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Everything posted by model-trains

  1. I am having my garage insulated in the new year and my new layout is to be in the garage. My layout will be DCC, I will be looking to add sensors to the layout, but at this stage I am not sure what type. I was considering Infrared wall heater, does anyone know of any issues there could be using this type of heating with model trains and accessories?
  2. Testing TrainController Gold and iTrain, latest trial editions, I am finding at this stage, both appear very good software packages, although they both do things in different ways. TrainController appears to allow me to see loco's proceeding along a route, protected with block protection. One signal aspect showing on the end of the block, there is no signal at the left side of the track. iTrain allows me to set routes and clearly see the route set as well as all accessories in the route that are protected. Signalling appears to include European signals but a small number of UK signals are in the library. These can be added to the track on the left as the engine driver would see them. So far I have only added 2 and 3 aspect signals, I can get 2 aspects to work but not the Y on the 3 aspect. I need to look into this more as the majority of my signals are Train-Tech 3 and 4 aspect signals, once I suss this out I can look at back down the line signalling. iTrain is limited as only a small number of accessories can be added in the trial version, I have taken a more complicated section of the layout to use to test the software. I need to find out more with both packages, before I can make a decision, already both look good, but both have advantages and dis-advantages, the only thing clear at present is the price difference, could this be the defining point. Please do continue adding any advantages and disadvantages you find with either or both of these software packages. Thank you in advance for your comments, good and bad, things you like and items you may find frustrating, I am expecting the deeper I get into the trial versions items will crop up that are awkward, frustrating or not possible.
  3. Thank you for taking time to provide an excellent reply, it is mist helpful. I use Cobalt slow action point motors so they will not be an issue. I never likes the click, click, click of solenoid, the Cobalt are positive, as you say, an essential part of trouble free model railway. Your reply is a great help RFS, thank you, but I am currently looking for the feet on my loco, I knew I should have read more of the manual
  4. Many thanks for your comments Edwin_m, I think with the Train-Tech signals as I already have 20+ I will contact them and ask them if their signals work with TrainController. I have 2,3 and 4 aspect signals, I will want more with the larger layout but wouldn't be using flashing signals. Thanks again for your comments hey are very helpful.
  5. Thanks for your comments tophski, Hearing people reports, the good bits and the not so good is a great help. I am on day 2 of my trial with iTrain, so I am starting to add accessories first and just starting to play with signals. So far I have to agree TrainController was fast and easy to set up, as far as I have got that is, the blocks are very clear and it is nice to see loco's going from block to block. I smile already at your comment regarding iTrain, 'once you figure out the order to do things'. It so far doesn't seem as straight forward, but my mind is open and I will see as I had a few more signals and get routes programmed. I have just this last hour added my first turn out and signal, and got them working from the blue dot indicator. With iTrain I am also watching a YouTube video which is very helpful... For TrainController I was working through a set of videos starting with this one by Rudy... Thanks again for your comments, now back to iTrain .
  6. After all this time, and the coming soon statements of the past, 'Maybe' is the word I think. Maybe they will announce the launch, maybe their statement will be 'later in the year', which gives them up to 12 months. Brexit decisions should be sorted, Maybe! One thing those anyone interested can bank on, the price will not be as stated at the top of this thread, 'double' comes to mind. ;o) Some may say Maybe for sure it will be a lot more. I cannot help but wonder how efficient the sensors will be, they say they are very small, dust etc? I also wonder about the tagging system, I can image it being difficult under some loco's and stock due to the unevenness below them, positioning level and at the right clearance could be an issue I think. Maybe, time will tell.
  7. The first image shows my proposed new layout, the up-lines and the down-lines, and in pink the bi-directional lines used at cross overs, station and sidings entries and exits, ignore the sensor positions. The second image is after 10 days of TrainController, trial edition, Gold. This last image is after 1 day with iTrain, trial edition, proposed layout only, today I will start to look at turn-outs etc, to get a better feel for the software. Comments always welcome, good and bad.
  8. Does anyone know if Train-Tech signals work with TrainController? I think they will work with iTrain. At present TC seems to offer more, I like the image of the engine in the blocks, easy to know where everything is. As for TC signal in the end of the block as one aspect, it is probably not an issue other than for 4 aspect signals. So TC seems at this stage to have a lot going for it, except customer service although there is a forum, not sure how good that is, and then there are great guys on forums, like this one, who are very knowledgeable. That just leaves the price and the 15% hike they have/are adding for the next twelve months due to Brexit. iTrain I need to look into more, I have only just downloaded the trial version and yesterday added the layout (nothing more yet) so I need to look into this more. I also need to consider Suzie's kind suggestions. Thank you all for your comments, please feel free to continue, it is becoming an interesting thread, and may help others in the future. I will try remember how to add images of my proposed layout shortly. Thanks again to all who have replied so far, and all future messages
  9. Thanks for your comments and the video John, nice layout, well established I can see, good modelling and backdrops. As I watched the video, which was great, then started to think I would like to have seen the TC layout also, then up it popped, I must admit I like TrainController, expensive but very good from what I have seen so far. I am only on day 10 of the trial period. What I don't like are the signal aspects on the block ends, they only show one aspect, not good with a YY with a 4 aspect signal. I have read adding UK signals is not straight forward, I would need to find out more about this as signals are an important part for my layout. Thanks again for your comments and video. I will have to try remember how to add images on here, I have prepared my proposed layout in TC9 Gold.
  10. Hi njee20 I have downloaded iTrain4Plus and started the trial period to suss it out a bit more but... Looking to set it up I opened the Interface list, I do not see any Hornby Controllers in the list. Do you, or anyone on the forum, know if Hornby Controllers will work with this software?
