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Status Replies posted by Leander

  1. Move to Buxton in wonderful Derbyshire is complete, well all our stuff is in the house. Some work for Mrs B and me to get some semblance of order. The main problem at the moment seems to be locating something you have seen amoungst the boxes but can't remember where?


    Still at least the snow has arrived to greet us!



    The model railway room - work to do!



    Kind regards




    1. Leander


      I hope you've got thermals with you, Buxton in winter! Brrrr!!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Move to Buxton in wonderful Derbyshire is complete, well all our stuff is in the house. Some work for Mrs B and me to get some semblance of order. The main problem at the moment seems to be locating something you have seen amoungst the boxes but can't remember where?


    Still at least the snow has arrived to greet us!



    The model railway room - work to do!



    Kind regards




  3. The world has gone mad.

    People apparently don't want a 'nanny state' when it comes to Covid-19; yet warnings are apparently necessary to protect some sensitive souls from an episode of Fawlty Towers.

    1. Leander


      Cleese was surely taking the p1ss out of a certain type of English stereotype, with attitudes towards 'Johnny Foreigner' that were outdated even in the 1970s, in creating the character of 'The Major'.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth.

  5. I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth.

  6. Anyone know what's happened to Geoff Taylor buildings website?

  7. Nice to see the Lancaster bomber fly past, shame no Vulcan these days

    1. Leander


      Saw it overhead near Matlock around 2.00pm in the company of a Spitfire and a Hurricane.


  8. 4f detail differences.

    1. Leander


      http://www.rail-online.co.uk/p144309771/h382647fe#h382647fe with tender coal rails at Matlock. These are typical 50s/60s condition for English allocated 4Fs.
    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. 4f detail differences.

    1. Leander


      4 types in the main, tall and shorter, Midland & Stanier LMS types. The MR types had capuchons, the LMS types didn't. Dependant on the period being modelled, go by a verifiably dated photo. Chances are you'll end up with the shorter LMS type Mike, like this one http://www.rail-online.co.uk/p144309771/h6ccce43#h6ccce43

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. I have never met Napoleon, but I plan to find the time

    1. Leander


      I would love to tour the Southland in a travelling minstrel show

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Cards. How come everyone in my family has a birthday around this time?

  12. I am seriously under word count in my dissertation and desperately need to pad it out.

    1. Leander


      Develop further and in greater depth the analysis and evaluation of your research findings by relating it to the relevant theory.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  13. What looks better an LMS Maron Patriot OR an LMS Black Patriot

    1. Leander


      BR Brunswick Green Express Passenger livery.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Train trip to York and the exhibition tomorrow, yippee!

    1. Leander


      See you there then G.

  15. So the Mayan calendar predicts that the world is going to end next Friday. So for our last weekend on earth, Martin Stringer has organised a pre-apocalypse piss up at the Marble Arch on Saturday evening. Im looking forward to drinking quality ale on my way to oblivion!

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