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Everything posted by Tove

  1. I hope one mr Trump does`nt follow your thread Simon,because you might find yourself wisked of to an undisclosed location on the Mexico - USA border to be employed as a project manager...... Nice work so far, Brian.
  2. Are family members going too get their prezzies for xmas this year, or have those decoders taken priority?. I also like that last picture,has a nice look about it.... Brian.
  3. Tove

    Dapol 08

    Thanks for all the pictures guys..... especially as i won`t be able to get hold of my two blue 08`s till monday.........!! Oh well,it`s does look like it`ll take a fair sized speaker in the front though. Brian.
  4. HI Georgeham, Welcome aboard. There are some most heplful soul`s on here,with a lot of experience and talent that will help you along in your O gauge endevous. But it look`s like your off to a flying start with your wagon,very nice. Regard`s, Brian. PS; with the brake lever down, your brakes are on !
  5. Hi Richard, This probably is`nt going to be of much use to you as it`s a conversion to a BR cattle wagon. http://www.lynxmodels.net/cattle.html It does though have some info further down, on numbers and such. Brian.
  6. I did`nt think there was such a thing as 'Signal box envy',but i have it!!. Very nice.... Brian.
  7. Wow,Wow and B*****hell that`s impressive..... This is really going to transform your layout Rod. Brian.
  8. You best not send the 58 down then........you may never see it again.....!! I`m sure that there`s a ban button somewhere on here!. We`ve all been there,and still do from time to time!!. Look`s good though, and will fit in nicely. Brian.
  9. I think we need to set up a dedicated speedlink service that is carrying scrap from Gosty hill,to.......(your future layout name here!)....?And i`m sure that Bescot will take the opportunity to forward any loco`s that you send down for the trip working,and vise versa...... Not sure i`ll get too 15 loco`s,as i don`t have that much US stuff to sell off now.....but i have been threating the family that i`ll only be sending card`s now there all too old for pressies......so you could try that on your family!. Errr, given your hard work on this, your first point,i`m not too sure i should point this out as you`ve done such a good job on it!. But...... for future reference, the point blades extend past,(and on too the next sleeper) where your going to put your stretcher bar.That way the ends are supported on a slide chair,and don`t float in mid air. Hope i have`nt put a dampner on thing`s?. Brian.
  10. I`ve never really been a fan of electricly operated point`s myself. I find that using a wire in tube or rodding under the layout gives a more satisfying interaction,and add`s a little extra play value,especially if it`s designed with shunting in mind. But that`s just me!. Brian.
  11. Oh i do really like the 47. I`ve also got a 37 & 45 on order,plus two 08`s coming (fingers crossed) shortly. And i really want a 31, (or two) so posting pic`s of your 31 is`nt helping me much..... Fortunatly i have`nt got the pennies at the moment so i should be safe.....!! Brian.
  12. Your making some nice steady progress there Howard. When do you think that you`ll be able to run the first loco/train?. Regard`s Brian.
  13. Hi Richard, I`m not at all supprised that your having to compress the layout to fit thing`s in,as it seem`s like quite a long thin track layout. And i`ll be more than happy to following along with your toad and pannier build`s!!. I was wondering also,what colour are you using for the 'blue engineers' brick`s on your building`s. Thanks, Brian.
  14. Yet another nice looking build,though i am getting a little impatient/egar to see all these buildings put togther on a layout!. Which by the look`s of things will be cracking...... Brian.
  15. Thanks mate, But perhaps "one way of how they can work" might be better.... (i don`t want to get myself in trouble with more experienced RM weber`s.....) Brian.
  16. What a difference the signals make to the look of the layout,as they both compliment each other.... Excellent stuff. Brian.
  17. Hi Jinty, The 08 run`s very smoothly,and its starting to look good. On the sound,are you using a Legobiffoman sound decoder in this,and is it a OO or O gauge one?. Thanks, Brian.
  18. Can I also take this opportunity, as we approach Post No. 300, to thank everyone who has commented, contributed, provided help/advice, or simply shown an interest by visiting and reading the thread. Rich Nooo....thank you Rich for taking the time to post your progress...... Brian.
  19. HI Rich, Did you say that you`ve pick up a couple of VGA kit`s recently?, or am i imagining it..... Brian.
  20. I`m not really that familiar with these older diesel loco`s,as i`m too young.....!! Brian.
  21. It`s the little thing`s i believe,that really make a model stand out above the rest...... Brian.
  22. Hi Rich, This might help you along; http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=45544 A friend of mine gave me a printed copy of the thread,which i used as a guide. It`s a thread about 31.5mm turnout constructon,(for the layout 'Heyside') using C&L components,along with a hand made frog and point blades. But it uses plastic sleeper`s instead of wooden ones. Brian.
  23. Time for me to stick my oar in now then Rich....! Look`s like a good workable plan,with lot`s of different things going on. Thinking about the light rail a bit,if you don`t manage to get the vehicles built, (hoping you do though) would it be better to have the line as lead for an industry, with a semi derelict look to it. Give you some where to run those 08`s and bit of stock,plus a bit more operation...? But of course the T&W light rail comes first. Brian.
  24. Ooohh,wash that man`s mouth out with some 3in1.......... Brian.
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