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Flying Fox 34F

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Everything posted by Flying Fox 34F

  1. I feel your pain Graeme! I’m aggrieved that Doncaster closed, as it is closest to my family. Being where I am now, I end up travelling through Luton. Paul
  2. Both KLM and Lufthansa are becoming famous for their cancellations. Paul
  3. I can just make out the DB emblem on the clock and one of the doors. Are you taking the Grantham/Hills of the North team to visit the Brocken? Paul
  4. During the Miners Strike, I was 15. Courtesy of my Headmaster, I was co-opted onto the local Crime Prevention Panel as a suitable young person????? One meeting, there was a heated debate amongst the various Councillors and attending Senior Officers, about a huge spike in car theft? The majority of incidents had been narrowed down to Friday nights. One member pressed the attending Superintendent as to the cause. Said Officer, who was the late owner of ‘Tetley Mills’, did his best to try and play it down, until confronted with the following statement, “Would the ‘Met’ personnel currently staying at the local Army camp, be the cause?” Turned out, after a busy week partaking in argy bargy in Nottinghamshire, said personnel were in need of liquid relaxation. A lively Friday night led to the local Constabulary on the weekend, recovering missing vehicles from the army camp, they were staying at! Another recollection, was travelling through Worksop on a school outing, (I do not recall where we were going), and observing several Police Vans, where every officer within was wearing a comedy Red Nose???? Most bizarre. Better go back to tidying up after the Coronation meal we had here yesterday in Romania. Paul
  5. Philip, You are in a fortunate position. There is more space available for the layout. Most of the time, many modellers don’t realise their plan is too big for the space, until the timber is cut! Keep up the good work Paul
  6. HH will be on the next plane to you, to carry out Quality Control tests. Fancy waving photos of cake on here, of all places!!!!! Paul
  7. Does your layout not have any sheds on it? Just asking for someone. Paul
  8. Andy, Apologies for the late reply. We were watching the Chamber of Secrets Paul
  9. This is rather random! I’m watching Harry Potter in Romania Paul
  10. With regard to Beverly Allitt, I can sympathize with all those involved for not seeing how she truly was. My Mother recalls my reaction when it first hit the TV news. My exact words apparently were, “Who the bl**dy hell made her a Nurse?” You see I was at Grantham College with Miss Allitt, (not on the same course, by the way). When interacting with anyone, she was just like everyone else, but myself and others at college witnessed her in the Refectory on several occasions stood in a corner, rocking back and forth, talking loudly to herself and occasion attacking the wall. She fell into that category of don’t go near. It just shows what capabilities a human has to deceive. Paul
  11. Same thing seems to happen in the Rail Industry! Paul
  12. I have all the respect for those that teach. However, the Political brigade saw opportunities to get rid of certain embarrassing situations over the years. Higher education was actively encouraged. This brought more funding to Universities and caused many Polytechnics in England, to change to Universities, as well. The advantage politically was it reduced the Unemployment figures and portrayed a generation of very well qualified students. Then funding came into the spotlight, hence Tuition Fees and Student debt. This was part of the Debt is good culture fostered by cheap credit. Spend you time studying and rack up a huge debt, which you supposedly pay back as you earn. The problem is there isn’t enough positions in different sectors to employ all of these Graduates. Which means many end up in jobs, that pay less, so they do not have to repay the loans, so quickly. Therefore, the Degree concept is spread wider and wider to the likes of Nursing, Policing, etc. But, Government does not want to pay the reasonable amounts in return, so many will not earn enough to pay back the loans. The lucky ones either get the high paid career or were savvy enough to fund themselves through their studies. Of course, there are those who had scholarships and others whose families paid, but the vast majority end up debt and now trapped by the Credit Crunch. As for me, never went to Uni. Started work at 17 as an Apprentice Engineering Draughtsman, became an Electricical Cable Surveyor, then dumped it all for a better paid career on the Rail Network. The Covid event changed my views on things and my wife lost her job due to a bullying manager, (who eventually lost his!!!!). We now live in Romania in the Carpathian Mountains renovating a house with the intention of having paying visitors. Most important thing though, we own everything outright. Apologies for the long message, I just had to say it. Paul
  13. Rob, Don’t dither about the BR version. Many of the Scottish modified Buckjumpers came back south in the fifties. Anything is possible when Stratford was involved. Paul
  14. To be honest there are many journeys that are a similar distance and take as long, if not longer. I once took the train from Grantham to Stoke on Trent in 2011. Took 3 1/2 hours, with 15 minutes changeover at Derby. I guess our impression of journey times get distorted by high speed rail or motorway trips. Paul
  15. Rob, I wonder if Bachmann may have anything suitable from one of their early period American locos? Failing that, you could try a model shop that sells components for model ships. Paul
  16. To Edwardian and Schooner, With regard to the track plan and the hidden line to the cassette storage. Would it be possible to alter the destination of the tracks from AC Junction, with the line that went down the gradient, heading for Castle Aching instead? Without resorting to drawing tools, I feel you could turn the other line through 180 degrees, behind Doughton Abbey and hidden in the woodland. The position of the cassette would have to move towards the Maltings building at Achingham. In fact, the cassette could be partly hidden within the building. The cassette storage could remain in the same area as is currently. My apologies if this upsets any progress. Paul
  17. Worthington East was the large LNER based layout in Swadlincote. I believe it was dismantled due to issues that developed with the baseboards. Myself and a few friends had the pleasure of running this layout several times as guest operators. We had an exhibition layout at the time, (Riverside Road), which belonged to the late Paul Copper of MRSG in Grantham. Whilst attending shows in the East Midlands, we became friends with members of the Church Gresley MRC, which resulted in our invites. I recall most of locomotives on Worthington East belonged to one member who built them whilst working on ships! He would occupy one corner of the layout watching the trains and providing hand signals if he needed you to slow down. I used to operate one of the Slow lines and had the pleasure of running the loaded coal train. It would take several minutes for it to complete a circuit. Perfect time to grab a cuppa. Paul
  18. Eric, Thank you for information. It was a local railway man in Sinaia who said it was British built. Like myself he is no doubt unaware of the German company. I have photos of this locomotive when it was first put on display minus the fence. Unfortunately, it’s condition is deteriorating. Paul
  19. I believe a batch of P8’s were built at the Vulcan Foundry and I also believe one still exists at Sinaia railway station here in Romania. I suspect many railway engineers were aware of the larger locomotives being built by Private builders, but these same engineers have to persuade their Directors to spend the pennies on bigger locomotives rather than sticking with what is known already. Paul
  20. According to the description of the V2 photo, your UFO is a high speed pigeon! Should we presume the Patented levitation device is a pigeon trained to use a camera? Hat, Coat, Gone Paul
  21. Clive, Its point rodding and signal wires! Are you volunteering to install it? Paul
  22. With regard to the Heljan Class 14, may I suggest you locate a pack of Peco fibre split washers, to pack out the side play on the wheel sets. You should be able to adjust the pick ups to improve the running qualities. Paul
  23. A viewing platform for the District Controller maybe a more appropriate use. Or you could just put Clive the Carriage Basher up there making tea!!!! Paul
  24. Never mind the poop! Just make sure the small four legged long tailed creatures don’t develop a taste for your electric cables, both in the walls and under the layout. Paul
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