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Posts posted by Tomsontour

  1. I've got mine for fourty pound a coach, do begrudge paying that, absolutely not. Sadly we want the quality we have to pay for it, it's how the hobby progresses and we get finer models. If you don't want to pay that's up to you. No one is forcing anyone to buy any item for thier model railway, its a hobby at the end of the day, just enjoy what you do, I for one cannot wait to get my hands on mine which should be arriving in a few days :)


    All the best matt 

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  2. Part 2


    So with a trip to Cornwall on Monday and Tuesday I returned with more items left to me in my uncles collection and I've wasted no time in starting to get some track on the board to fully figure out the track plan.




    As you can see I have most of the scenic side now sorted track wise, and ive changed it slightly from the original plan, with a 3 way point added in. But moving bits around I think it should offer some good play value, and also allow for plenty of scenic work  The layout will be raised up so I can have a road coming under the track to the yard and also a higher level for the road to run round at the station building level. 


    33612460838_3be7f90aaf_b.jpgModelling by Matt Toms, on Flickr

    General view over the yard area

    33612460718_1d6aa134df_b.jpgModelling by Matt Toms, on Flickr

    Now this you will have to use your imagination for. But the track will be up high an embankment will ease down towards the road with a bridge carrying the railway over, A standard 4 shunts in the yard as another Standard sits in the platform taking on water as an N classes slowly enters the station....


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    Like I say you will have to use your imagination, but hey its a start :)


    All the best

    Matt :)

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  3. Update part one...


    Having visited Ally Pally last weekend, mainly to see Lymebrook Yard and wow what a superb little layout, the guys were kind enough to answer a few of my questions and allow me a peek behind the scenes :) so with my enthusiasm fired up I set about hitting a few of the traders, and they helped my wallet out with a workout! First was a visit to Severn Models

    46573833785_67f0c704e3_b.jpgModelling p2 by Matt Toms, on Flickr

    yup that is a signal box and the interior kit, and yes I will need new glasses for it haha :)


    46573833955_c2be3a281a_b.jpgModelling p2 by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    Here we have the stables and the manor house, the idea is for this to be a well off horse trainer, and these will sit over on the right hand side by the road bridge and should allow for some scenic over this side :)


    47436207282_5ea339e42c_b.jpgModelling p2 by Matt Toms, on Flickr

    Next up we have the sidings workshop which funnily enough will end up in the yard somewhere, maybe as a messroom for the staff working in the yard and also a lineside hut or two, im sure one of these will go trackside and maybe another in the yard 


    40523128753_bf45a1766c_b.jpgModelling p2 by Matt Toms, on Flickr

    Next was a visit to BH, I think I could have and probably should have spent a lot more with these guys, but for now a simple water tower that will sit at the end of the platform


    And finally a visit to YouChoos, ive been considering this for some time, and have finally taken the plunge. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone but its the only way im going to learn :)

    47436207432_45111fff3f_b.jpgModelling p2 by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    This could turn into an expensive play option, but hey why not :)


    Part two coming up and includes some actual modelling


    All the best

    Matt :)

  4. Enjoyable show, lots of traders and some lovely layouts, lymebrook yard being my favourite. Picked one or two... Okay maybe six kits from Severn models, most helpful and could have probably spent more, hopefully the card payment reliability improves my man :) Also picked up my first sound item a chip and speaker for an n class in n gauge, gonna be a bit nervous fitting it but hey nothing ventured nothing gained!


    A note though the amount of bloddy rucksakes, so people really need such big ones for a model show, anyway back packs aside a very enjoyable few hours at ally pally :)


    All the best


  5. Visited the layout today although I think I missed you Steve. What a truly stunning little layout, and the gent operating was kind enough to answer all my questions and even show me around the back. Amazing layout mate and a real credit to you! 


    All the best matt 

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  6. Morning all :)


    So this morning I have gone and got some polystyrene in preparation for when i'm ready to begin laying track, hopefully this can begin after next payday :) but in the meantime I have been painting up the road bridge. This is the Peco tunnel 


    47245676021_d33c7b59eb_b.jpgLRM_EXPORT_174898069145708_20190301_100106415 by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    Also adding a photo of one of the N classes I have, I have three currently and this is the only weathered loco of the class, weathered by grimey times and picked up for me by a good friend at Warley last year, and I think it looks superb. I shall certainly be having more weathered by Grimey :) although I have started doing my own weathering, i'll show more in a future update. 


