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Everything posted by 33C

  1. None of that malarkey! Just paint straight over. The original paint acts as your primer. You only need to do the smoke-box from what i can see. Use an old toothbrush to get the dust out of the corners before you paint. The running plate may need a touch up too. (the photo is very unforgiving!)
  2. Out with the matt black Humbrol and repaint. A nice, thin coat should rejuvenate the model. (and touch in those chips)
  3. I got run over by a mobile library. I was screaming my head off and the driver got out, came round the back and said "SHUSH!"
  4. What about a modified Triang "Hiawatha" on Triang, Bullied wheels? Punch out the crankpin screw holder and punch in the Princess, long crankpin so you can use the valve gear.
  5. My wooden class 71 got a facelift! Runs with a rake of blue "Golden Arrow" Pullmans.
  6. Lighter petrol will remove the sticky label glue. Paint sellotape orange and cut into strips when dry for the cabside/tender lining. Put the bogie axles in a dremel, one wheel at a time, and rub against some sandpaper or file, to take down the flanges. (You can knock out the pony/tender wheels after oiling the axles, or file them down in situ.)
  7. This comes up a lot. Revell enamels seem fine (or stir VERY well). A good primer coat helps. I buy new/old stock Humbrol when I can find it. Or, try acrylics?
  8. Try the ebay seller "bee_studio" for motors. He does hundreds of different types including the ones Hornby use. Fraction of the price and the more you buy, the cheaper they get. Delivery is 3 weeks though.
  9. Indian railways Class WP pacific no. 7037. (note the driving wheels!)
  10. .....and a use for that slightly warped "Hiawatha" tender!
  11. The Indian Railways XC Pacific in red livery. Triang princess! In blue, Triang princess/ Gordon?
  12. Sounds like a plan! I'm amazed at the variety of locomotives exported abroad and constructed in their own workshops. Thousands of amazing locomotives, many scales and gauges, lots of bright and gaudy liveries, tons of modelling potential! Example, the bullet nosed pacifics of Indian railways. Certainly a stand out on the layout.....
  13. My neighbour has a black T9 full of it. But, I injected superglue in all the cracks as a " nothing ventured, nothing gained " idea and it's still running okay...
  14. Try the tubes they sell for cake baking/support. Many sizes, takes glue well and easily cut. Come in packs of 2,4,6 etc. Cheap too.
  15. Sunday morning, £15. Big, tin, friction locomotive. Couldn't resist it...
  16. That looks very much like my mate Dave's version from his old layout. I recognise his trademark red steps! (Annoyingly, the armistice day poppy stems are no longer plastic. They were ideal for GWR safety valve bonnets...)
  17. ....in the jokes thread, i'm Itchen to do just that!
  18. Something doesn't smell right......
  19. No, no. You carry on! Ever thought about doing an 80XX "Cathedral" class? A design of pacific that Hawksworth put forward for the GWR. Basically, a princess with King style cab, brass safety valve bonnet, elbow steam pipes and twin whistles. I did one yonks ago for a friend, but paired it with a scratch-built, Hawksworth tender body on a Triang Hall tender chassis. Google it in images......
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