  11. Interesting read, I am sure all Germans are not ignorant, but those I have come across over the years have been. Not a good business attitude, seems like the software is really good, but it has gone to his head. But I still need to consider the problems, there have to be some I am sure. Thanks njee20
  12. Hi njee20 For them to be big promoters of the software they must be pleased with it. I do agree with the point you state regarding needing a demo licence, it does not make financial marketing sense, blind greed I think. The price is expensive, hence the reason I would love to hear peoples thoughts and findings, good and bad, there is also a 15% rise for the UK customers due to Brexit and handing over sales to an agent for one year, I notice the upgrade price was around 100 Euro's but just starting to look and try the software I do not know how many additions there are in the upgrade to know if the price is justified, some may say it is, some may not. Germany has more to lose than most with Brexit, France is second I feel, but through out the negotiations the EU have made the UK and the media think we have more to lose, again opinion with vary on this, and this is not what the thread is about. I feel although the software looks good on the computer screen, is it as good on the layout? What issues have members found with the software and accessories to work with it, for turn outs, signals, for sensor system as well as the software itself. Thank you for taking time to add your comments njee20, all comments are appreciated.
  13. Hi ColinK The signals in the software are attached to the end of the blocks so this would make sense, from what I have seen so far it only shows one aspect, the actual aspect on at the time, for 2 and 3 aspect signals R,Y or G but for 4 aspect the Y and YY were only showing Y so you would know which Y stage it was showing. I am at early stage of trial version so am not aware yet of what can be done more than this and have not looked at programming signals back down the line. The software, so far, is impressive, but as I cannot start my new layout until the new year I have no way of testing on track, not yet anyway. That said I don't want to pay the high price for this software unless it will do what I want, so the 30 trial will run out before my layout starts. That is why I started this thread to get some feedback, good and bad, hopefully it could help others also. Thanks for your message ColinK
  14. Hi Suzie Many thanks for taking time to add a reply to my question. TrainController, I like the look and feel of the software, signalling in the software, made me wonder a little as I only saw one aspect, so with 4 aspect signals you wouldn't now which was Y or YY unless you watched that signal closely. I have not got deeply into signalling, my time so far has been setting up every block and turnout to allow trains to run spontaneously, I appreciate I am only scratching the surface at day 8 of use, but 30 days can go so quickly. Gold package would be what I am looking at but it has an hefty price tag so I need to know of the disadvantages with the software, that have to be some. So far the only things that concern me regarding TrainController is i) it is German, ii) it is pricey, iii) signalling, iv) the way EU has responded and the way our government is handling Brexit. The software is good at showing the automation possible on screen, but I feel this may not be the case on the layout, without sensor control. In particular I noticed when having two engines on one track, and speeding up the back one to catch up to the first one, it did protect the block of the first one, but the speed dial of the second one remained on maximum even when the speed was lowered to stop the engine entering the block in front. This may be because I was using software only and didn't have the Hornby Elite connected, I do not know at this stage, the new layout will not start until early next year. RocRail, a good reply I think 'works reasonably when you get the hang of it'. I did look at this before TrainController, but didn't spend long enough with it, may be I should have another look . Hornby, what can I say, their loco detection was announced six years ago as coming, then a few years later after generating interest as coming soon, then all went quiet. I understand they are to make an announcement around 7 January, with an update coming for RailMaster, not just bug fixes, and also about LD so it will be interesting to see what they say, when it is coming, have they changed their initial method of detection and of course what price will it be. I do want train automation, I do want a sensor system as I feel it is the only way to achieve accurate stopping of locos. My issue at present is knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each to get the best, most affordable system for each. Thanks again for taking time to reply.
  15. Which category please? Can it be moved? Thanks I have been notified it has been moved
  16. Hi Guys I am about to start my third layout after the new year, moved home and have a bit more space. In the past I have used Hornby Elink amd RailMaster, although I now have the Hornby Elite. I welcome comments about TrainController from you guys, good or not so good. Except for the price, I am aware of the current price and the 15% increase that is being added from 1 January for an agent to carry out all transactions from the UK. In fact I think although they say from the 1 Janauary I think I read it is from this month. Putting the price to one side, I am interested in comments from current users of the software. I have the 30 day trial, I am 8 days into the trial and have been quite impressed. My proposed new layout was created in no time at all, the draw tool incredibly fast, all blocks and turn outs are set and given addresses and I have had a couple of locos running round merrily on the layout plan. I appreciate I am just scratching the surface but do like the (Windows style) look and feel of what I have seen so far. Except maybe, the signals on the end of blocks only showing one aspect, not 2, 3 or 4 and I have not seen any feather indicators. Another thought I have before I decide is, what sensor system and control do you find best and most affordable with TrainController. I would be looking at the Gold package, pricey without the 15% additional change but is it as good as it first seems, will I come across frustating issues as I learn more? All comments welcome Thank you
  17. Agenda starts with 'A' maybe some wait before we get to 'L' RAF
  18. No, we are still waiting. I think Hornby worked out LD stands for 'Long Delay'
  19. Excellent layout. Excellent modelling. Very well planned. And Mary is just Poppin in for a drink (or two) PJ
  20. But my train stopped 6 times going round my layout.... Was it 6 shorts or 3 longs? I think I'll just circle my torch in the air! If I do it to many times will I take off?
  21. LOL . . . / - - - / . . . The only one I remember SOS Up with Morse forget the IO IO so off to work I go PJ
  22. HAPPY NEW YEAR and so say all of us Hopefully we will say lots of modelling tips in 2015 And loads of model train information Maybe even a bit of painting do you think Have a good one PJ
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