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Posts posted by stewartingram

  1. As a retiree from the electronics industry I wouldn't use any of these Peco?Hornby/etc switches. Absolute rubbish for the job.

    I've settled mainly on Seep motors (fairly cheap, tricky to install as supplied, and rubbish switches for the frogs). I fit them to a plasticard base, which includes a proper electronics microswitch for the frog. Installation is now much simpler, even from underneath the baseboard and the frog is reliably switched. To operate I use the stud contact (screw heads and electric pencil) method we all used 50 years ago, but has largely been forgotten nowadays. Simple, reliable, and effective.

  2. 4 hours ago, Hroth said:


    An Ital?


    Not winning it would be a lucky escape!  My father bought one new just after he retired, expecting to be able to run it for at least a decade before problems arose.  It had to have its sills welded before it even reached its first MOT...


    When I was made redundant the 1st time, I bought from the local main dealer in Cambridge (Marshall) a - 3 month old 1,3 Ital with less than 3k on the clock. Newest car I've ever owned (and now will be  for sure). Top of the range model, I ran it for 12 years and 250k miles with little trouble. Time this crap that says BL products were bad was put to rest.

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  3. Without looking at mine I can't remember if there were any holes. But the easy way is this:

    The (real) discs are 2 halves which fold about the centre horizontal line. The bottom half has a hole for the marker light to shine through. So, align the disc hole with the light, ensure the fold line is above it and horizontal, and that is it.

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  4. That is more or less what I suspected happened (though Guard at the front of that long train is a surprise). I always throught that there was a rule stipulating the number of vehicles (axles) behind the guard. Maybe I'm thinking of freight workings, where the ECML had "swingers" added behind the brake van?

    On a similar note, what about overnight TPO workings? I  don't have a prototype in mind, more of a model 'might have been' (to suit my layout, maybe even a 'Rule 1' which I know you don't like, sorry).

    I'm having a short TPO/passenger train, 4 coaches. Possibly split somewhere on the journey, with this portion continuing to my terminus, & a return working during the day.

    Formation:- Full brake (with Guard compartment), 2x TPO vehicles, and a BCK. Return with the Guard in the BCK at the rear. But are the 2 Guards vehicles absolutely necessary? I know it is a Rule 1 scenario, not real, but I am trying to think prototype here.

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  5. Years ago now, I went with my best mate (sadly now deceased) on one of our trainspotting day trips, in his car.

    Now D (I won't reveal his name) was working at the then RAF Oakington, in charge of building maintenance. I think he was MoD, not a contractor. His workmate was in a similar post at RAF/USAF Alconbury, and he decided to call there on the way past for a very quick chat about something. We pulled up at the gatehouse, where a USAF guy, complete with gun, (and I was assured by D that they were loaded) checked our credentials. I showed my local constabulary id (I was in the Home Office working at Police HQ on their comms). All well so far, we were waved in.

    D had been to this office many times, and parked outside for 5 mins, and then we were off. "Look at those, I'm going for a few pics" he said, as we diverted off to some parked trucks, on the edge of the runway area. Don't forget we are on an armed USAF military base, in a period when security was tight (recent IRA activity etc). Off he goes, without a care, complete with camera taking pics of these military vehicles! Luckily no one came after us.

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  6. I can offer a few examples from personal observations.

    Firstly, what is an MP booom?

    B1, B12, B17,  B2,  Clauds, also a 31A E4, (later 03 shunter) was sub-shedded at Hitchin so probably did go back to 31A for servicing. and some GN locos such as Atlantics and other lesser classes. J6 from the GN and the normal GE freight locos, J17, J15 etc.

    The principal train was the Cambridge Buffet Express, mainly diesel in my day with 6 Mk1s and a Gresley Buffet. Latter day steam also included Pacifics (running in turns?) from 34A. These changed to Baby Deltics as regulars, with early class 21, 26, and of course 31 (or were they 30?). Like the Pacifics, other diesels dropped on quite often; 55, 40, 46, 47, and alsothe prototypes. D0280 Falcon was a regular, but DP2, Lion, HS4000 all appeared. . Cravens dmus were the mainstay of the stoppers, up to 3x 2-cars.

    Freight were of course 31s (they were everywhere in Anglia), but 20s from the GN (I suspect pw trains for Chesterton Junction, to/from the Hitchin pw yard).

    Coaches; Mk1, Gresley, Thompson corridor stock. I never saw quad-arts, I believe Hitchin was the limit (except for 1 train to Huntingdon?). Other may know more. Plenty of Mk1 non-corridors though.

    Passenger trains normally only went as far as Cambridge (except diversions of course). However for one summer the CBE was extended to Ely (I have photographic proof!).

    I've probably missed a few, but most of the above are personal observations.

    Don't forget in that period we had many diversions as well when the ECML was blocked north of Hitchin.

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  7. Looks like a great issue, got mine from WHS in Ely on Thursday. Had a quick flick through - the pic of that green Deltic is the best I've ever seen im a model. And the A4 with the dark sky behind, astounding!

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