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Posts posted by model-trains

  1. Power is supplied to the DR5000 via mains plug, transformer and jack plug provided.


    The power to the track and accessories buses is from the DR5000 via an NCE-EB1 circuit breaker.


    I have searched SMPS and also feedback status in the DR5000 manual nothing comes up?


    I clicked on the Power 19v DC   3.5A on the DR5000 it brings up the following.


    Min 14v Dc  Max 9v DC

    Min 3.5A

    Main Track delivers Max 3A

    Prog Track delivers Max 750mA

    Output voltage of both is V9in) 1.1v

    Loconet Delivers Max 750mA


    That is all I ca find?

  2. Iain


    1 - I am working on the feedbacks, I now have 5 out of 23 working, I am thinking it may be the wires that go into the DR4088LN, these have been in and out three times due to changing the layout, each time twisting the wires in my fingers. Possibly best if I tin them with a little solder then see if that solves the problem.


    2 - The feedbacks and blocks are flashing on the mimic layout. For the ones that work so far, the block and one feedback light up on mimic plan, as the train progresses the feedback goes off and the other comes on. This is correct and shows it is working. But when it enters the next block, the block and feedback may be off and then occasionally as the loco moves they may flash. The correct feedback is flashing occasionally in the correct block, just not working as they should yet.


    3 - I have opened the DR5000 control DigiCentral but am not sure where the voltage items you mention are?




  3. 54 minutes ago, WIMorrison said:

    If the indicator is not fully lit all the time the train is in the section then you either have dirty rails or bad contacts somewhere.


    Within iTrain you can reduce the impacts of this slightly by setting the feedback switch off delay to between 100 and 500ms - but not greater than 500ms. The feedback switch on delay should be between 0 and 50ms, 10ms is a good number. You can find these setting in Edit, Interfaces or Ctrl+f6




    The loco runs on manual on all track no problem.


    Tomorrow I will remove and refit all contacts to the DR5044LN's, the other ends are all soldered, no dry joints.


    I will check them all 1 by 1 tomorrow, all feedbacks are mapped, above and below the board, each are temporary labelled so I know where they all come from and go to.


    It must be the contacts, I cut with wire cutters, stripped and twisted in fingers.


    I will also look at the setting s you mentioned also.


    I know when I get this first board done I should be able to get on faster. 


    Many thanks.


  4. I have carried out checks at all stages


    1x IRJ was missing - corrected

    All blocks, IRJ's and Feedbacks - correctly positioned

    There are 23 feedbacks on this 1st board, 4 are working correctly.


    The next stage is to check all others one by one, I pretty sure they are all addressed correctly now. 


    Question at this stage - some of the blocks and some of the feedbacks on the block flash as the loco runs on them, but don't stay lit, would you say it is possibly poor connections, though they seem fine, or something else?


  5. Thanks for your suggestions guys


    Sorry for the delay replying.


    Iain I think you might have hit the nail on the head, I was having other issues and stripped out all centre sidings and started again, that could be the issue, I will get to it and check and reply to confirm when I have done so.


    Thanks again

  6. Hi guys


    I have Just starting testing my first layout board of four, using iTrain software, DR5000 Control Centre and DR4088LN feed back units.


    First iTrain.

    All the routes on this board work fine, when starting a loco the next block shows yellow as it should and follows on around the full layout on screen.


    To simulate train running with the software I click each feedback on route, each in turn following the route, it all works fine.


    On the layout - following movement of loco on screen

    The loco is in the correct block, the block shows occupied/protected, the feedback is Red, OK so far.


    I click the green circle with white triangle to start the loco, it runs in the correct direction. The next block is yellow ready.


    As the loco runs into and through

    - the second block the Red feedback turns off as it should

    - the feedback in the next block doesn't turn red???


    Suggestions welcome please.



  7. Nothing ahead, all blocks clear, only one loco on for testing. 


    Ran loco half way round on screen, facing  >>> to top of loop <<<, without moving loco on track.


    Then dragged loco down to block at bottom where loco was, it now works.


    The on screen mimic plans works, and has been run and tested, tested, tested, so it had to be something else.


    Good news it is sorted, now next issue which I will raise another thread for. DR4088LN.


    This is the first board for my new layout, it is also first time I have been able to run a train on it with iTrain. So although I have spent a lot of time with the software, I am now starting with testing the track and feedbacks.


