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Everything posted by alderson.eric.j

  1. Still at work till 1 PM, but soon to be back in the workshop with those late Xmas gifts (GWR Macaw bolster bogie wagon kits & other GWR wagons...) Oh, and without forgetting to wish you a Happy New Year 2014 filled with loads of Train Fun !

    1. Metr0Land


      HNY to you too

    2. Alister_G


      Happy New Year Eric


  2. Oh ! My ! God ! I think I'm dead and gone to Heaven when I see this kind of modelling ! That's really some outstanding work ! (really, when I saw the first picture, I really thought at first that it was a real archive photograph and not a picture of a scale model !) Now, all I need is to go back to my workshop and work even harder... and even then I don't think I'll be able to achieve this kind of realism ! Thanks for sharing those pictures with us, and a Happy New Year to everybody, Eric.
  3. Nice tale from Didcot, and what a wonderful "sens de l'humour", as we say here in my little town... of Liège (nope, sorry, I'm not from Bethlehem ). A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too, with lots of fun and trains, both miniature and 1/1 scale ! Eric.
  4. Just back in the Workshop starting work on Leddysh Gate's Signal Box while listening to traditionnal Carols from a CD I bought yesterday...

  5. Just received the book "More Model Buildings in 4 & 7 mm scale" by Geoff Taylor today as an early Xmas gift... That's gonna give me inspiration to work on my models this week-end...

  6. This is great modelling. The sacks looks really great. And thanks for the trick for the straw bales... I'm gonna make mine like that too... should look fine on the circus area and in the farm's barn on my club's layout I think. Eric.
  7. Wow... The last picture in B&W is Brilliant ! You'd guess it's a picture just taken out of the GWR Historical Society archives !!!!! Can't wait to see the thing finished with flat wagons, figures and stuff inside the goods shed ! I can guess that's going to be one of the best modelling pictures I'll have ever seen then ! Eric.
  8. Hmmmmm... Well, after seeing what type of crane you've got to replicate, I can only say myself I would do the same... The one by Wills is more suited for an exterior crane, and with the link and pic provided by Iain, that should not be that difficult to find how to do it ! Eric.
  9. Hmmmm... I'm one to love scratch-building, but even then I can easily say it's easier to work from an existing kit when you find one. There is this goods platform crane made by Wills... I used it for a project on my club's layout (a goods platform for a narrow gauge railway station of the Belgian Vicinal Railways) and simply added the wire (with some fine cotton sewing thread) and chains (made with two pieces of monofilament copper wire stranded to represent chain link, or you can also buy chains from small producers in the US via Walthers like i did). I know the base is quite big and unrealistic, but it can easily be either detailed, or you can create a whole new one and then add it to the kit. Here's a picture of the crane on the ALAF's layout : Photo © Patrick Ponsin, ALAF Asbl. Hope this'll help you. Eric.
  10. Ow My My !!! This is really looking better and better... Love the way you've done your roof beam structure with those wooden coffee stirrers ! I myself love to use big BBQ matches (they are about 5 inches long, and about 2 mm of square section...) I select the straightest ones of them, then remove the match part. They have a more realistic wooden structure than sanded & manufactured wooden object such as the coffee stirrers that looks more like the part when I make old oak beams for buildings I construct for my club's HO layout. Also, had not time to work a lot on "Leddysh Gate" till now, as I finished a building yesterday night at the club , then had classical home chores to take care of today .I'm posting pictures of the building on my topic here (http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/78792-rickys-leddysh-gate-workbench/?p=1254504) Eric.
  11. Yikes, he did it !!!!! The result is really impressive. That makes me think that the motto of the RAF can easily be applied to railway modelling when I see your work : Per Ardua ad Astra ! I'll make my open-door-ed interior-clothed shelf-helmeted locker interior (pfew, that was a long name for it... ) this Week-end and will send pics asap. Keep up the good work, Eric.
  12. Oh... This filing cabinet looks really impressive... Though... Can't wait to see it painted and with a file resting on the open drawer... As for the locker, I really think I'll make one for my next OO building... and I'll be sure to let the office door open so it can be perfectly visible... Oh, I was thinking, for the Teapot, should be easy to make one. Find a small plastic pearl (from a kid toy jewelry kit), sand the base a bit, then with "Sprue", create the handle and the "hose". Will try that later this WE, I think... If it works, I'll post some pictures ! And I definitely agree with you, Freebs, I may be quite a swine sometimes... But I love so much being challenging, even more with myself ! Being serious, though, your work is really impressive ! Eric.
  13. acg_mr Well, I would've been quite even more challenging than you... I would have suggested an opened locker letting show hanged clothes, a security helmet on the top shelve, and such details... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... :bomb_mini: Yea, I know, I'm outta here before I'm blown out to oblivion by a rather "pissed-off" modeller... :help: (even if I think I'm about to do it for a future modelling project...
  14. That's exacly the same product. It's called "Pa'Light here in Belgium. Thanks for the information, I'll mention it in my own posts as someone there asked me where I found the product... Eric.
  15. Wow... Really looks nice. I really love the weathering you've done to the walls and to the wooden floor inside the building ! But what basic material are you using for scribing ? I'm mainly using Cellular PVC Board, but I'm sure it's not the only material available. Keep up the good work, Eric. See my work on my "Leddysh Gate" project : http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/78792-rickys-leddysh-gate-workbench/
  16. Thanks for the trick, Allan. This is a thing I always found hard to do well, and I never thought about doing it that way !!! All my thanks again, Eric.
  17. Indeed this is some high quality craftmanship. Really like the weathering on the whitewashed wall. And Catzilla does not bother that much on the pictures... Gives even some nice black background contrast Can't wait to see more... Eric.
  18. Woaw, that's quite nice ! I really like the whitewash effect on the walls... Can't wait to see more coming ! Eric.
  19. Gosh ! This is Brilliant ! I really love the way you integrate your windows in the wall structure. Have to find a way to do so with my technique (using 2 & 3 mm thick cellular PVC board I either carve to the wanted look or cover with plastic embossed sheets). Can't wait to see more ! Eric.
  20. Back in the Workshop to work on another building project for my Leddysh Gate Locomotive facilities...

