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Hroth last won the day on June 5

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    Hither and yon

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  1. Feeling sooooo depressed.  The World Cup goes on to the 18th December!!!


    I hope England get knocked out in the group stage.

    Its worse than Strictly....


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Hroth


      Despite the cost of living crisis, the external "Christmas Lighting" is already making its presence felt. One wonders....   I agree with Steamport Southport, there aren't many football flags out yet, though when the matches start, it might be a different story.  To add to the terror and woe, I hear that Baddile and co may be releasing a rejigged version of "Three Lions"


      As for "Bah Humbugs*", I always keep a stock for when alleged carol singers come and whine a few verses of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" through the keyhole.  Figgy Pudding?  Fat chance!


      * They're the ones with latitudenal stripes...

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      A number of years back, my area was plagued by a load of particularly tuneless carol "singers" - then there seemed to be rather less of them.


      I'm not sure why (not that I'm exactly complaining):

      • Dodgy renditions of "Silent Night" - followed by people offering to make this happen?
      • Repeated invitations to experience the delights of cycling?
      • "Friendly benedictions" along the lines of "Piper Oscar" - somewhat similar to the one that starts with "Foxtrot", but with a key difference - whilst I could imagine people wanting these individuals to "go forth", I doubt if too many people would particularly want them to "multiply".


      Whatever actually happened, I'm just relieved that things have been slightly quieter around these parts in the last few years.



    4. Steamport Southport

      Steamport Southport

      Why have I now got Corey Taylor's* Xmas song in my head? 🤣


      Very sweary, but worth a listen if you can put up with a few swear words.


      *Out of Slipknot


      One of the none sweary bits, you get the drift....


      There ain’t nothing more depressing than a pine tree
      Gussied up with candy canes and balls
      Those carollers have kept me up for hours
      "It’s Merry Christmas" — seeping through my walls

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