    Thanks for all your help with this issue.

  8. I have done so and it has synchronised the two forward/forward, reverse/reverse. Thank you.


    I have now put the loco on the down line (forward = right as viewed on screen). Did this because the Track [1] wanted to go left and that part of the layout is not yet built.


    Checking the mimic plan and loco control box I see ------<------ and down arrow, both showing reverse,


    so I change to ------>------ which is forward and the Loco control box also shows forward (Up)


    This track Block SF-P2 is bi-directional, pointing left is reverse, of bi-directional direction, pointing right is forward of priority for this line.


    When I click the Green circle with white triangle, to start the Loco in forward ------>------


    Is changes it to reverse ------<------ and chooses to go the opposite way.


    I think although it is clear now these situations are totally different, I was seeing them as part of the same issue.


    Getting there slowly, not sure why it changes direction to what I have requested?


  9. Hi guys


    At last I am able to carry out my first run on board-1.  


    When I run the loco Manually in forward or reverse direction, using iTrain, it performs correctly.


    When I run the loco in Semi Automatic, clicking the green arrow in the appropriate block, on the mimic plan, the next block turns yellow but the loco goes in the opposite direction?


    e.g. iTrain expects loco to go left/clock wise, loco goes right/anticlockwise?


    Help appreciated


    Thanks in advance


  10. Hi Iain


    I don't know whether it is Mickey Mouse or Pluto but I do know you are spot on, Thank you.


    I am kicking myself, Ouch!


    That dam button, I have fallen for that before so should know, trouble is instinct says,  it is dead check wiring , check short circuit, etc.


    Thanks again for your help.


    Glad I am not the first to fall for this, it is also reassuring I probably won't be the last. 


    Board-1 ready for testing :D

    • Thanks 1
  11. Hi guys


    I am scratching my head at present with an issue that cropped up earlier today.


    I have been adding and programming Cobalt Digital IP Point Motors to the layout.


    Earlier today the ones fitted and set up were working OK, I have added and programmed a few more but now 'none' work from iTrain, I checked all wiring to make sure there were no issues there, all was OK, and there were no short circuits.


    Finally I went back into DR5000 control centre, to the part where I program the point motors, if I click on the red/green buttons here the points change,but nothing from the iTrain layout???


    I am grateful for any help or suggestions.


    Thank you in advance




  12. Hi guys


    I received a prompt reply to my email to Cobalt at Settle, they have been very helpful. I will include some of what they said as it could help others.


    Message from Cobalt...


    They should address pretty much as you describe - making sure that it is on the normal track, not program track..

    There is no requirement to switch off the system when addressing and they should accept the address on only 1 move command - but we recommend sending it a couple of times.


    As supplied, the motors should work as address #1

    If they have been purchased in the past 2 years or so, then the auto-centre will already be disabled (even though the manual says it need disabling)


    So you will not need to carry out the 198 function.

    Even though they are delivered in the entre position, simply sending accessory command #1 left or right should make them move.


    A quick way of re-centring them (rather than using 199 and then 198) is to command them to move and pull the power feed out half way across..........


    A further test that you can try.


    Connect two pushbuttons between PBS-L/PBS-C and PBS-R/PBS-C.

    Connect power as normal and then the PBS terminals should give you manual control of the motor by making the L-C and then L-R circuits.

    (You can use three short pieces of wire and "dab" them to create the L-C and R-C circuits).


    This will check that the motor is working.


    I spent ages trying to program the two motors, trying many addresses, had I known of the test mentioned in the last paragraph of the reply it would have saved a lot of time. The motors are dead.


    I hope others find this information helpful.



  13. 2 hours ago, WIMorrison said:

    Sounds like you are doing it all correctly therefore time to call Settle and see what they say :)


    I have contacted them on the online form on their website. I cannot use the telephone due to my deafness.


    Had I still lived up north I could have popped across to Settle, we were only on the west coast not that far away at all. 


    I will await their reply


    Thanks again

  14. 1 hour ago, WIMorrison said:

    are you 100% certain that you are sending an accessory address to the IP Digital? An awful lot of people get this wrong with a DR5000.


    Also are you trying to switch it with iTrain or the DR5000? You need to be 100% certain it is switching with the DR5000 before you enter the address into iTrain and switch using iTrain




    Open DR5000 - Click Control - Click Switch 


    Opens switchboard properties


    Lists turn out addresses


    Change point motor to learn mode, click red, green, red, green, slight delay each time.


