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Everything posted by lightengine

  1. CK walking his sheep through Dawlish after his investiture with the Freedom of the Borough.
  2. Lifeboatman have you ever read the HSE or the Political Correctness sites? ..............zzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. Judging by the variety of replies on here and looking at the profiles of the contributers, which to me seem to be very varied ie across the board in ages, professions, interset etc etc It indicates that most people/ contributers have enjoyed the thread. If you look at the postings and then look at the 'funny', 'like', 'agree', 'informative' indicators that they have been given I think that again indicates that the thread has been enjoyable. At the end of the day we can probably all find something not so agreeable in many many threads. But if we can get something useful out of a thread then it was all worthwhile. I personally dont need to know that my tender has 1 rivet too few, BUT, someone else may care!
  4. Fairly definite 'no' there. I guess CK doesnt now and never would drive a megane. ps. No comment on that pasty van though!
  5. CK, is there going to be "the masses attending a grand opening" or is the 05.51 Paignton just going to resume the normal service on Friday? LE
  6. I guess that in the not too distant future this topic will be closed. Can I be the 1st to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed all the photos, contributions, information and wit since Feb 4th. Perhaps we can meet on here annually under a reunion topic. Should there be a need in this country for future massive rail repair can I suggest that up goes the shout ' Cry havoc and unleash the Orange army' this will be heard as far afield as Kernow Mansion in darkest Cornwall and the faithful will rally once more.
  7. We need to watch them carefully Rich for a blue hat wearing pasty toting figure.
  8. 17.45 on the 29th or 30th It seems that the skipper may be a practised 'beaching' professional.
  9. According to the news, England have lost their Twenty 20 cricket match against the 'Orange Army'. Is CK responsible for this cricketing setback?
  10. Thank you for reminding me of that great poem that I had to learn at school.
  11. Back injury due to lifting man size pasties, King size Mars bars, huge tubs of ballast glue and no doubt weighed down with the weight of his growing fame. Get better soon. We can wait for the photos.
  12. It would have made a great breakwater for the sea wall at Dawlish, beached there. The Poles would have had it loaded into the back of a lorry and off back to the homeland for scrap in no time. (of course this does not imply all Poles are metal thieves. And of course other nationalities are available as metal thieves also.)
  13. All the heavy plant at the back of Teignmouth station was moved by road transport in the early hours of today.
  14. Is this the real reason that CK has been too busy to post photos? This boat ran aground on Shaldon beach. No doubt CK and his orange army soon ran lines to it and got it afloat again.
  15. The Freedom of The Somerset Levels, mmmm, not sure about that one. Too many sheep could be involved and Zummerzet is not renowned for pasties. Bearing in mind Somerset was closed much earlier than Dawlish was, I think the Cap'n may not be so welcome there. He had no whirly, buzzy, spidery, pumping thingies and allowed the Dutch to get in there with their massive 'blast the opposite banks away' pumps. Oh, on second thoughts, Dutch? Orange? Maybe he was involved!
  16. Nice little sideline with that. "Hello guv fancy an aerial photo of your house?"
  17. That wont be 'THE' orange army as it is a library photo with people on the beach and sea wall etc.
  18. I think what you can see at that distance from the present sea wall is some concrete blocks and remains of some quite big diameter piping. If my memory serves me correctly it runs parallel to the wall and is certainly in the area where the footbridge crosses the track by the breach. I wondered what it was when I saw it.
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