ver. 1.0 of the MG F91, and an early run kit, too.    I have built the 'Harrison' version before, so missed out on the Rafflesia stand seen here.    Both stand and kit could use detail painting, but I'll burn that bridge when I get there.
    Speaking of paint, I finally had a dry day this evening.    Cue continuance of priming;

    The whole of the contest model is primed, now.   I may need to go back and fill in gaps and roughness, but I can't let myself get too stuck in.    The judging is in July, and Chicago is being flighty as all hell this year with weather.    I hate Chicago, by the way.
  13. AlfaZagato
    To hell with tags.
    This week, only more work on the current contest build.   First time using Miliput, all previous work of relevant type being done with 10-year-old Citadel Green Stuff.   Shorty can of Tamiya primer died before I had the whole Gundam monster primed.   I need to stick to the large cans.  Don't mind the white object at the bottom of the rack shot.   Totally not a DB5.

  14. AlfaZagato
    Most of the week was working on a new project. 
    I have decided to enter a new contest.   The group I am with, Gunpla Builders of Chicago, is doing a coopted contest with a regional group.   The theme for the build is Gundam Build Fighters.   That theme was described as just custom work.   So, I'm going a little wild.   This is what I have so far;

    No paint as of yet.   These Gundam kits come molded in color, and are normally snap-fit.   This build uses parts from Gundam Vidal, a LaGowe, and a Tiren ground type.   I was intending to have a top-heavy look, but I appear to have underestimated the size of the LaGowe chest.   I may try bulking it out a bit.    I plan on picking up some Milliput tomorrow.   I think a hump on the back, using a kit part as a former for some Miliput.   There are also meant to be intake grilles on the chest.   I may use them as intended, or I may try with a different idea.
    I have also been repairing my centaur for Dungeons and Dragons.

    I replaced the white metal axe haft, fitted originally with butt-joints, with a rod-and-tube haft.   The rod, brass, runs the entire length of the tube, copper, through the hand and into the axehead.   I also used some rod to pin his top to his bottom.   Torso to neck, as it were.   Filling and another coat of primer will come next here.   I want to figure out more on the kitbash, first.
  15. AlfaZagato
    Sorry I've been quiet.   Just haven't taken time to write here.
    Firstly, I finished the two cars I've been dragging out. The Volkswagen;

    Paint did not come out perfect, but still.   This has been sitting half-built in my backlog for over a decade now.   Lack-luster paint was less important than finishing the build.
    Next, the Alpine-Renault;

    Paint is markedly better, but the decals tweaked on me.   I've had bad luck repeatedly with Tamiya waterslides.   I'll still use them, though.   I don't really want to spend more money on these kits.
    Number three here is kind of a bonus;

    The car in the back is a Tamiya Mini Cooper I built a number of years ago.   I saw how the Lego one was marked, and I just had to grab it.    I'll let you all guess.
    You might remember I entered a Gundam build contest, to build a Leo.  Well, this;

    ...won me second place!   Not the picture, mind you.    This Leo looks better in person.
    I lost to this;

    I'm OK with that.   He started with the same kit I did.   Where I only cribbed weapons and a gimmick piece from other kits, he kitbashed his Leo with one of the trashy Tallgeese kits from the 90's.   I don't know if you in England had access to those kits, but don't feel like you missed out on much.  The winner did one hell of a job making Vesuvio from blight.   Kudos to him.
    The contest was last Sunday, but I finished the two cars and the Lego two weeks ago at least.    I haven't really done much else since.    Rain and a return of the chill shut down the paint shop.   We'll see how things go. 
  16. AlfaZagato
    I am so very happy.
    Hatton's has the Heljan-Olivia's Trains 27001 Ariadne listed as a bargain, just under 100 GBP.   Once I was through processing, I had it bought and shipped for $110.   Great deal!   I do need to figure out which coaches are appropriate for a Brunswick green 77, though.  Any opinions?   I was thinking maroon was the livery to grab?
    I also ordered a second-hand Lynton & Barnstaple 4-wheel open.    Just adding to a small collection of narrow gauge.   Might have more to post about that soon.
    Finally, for tonight, I also picked a used Graham-Farish Class 08.    Honestly, the color didn't matter to me, as I plan to use the chassis as a donor for a kit at some point.

    Thankfully, it all runs.   No concerns then.
  17. AlfaZagato
    Getting close to done with these two cars.    Both projects are about at the same point.   Glass is in, tail-lights and turn signals picked out appropriately, detail parts are being added.   I did have to buy some new Clearfix, though.   My old jar gelled over.    Fresh bottle is much easier to work with.  I'll be happy to have these two done.    Both have been floating about my stash for over a decade.
  18. AlfaZagato
    First off, let me get this out of my system;
    Anyways, I was doing more work on the Tamiya Alpine-Renault on my bench.   Weather is still a bit cool & damp for airbrushing Tamiya acrylics.   Once the weather improves, I need to spray the drivetrain.   Most of the rest of it is done.   There is a bit more to do.   Most of what I need to do yet mounts to the body.   I don't want to attach too much before I go flexing the body to fit the guts.
    To explain the self-censored blue streak, see below;

    Not a single decal off of the sheet came out cleanly.  I manage to lose one of the gauges outright.   I almost always have problems with Tamiya decals, though.   Absolute nuisance, still.   Thankfully, the Beetle from Tamiya I'm also working on has none at all, only metal transfers.    The metal transfers are positively cool.   
  19. AlfaZagato
    Seemingly not a lot done this week. 
    Monday and Tuesday, I spent most of my work time on a 28mm centaur for the Dungeons & Dragons game I play in.   My character uses a 'greataxe,' but the model was molded with a spear.    The work was simple.   I had planned on pinning the axe-head and handle, but I had no suitable materials for such fine details.   Also, this model was intended for a 2" round base, but the character is to be on a 1" round base for rules reasons.   The overhang is apparent.

    The weather was decent Wednesday, so I took to the rattle-cans.   Another coat of green for the Beetle, primer for the centaur, an Infinity straggler, and parts of a Alpine-Renault A110 that I've had for a while, and satin black for the balance of the Alpine.     Thursday, I started adding some detail painting to the Alpine, mostly picking out what little needed chrome.   Some blue for the interior, too, but this particular blue is a Model Master paint.   I'm sure some of you know how slow that is to dry.

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