  21. Just had a wonderfull three hours worth of relaxation working on my GWR Coaling Stage. The pictures are in the Leddysh Gate's workshop...

  22. Hi there, Here are some pics of my "Scratchbuilt" works in Liège, Belgium. Those are HO (1/87th) scale buildings that can be found yet nowadays in Liège. Here a view of a small street market scene. The buildings in the background were all scratchbuilt from PVC Board, Slaters and Evergreen styrene sheets and profiles. The stone street has been carved in some insulation foam board (Dépron) and the lot was painted with Vallejo's acrylics. Here are now two pictures of my latest scratchbuilding project : St Vincent Church in Liège (borrough of "Les Vennes"). This one took me two years to do it, more than 500 hours of work, and some engeneering tricks (the domes were made from decorate-yourself PVC Xmas baubles covered with individual paper-cut copper plates... 60 hrs to cover the lot...) The building was made from PVC board and Evergreen Styrene strips, painted & weathered with Vallejo's acrylics. Hope you'll enjoy those two buildings from across the Channel. Eric. PS : For more about my own GWR buildings & dioramas / layout project (Leddysh Gate), see this topic : http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/78792-rickys-leddysh-gate-workbench/
  23. Started weathering two clay hoppers for a fellow modeller... Time to get the weathering powders out of their box again...

  24. Finally having a week off, and of course I'm back again in front of my computer working hard on the last chapters of my weathering book... Just plain typical of me... never able to stop working even when I'm not at work !...

    1. SHMD


      Do you need someone to proof read it? (Owt 4 nowt!)

    2. alderson.eric.j


      I'd be delighted if you would agree to proof read it... I'm still in the process of editing the text right now, but as soon as I've got it done, I'll come back to you.

      Thanks for the proposal.

  25. Ha ! It worked... Lightened a candle to Saint Rita, and after a night of rain, Tadaaaa !!! It's sunny here in Li

    1. Horsetan


      Hang on: you lightened a candle? How heavy was it before?

    2. alderson.eric.j


      Ouch, that one hurts ;-) I meant lighted, of course...


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