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Status Updates posted by nhdesigns

  1. Only wish the weather wasn't so bad today! :boredom: Because then I could cut some hardboard and add the rest of my back scene. Oh well, plenty more scenery work to be done.

  2. Finished my layout

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nhdesigns


      There is still a bit I'll be adding to it

    3. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Is it finished?




    4. nhdesigns


      A yes. The track and the wiring is finished. Just got to finish off the scenery

  3. My layout finally up and running!

  4. Got my layout finally up and running!

  5. Got my layout finally up and running after such a long time!

  6. Got my layout finally up and running! After such a long time I've re-worked the fiddle yards and added a backscene. Just got the point decoders to program and then it's ready to run.

  7. Got my layout finally up and running! After such a long time I've re-worked the fiddle yards and added a backscene. Just got the point decoders to program and then it's ready to run. Still got some scenery work to finish off though.

  8. Got my layout finally up and running! After such a long time I've re-worked the fiddle yards and added a backscene. Just got the point decoders to program and then it's ready to run. Still got some scenery work to finish off though

  9. Unsure whether to sell older models

  10. Unsure whether to sell older models

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