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Frappington Jct

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Posts posted by Frappington Jct

  1. Update time. The sentinel's going nicely, with the window frames sanded down, the cabs made (and what fun they were...) with windows cut out and now attached to the body, and a recess has been put in to take the chimney. I would have gone a bit further tonight but I've got two exams tomorrow so haven't really got the time. One more point, as may be noticeable in a couple of the pics, I've left the clips on either end of the body to connect it to the chassis. These are fairly well disguised, with the plastic at the non-engine end cut down so that it's below window level and at the other end it's been coloured in with a black permanent marker.






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  2. Right, new project. The single has been sent off for painting and I'm moving on to another, slightly more ambitious project. This is a conversion of a Hornby Railroad Gresley teak brake 3rd into a diagram 97 sentinel railcar. This is inspired by Manna's project - which is/will be a lo better than mine! So far I've managed to remove the body from the chassis, the coach ends and all of the windows, along with part of the non-window section of the coach. These still all need to be filed down, but it's getting there.



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  3. No real progress has occurred on the Stirling really, aprt from the fact that I've got the chassis fixed and it now runs. However, when I was at my Grandad's house to collect it, I stood it alongside his old kitmaster model. I'll let you spot the differences - beside the different style of tender, but it was interesting to note how much smaller the kitmaster model was in relation to mine, now I know that it's mine that's over scale not the kitmaster, but still, and interesting exercise.




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