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Posts posted by ian

  1. 230530.jpg

    This might give you some idea of what I am aiming for.


    The train (loco propelling) has just left Universität station on its way to Maifeld. The Rangierbahnhof is mid-day empty with just a handful of wagons. The scrapyard crane is having a day off as there are no wagons to load.


    The blue sky panel marks the end of the modelled section and sky will also hide the incline and the end of Neustadt.

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  2. On 20/05/2023 at 13:29, MarshLane said:

    Any further progress on this project Ian?


    Now isn't that wierd.


    Having got fed up with wiring the Ercallbahn and having just ordered a bargain price Linda from the F&WHR Shop, I had started to think about this project and got some bits out of store.




    The scheme had got stymied by the unavailability of the intended home for it. Plans are now being drawn up for an exhibition only version at around 6'x3'. This means the loss of the yard, but that was the least satisfactory aspect of the plan anyway.


    Watch this space!



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  3. On 03/05/2023 at 18:07, ianathompson said:

    Nice to catch up with this thread again.

    I was wondering where it had gone!

    Ian T


    Sorry about that! There was no specific German Railways section when the saga started so it went into Overseas. It having finally dawned on me that there was now a specific section for things Germanic I asked for it to be moved - assuming any regular visitors would have it on their followi list. Anyway, good to see yoy have found it again.


    Progress has been slow but the Rangierbahnhof now has a control panel.


    The inter-connectedness of all things. The blue shunter at the back was going to be the Billshaven harbour shunter but has now become the (off-scene) Ford works shunter instead.


    Why? Well, the Faller working container crane needs K-track and the M-track/K-track transition combined with the crane's location doesn't provide a suitable location for an uncoupler. The Faller wagons don't have a Relex delay latch on and so have to be uncoupled where they need to be left, thus a V60 shunter with Telex remote uncoupling is needed to shunt it (middle line on the right). However this needs two beeps of the reverser to change direction which would make shunting the yard rather tedious hence the non-Telex fitted V60 for shunting the yard (front). As the second V60 neeeds more of a purpose in life than just shunting one siding it has also been entrusted with the scrapyard , (off-scene) Güterbahnhof and the odd trip to the harbour. The BR212 is the yard trip loco and is just there for the family portrait.



    Which leaves the Köf that was to trundle back and forth from the Güterbahnhof as the new Billshaven shunter. This is a more modern Märklin loco and has an electronic reverser and motor controller rather than electro-mechanical gubbins and, as a result, doesn't respond to the 1980's 6699 transistorised controller that was installed at the harbour. On the plus side there is no longer a need for a ferry reach wagon as the Köf is a feather-weight 35t and not going to rock the boat.



    Given that the Billshaven panel is just below the fiddle yard one and that is equipped with a controller to which the Köf does respond the wiring has been modified to use that and leave an empty space on the panel where the old controller was.



    Of course now that the Rangierbahnhof is functional the helix needed a control panel for the points and power. In turn this has meant that there is now nowhere for the temporary (but very long-lived) Neustadt panel to perch, so work has had to start on the proper one. The first stage being to disconnect the wires, label them and bundle them for their future connectors - having run out of labelling tape that is now on pause.



    Since the various transformers are now fed from three different sockets spread around the garage, all of which require some form of contortion to reach, sonething needed to be done. Especially as one of them shares a double socket with the freezer and it is only a matter of time before I turn the freezer off by mistake. The answer came in the form of some remote control sockets. These allow me to turn the layout on and off without having to bend, stretch, twist or grovel.


    However the shelf that holds the helix controllers was too close to its socket to accomodate the remote unit. A cut-out section was required and to do that the controllers had to be disconectted and the shelf removed. Then reinstated.


    So once the new Neustadt panel is made, wired and installed I might be in a position to move on a bit further. Or not, as the case may be!


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  4. 5 hours ago, Clive Mortimore said:

    Here's a thought.


    Do we as railway modeller's expect everything yesterday?


    Reading some peoples post there seems to be some who do. It might be an age thing, but as I get older, if I don't finish what I started before I become too gaga to know what it was I was doing or I say good bye to every one for the last time does it matter?

    In the great scheme of things, no.


    There again there are many things that people get het up about that don't actually matter to anyone else,


    When I'm gone if the large pile of bits for future projects goes straight in the bin I will care not one jot. If my layout is dismantled and burnt I shall not care as I will have had my enjoyment from it.


    Bits for the current project not arrived yet? Run out of widgets? Worry not, there are other projects awaiting their turn.

    Just keep on enjoying the journey - you may never reach the destination.

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  5. On 09/04/2023 at 12:35, TT-Pete said:


    The yard is starting to look good! What are you planning for the rear retaining wall backdrop in place of the cardboard sheet?



    The plan has always been for a viaduct/filled arches style backdrop. As things have evolved over time the corner where the cardboard is has gradually got more and more complicated - the wall will look more like a Swiss cheese than anything else so I am veering towards a basic concrete affair rather than faffing around with brickwork.

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