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Everything posted by @Jc

  1. Jaz, those cliffs look so realistic, where did you get the stairs?
  2. Jaz, it's nice to see that Pastel and I are enjoying the beach. I must say that you have done a very good job as those figures resemble me and Pastel brilliantly. No visit to the beach is complete without fish and chips or an ice cream- hint hint.
  3. Am I still the sole bidder? - really sorry I can't help it - too much time spent on the jokes thread. Those fishermen look really good - That is such a skill to paint those small items. I suppose the next job is to plaice them on AV. They would look better spaced out than lined up in roes.
  4. I could pay more but I would have to see a loan shark
  5. I bid 1 squid but if that is not enough I could stretch to eeleven squid
  6. Port Isaac's Fisherman's friends - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgzLgkoDtgE
  7. Talking of road kill I have seen several departed pheasants skewered to the front of trains on Norwich station. Could be something you could consider for extra realism.
  8. Good videos Jaz, it is nice to see trains running. The videos really allow the sheer size of AV to be seen.
  9. Where is the envy button? Living in a rural location the internet runs like treacle at peak times. Internet browsing is fine as long as large downloads are avoided. I was trying to download a file the other day and the estimate was about 20 hours. I got fed up waiting for it. Tried it at uni - done in 5 minutes.
  10. something blue and yellow marked GBRF?
  11. An 00 scale dolls house would not be complete without a room dedicated to a model of a model railway. How is that for a challenge Jaz?
  12. Are you getting ready to model the Grand National?
  13. Jaz, Just a suggestion but how about making a couple of rutting stags using your amazing copper wire skills?
  14. You say that but isn't there a birds nest in the willow tree you made recently? It didn't get there by itself did it?
  15. Who is the real Batman/Spartacus? in the words of Harry Hill - There is only one way to find out - FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
  16. What do you plan to call it? Short Bark and Sides?, Doggy Style?, or even Doggie Do Do (Do as in hair do).
  17. Well if nothing else it proves that I have learnt something from my computing science degree.
  18. I must admit I had to resort to cheating. I looked at the source code for this page to find the link to the image you pasted.
  19. I am even more confused with the second clue - the only thing I can think of is a St. Bearnard
  20. I have snow idea. But I will have a wild guess and say reindeer as it looks to have antlers. Or given the theme of dogs I will guess a husky.
  21. This is brilliant Jaz. Thanks for representing me and Pastel on AV. You have done a very good job. You have captured Pastel's colour / markings to purrfection!!!! I must say that you have done an exceptional job with thebritfarmers dogs. To look at the Basset Hound it is impossible to tell that it has been made from copper wire of all things. You have an amazing talent there Jaz. I also like the way that you make your scenes come to life with the captions. I wouldn't like to try and hold Pastel and drive a tractor in real life. When Pastel has been held long enough you have never seen anything squirm, wriggle and kick like he does.
  22. Does anyone on here happen to have a Bachmann 08 shunter fitted with a DCC decoder? If so which type of chip did you use and did you use the 8 pin socket or perform a hardwire install?
  23. Unless you have started it I don't think that a laptop would look that realistic in the same scene as a tractor. I can't recall ever having a laptop on a tractor. Do you think it would look silly to have me depicted in the seat of a parked tractor, (or beside the tractor performing maintenance) with Pastel on the bonnet. It's up to you of course. A cat we used to have used to jump on the tractor bonnet as soon as the engine was stopped. He loved the warm engine. edit - the cat would then jump onto the cab - if the roof was open he would proceed to poke you through it with his paw.
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