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    : Somewhere, outside your window...
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    SR mid-late '30s
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  1. There's a special place in hell for people whose eyes are glued to their devices while walking along. And for people who cycle/drive while on their device. And for cyclists who cycle on the pavement.


    But the most special place in hell, right between Satan's butt cheeks, is reserved for the total a-hat who was on his device, while cycling in the dark, without lights (except the one emanating from his screen) in a pedestrian area. Of course, neither of his hands were anywhere near the handlebar, or brakes. :mad_mini:

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    2. truffy


      @Nickey Line, what really bugs me about cyclists who ride without their hands on the bars is that they are, effectively, out of control. They cannot brake in an emergency, and they're not only a danger to themselves but to anyone they hit. I don't know whether it's idiocy, arrogance, or just selfishness, but it's definitely antisocial.


      But it's gonna be mighty warm between those cheeks! ;)

    3. Nickey Line

      Nickey Line

      Mostly youngsters in my experience. Imagine what will happen when they get a car...

    4. truffy


      I really don't want to think about it! :o

      Hopefully I'll be out of the city by then.

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