    32303578597_52a47ddfa4_b.jpgLRM_EXPORT_239930684592034_20181218_161958192 by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    And finally a very quick photo from my small photoboard of the Dapol M7 on a short van train


    32303581317_c3c1811e39_b.jpgLRM_EXPORT_290603954222324_20181114_175100698 by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    Currently cracking along with the Ratio Station building, so hopefully an update soonish :)


    All the best Matt :)

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  7. So I've been working on this Ratio goods shed for a little while, added a few bits of my own, not that you can see it from this photo, but have added roof beams inside, the skylight still needs finishing and glazing but its coming along slowly. The drain pipes are shall we say fiddly to paint! But I'm really enjoying the challenge of N gauge. Barrels have been added from the ratio range, and yes they still need finishing, but feels good to be making a start :)


    33355350158_f022b73a90_b.jpgRatio n gauge goods shed by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    And another building started is the Severn Models etched 2mm church kit, today I picked up some etched primer so fingers crossed I can get cracking painting this one up. A beautiful little kit, and shall certainly be getting a few more for the layout, I just hope they do a Southern region signal box at some point :)


    46507618594_7af6ca00ea_b.jpgSevern models etched 2mm Church kit by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    So that's all for now, but I am making a start on a few of the buildings :)


    More soon, 

    All the best

    Matt :)



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  8. Many thanks Nigel :) the Severn model kits are lovely, I'm hoping to have a few on the layout to help populate the scene :)


    Fingers crossed the longer sidings will hold the passenger stock, can't wait to get cracking on now


    All the best 


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  9. Good Morning all :)


    Welcome to my first N gauge trainset. I do have a larger layout planned but I'm using this as a way to ease myself into N gauge and have some good fun at the same time :) Inspired by Trinity Road, I was amazed just what you can fit into a small 4 feet by 2 feet board. But before the track plan lets go into a bit more about the layout...


    The name? Well this is almost a tribute to my late uncle, a huge influence on my life, without him I wouldn't have got into this fantastic hobby, or have found my love for railways which has ultimately led me to a career on the iron rails, So uncle Malc this one is for you buddy. He left a large amount of N gauge to me, and I am to put this to good use on this layout :)


    Location? Loosely based somewhere in the Surrey Hills, aiming to have a nice rural feel but something that has plenty of interest

    DCC? 100% I now have a ZTC controller and I love it, yes it maybe a tad outdated now, but for me its perfect :)

    Track? Code 55, I could go down the finetrax route but as this is a starter layout lets not run before we can walk! Points will be manually operated in the fiddle yard but using servos in the scenic section

    Stock? Steam is my main preference, although a cheeky Hymek or Warship will be seen. Southern moguls and standards will form the backbone of the fleet, on passenger and goods trains, although the collection has plenty of variations, so no doubt rule one will apply a lot of the time :)


    So the basic track plan....

    33341905128_c33b95e91e_b.jpgmalcs way track plan by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    As you can see I have taken a huge inspiration from Trinity Road, check out the topic on this forum Nigel is absolutely smashing it and showing just whats possible with a board of this size :)


    and the scenic idea...


    33341905228_79f25c20ed_b.jpgmalcs way scenics by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    So the idea is to have the layout on three levels for the scenic. Starting on the left hand side there will be a church, I have already assembled the superb Severn Models church kit, so this will be taking up this corner. Moving down we find the station building on an over bridge, with a footbridge coming down to the platform. Then there is the yard area, I will probably have magnets under the track here to allow for hands free shunting, a small good shed will be in the yard too. a road will lead from the yard area down and the under the main running line, with a pub on the corner. Beyond this will the tunnel/road bridge for the scenic break, with a farm up on the far right hand side. A road will link the station with the scenic break on the other side of the road, maybe a few houses along this road, but hoping not to over crowd the area. 


    So ladies and gents I give you Malcolms Way, an attempt at building a layout in N gauge in a space of 4 feet by 2 feet, the board has been started so hopefully i'll have some photos for you all soon


    All the best

    Matt :)

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  10. Phoned Osbournes on the 4th December to see if they had a kit in stock, very polite person on the end of phone informed me they did and that I would be making an online order. Kit arrives on the 6th, impressive turn around :) Will have to give them a call tomorrow as one of the sprues is missing from the kit, kit in question is the arch laser gwr running shed, but hopefully a phone call tomorrow will get the missing parts to me, shall keep you all informed :)


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  11. 45395678584_b21d728fe8_b.jpgSurrey Hills plan 1 track with station minus fiddle yard BACKUP by Matt Toms, on Flickr


    Have added in the crossovers.... have also added in a siding for the horse boxes to maybe go and then be collected on a service? with Ascot not being far maybe this could add some addition interest? Maybe Miss Fardon had some race winners in the stable lol. As for the viaduct I will certainly try and hunt it out, being localish I wont hurt to make a visit. Possible traffic for the two sidings could be a timber store, which can be found further down the lane outside the yard?


    Thanks again for all your input, helping massively :)


    Matt :)

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