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Phil Clarke 1980

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Status Updates posted by Phil Clarke 1980

  1. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.

    1. M.I.B



    2. Bulwell Hall

      Bulwell Hall

      God bless all those who stood together with our European allies - it breakqs my heart to see what we have done with their hard fought peace.

    3. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      For your tomorrow, we gave our today. Never have words been more truthful and poignant. God bless all of them, we have a debt to them that we can never repay !

  2. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.

  3. Thinking of those poor people on the M5 today in the most horrendous accident iv seen in all my years driving up and down the country even tho I have no idea who they are my thoughts go out to you xx

  4. Thinking of those poor people on the M5 today in the most horrendous accident iv seen in all my years driving up and down the country even tho I have no idea who they are my thoughts go out to you xx

  5. might have to sell my railway after shock pone call this morning landlord is selling the house so it now ruined our holiday!!

    1. Mallard60022


      Oh bad luck there buddy.

    2. BoD


      Sounds like a terrible worry for you.

    3. Phil Clarke 1980

      Phil Clarke 1980

      ill be honest im petrefied

  6. might have to sell my railway after shock pone call this morning landlord is selling the house so it now ruined our holiday!!

  7. smashed winscreen while on holiday ! apparently its dificult to get one for a 25 year old car!

    1. class"66"


      Ive been lucky enough to find front and rear window for spares for my metro Gti..

    2. KalKat


      My friend and I have a collection of cars going back to '63 .... we got 'screens for all of 'em

    3. RJS1977


      Heard a story a while back about a Reliant owner who needed a new windscreen for his car. Unfortunately the only one he was able to obtain was one for a later model which was about 1/2" larger all round. He spent an entire BH weekend filing it down and finally fitted it to the car. That done, he took the car out for a ride, and got 100 yards down the road before a passing lorry kicked a stone up and cracked it... :-(


  8. finaly started the bodywork on the orion now the layout is almost done

    1. class"66"


      Nice to have "classic" ford!!!

      Ive stil got my Metro GTi, after 15 years...

  9. finally started the body work on the orion now the layout is almost done :)

  10. finally sterted the body work on the orion now the layout is almost done :)

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