    Switch out of learn mode, close down DR5000 and iTrain and test on layout.


    No action from point motors?

  15. 11 minutes ago, WIMorrison said:

    FYI - the warranty for IP Digital motors is Lifetime therefore I also suggest that you give Mick or Richard a call and see what they say


    That is interesting, I thought they were guaranteed for 3 months.


    What do they class as a lifetime?


    Many thanks for your help.


    I have just seen your previous post Iain, I will reply to that shortly.


    Thanks again


  16. 2 minutes ago, pheaton said:

    not wd40!!!


    use IPA cleaning solvent or any electrical contact solution.


    so the solution i use is connect the cobalt to the programming track, set the switch to "set" issue my address using my ECoS, which is done by operating an accessory with the address i want, this is done twice so with a point...i throw it and throw it back, then cut the power to the programming track, set the switch to "run" and then connect it to the DCC bus and it works.





    I am glad I asked about the WD40, thank you.


    I will look to get some IPA cleaning solvent.


    I use the DR 5000 to write the addresses, just to confirm I do click the green and red dots alternately 4 times leaving a slight delay between each.


    I have so far got a dozen point motors on this first board, 10 work it is just these two so far giving the issues.


    Many thanks


  17. 2 hours ago, pheaton said:

    I did have to send two cobalts back a short while ago because the programming switch was in there words "erractic" but like you i couldnt get them to accept an address, they flooded the programming switches with cleaning fluid, and operated them a few times and all was resolved....which i can confirm because ive had to programme them several time because they are known to lose addresses during shorts.....


    try that :)


    but....i do find them far easier to program on the programming track than on the main.




    Many thanks for your reply. I have had the point motors about 18 months, so they are well out of guarantee. I used them on my last layout, but very little as I dismantled the layout within two months of getting them ready to move home, but the move took a long time and although I started this new layout last winter, I have done nothing on it over the summer months, I am just getting back to it.


    I am thinking it must remember an old address it is just not accepting writing of a new one, but I have tried so many times even disconnected and tried again.


    Do you think spraying with WD40 may help the learn switch (whilst powered off)


    I have not used the programming track yet as the DR5000 and iTrain is all new to me.


  18. Hi guys


    I am having trouble with two Cobalt IP Digital Point Motors


    They are wired up correctly but are not accepting the address sent to set them? 


    I have removed and replaced the wires to ensure it was not a contact issue but still have problems.


    I have tried sending a couple of different addresses, (in learn mode), I have also tried self centring and deactivate self centring 199 & 198 but nothing.


    I have also switched off the system and restarted after sending the address still no luck?


    Any advice guys?


    The only other thought I can think of is check every address I could have used in the past to see if there is still an address in memory they can work from.


    I am using iTrain v4.1.11 with Digikeijs DR5000 DigiCentral to program the point motors, all other point motors installed have re-programmed without issues.




  19. The above doesn't give me what I was looking for, thanks anyway.


    I am aware the frog wires go to my two Cobalt Digital IP Point Motors, what I was wanting was the Track bus wires that are soldered to the underside of the point. The principle used for the code 75 3 way has to be the same as for the code 100 3 way Peco point. I think I will be adding track bus wires to the two areas of the point in the video, and to the fish plates at the heel of the Peco point. 


    The two frog wires will go to two Cobalt IP point motors and each will be fed from the Accessories Bus.


    Thanks everyone for your help, hopefully all will go well, if not I will soon know. :)


  20. Thanks for your comments Phil S


    I have only ever used Hornby Elink DCC (except for 3 rail Hornby as a kid) so I guess that thinking is still with me.


    I have no plans for hand held control as my mobility is very limited, hence the Hornby eLink and PC, now moving to iTrain and PC.


    Feedbacks being most important with the using DigiKeijs, DR5000, DR4088LN's it is probably best as you say to leave these on the logical 1-80, 5 modules of 16 feedbacks. My thinking was influenced by the fact loco's and many point motors are already programmed, but it is probably better everything is re-programmed afresh.


    Although I have had two smaller layouts previously (Hornby Elink), using the Digikeijs system and iTrain are very different, it is all new to me.


    Thanks again for your comments they are always appreciated.

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