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Halton Boy

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Everything posted by Halton Boy

  1. Hello Everyone Good news I have found a copy of The Oakwood Press book (no 78) "The Northampton & Banbury Junction Railway" - author Stanley C. Jenkins. It does not arrive until the end of the month.
  2. Hello I have ordered the The Banbury to Verney Junction Branch by Bill Simpson from amazon, but it will not arrive until the end of the month. I clicked on the link Signalling Record Society 1930's box diagram but it said "You do not have permission to access this document". I went to their web site and put in Cockley Brake Signal Box Diagram and it came up with not found. I found a reference on their site to the box, shown below. I would join them but only if they have the diagram. Please can you tell me if a diagram is in the book I have ordered. Thank you for your help. Ken
  3. Wow Thank you everyone. I have found some new online information and have made up a new plan based on what you have told me. Please can you tell me if I have got this correct. I have based the track plan 5 on the image showing how the author thought the track was laid at the actual site. If a train comes from A and travels to C then the east bound home and east bound starter are used . Points P1, P2 and P4 are set. If a train comes from C and travels to A then the west bound home is used and point P4 and P5 are set for loop E. The train stops at the west bound starter. If a train comes from B and travels to A then the west bound home is used and pointP3 and P5 are set. The train stops at the west bound starter. If a train comes from A and travels to B then the east bound home and east bound starter are used . Points P1, P2 and P3 are set for loop D. Looking at the enlarged map it looks as if the junction is just a double slip switch as per plan 3. I have tried getting books for this line but have only managed to order one of them. The book will arrive at the end of the month, but I cannot wait that long as this puzzle is driving me mad. Designing a layout is really fun. The layout will be O gauge so this is the most I have room for. The road bridge would make an ideal scenic break. Thank you for all your help. Ken
  4. Hello everyone I am looking for a signal box layout diagram for Cockley Brake Junction or help with how the junction would have been signaled. Cockley Brake Junction was on the line from Banbury to Verney Junction. I have looked online and found some information. I have ordered a book on the line but this will not arrive until the end of the month due to the strikes. This is what I have found: A map of the junction and you tube videos. Plan number 1 is based on the map. Plan number 2 is the layout that I want to build in the space I have. Please can you tell me if I have got the track layout correct, and are the signals correct and in the right place. The colored bands by the signals indicate the route that is controlled by that signal. As this is a single track junction it should not cost too much to build. I want to use Dapol signals and DCC signal levers. Thank you very much for any help you can provide. Thank you to the people on you tube for their content. Merry Christmas Ken
  5. Hello Rich Thank you for replying to my post. Your link brought me here. And your idea of using part of the loft layout as a stand alone layout is a great idea. Much cheaper than building two layouts. I purchased a DJH 03 diesel kit which was not cheap but compared to the Heljan locos. When you add sound the price of O gauge locos is high. I purchased a Ixion Fowler diesel shunter from a man on the EDM stand at the O gauge exhibition. It was painted and had sound fitted by him. Out came the credit card before I knew what I was doing. I put on the test track and we started and stopped it loads of times just to hear the donkey engine, great fun. Ken
  6. Hi Tom Yes I tried to sign up with username Halton Boy but with a different pass word than used on this site. Thank you all for your help.
  7. Hi everyone Halton camp had a narrow gauge railway that was used to move timber to be sent to France in WW1. I am building the Halton light railway as 7mm standard gauge. Can I build the light railway part in 7mm 0-16.5 gauge. Will the two look alright running next to each other? Do Ixon produce 0-16.5 gauge engines? or should I use a Peco engine with a branchlines chassis. The narrow gauge will only be a small part of the model railway with one engine and some log trucks. I have tried to log on to a narrow gauge web site called Narrow Gauge Railway Modelling on line, but it asks a question which I can not answer, What Welsh railway uses the initials W.H.R. I typed in Welsh Highland Railway, but it says this is wrong. Please does anyone know the answer? Thank you for your help Railways keep getting harder!
  8. Thank you for the advice. I have not got the hang of this site yet.
  9. I have found an American web site that offers a 3D printing service. It is called shapeways .com. Has any one used this site? They produce a lot of railway items which you can order or you can design your own items which they will produce. They have a vast range of items including replacement parts for real cars. What would the legal situation be if you broke your shunting engine and asked these people to make you a replacement body or such like? Would something like a building or railway wagon that you had purchased be covered by copy right, making it illegal for this site to reproduce?
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