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Everything posted by danstercivicman

  1. Well.... I have sold all my WR stock (except the Paviland Grange) I have been very busy over the holidays (amongst work etc and family time). I am concentrating on the LMR around 1963. No branch lines. The layout starts with a double track terminus, this goes into a tunnel then there is a small station where the MPD is located. This flows into another tunnel into a curved junction where the third terminus departs and the mainline curves round into a hidden set of sidings. All in all this should give great operating flexibility and allow me to exploit 7 coach mainline trains!! I have also sold most of my set track and am now using Peco SL 100 and flex track (much better) the curves are all (with the exception of the tight station junction) at least radius 6/7 and the de-railements at junctions have ceased!!! Long live PECO SL 100! Also I have changed the Bachmann brass wheels on the Dapol Period 3 coaches for Hornby metal wheels and they glide along!!! I am glad that I did not start ballasting as it has allowed me to test and develop the plans. I am getting some more wood and flex track this week so maybe in a few weeks another update. It is truly a blessing having so much space!!! Enjoy the pics
  2. Thats a good idea, I have used 1/16th cork on the track so far. I found John Lewis PVA to be the best as its washable and easy to lift off if you change your mind on the track plan
  3. I have been busy putting the ID back scene- into the town B, C and D together. I am quite happy with how it looks. Lots of progress still to be made, but its running ok and I am now running 6 coach WR and MR expresses in addition to freight and smaller passenger workings. Next steps include, fitting the turntable, building the hills and the dreaded ballasting tasks.... Stay tuned it will be finished in 2016... In the meantime happy Christmas for 10 days time Best Dan
  4. Hello all, I have been busy making progress. There are some new arrivals (Hornby WR coaches, Bachmann Warship. Some developments including a cassette fiddle yard and removal of the branch station. Eventually when I finish this part of the layout I will be adding a central ex GWR branch line. The dual track mainline heads into one side of the cassette fiddle yard and a branch line diverts off it. This allows me to run my Western region stock and Midland stock Enjoy!
  5. Thank you Your layout looks awesome
  6. I have managed to fit in some layout building during my training! Here is the progress. A cohesive backscene, I have raised the layout (the baseboards were covered in uneven stuff) and I have managed to fit in a large terminus serving LMR and Ex GWR, with an ex GWR branch-line and a cassette main fiddle yard Photos hopefully self explanatory. I have also sourced a Honrby Paviland Grange from a Liverpool based retailer (beautiful loco)
  7. Whats the bar across the buffers for (I assume coupling) and how does it work?
  8. Hello all, Some progress. Trying to cram as much in before I start my new job- won't have much time then! Also the missus thinks number 2 is on the way......................................................... Anyhow- I have scrapped the old layout and have been testing new arrangements. Marton Central on this website has been an inspiration. Basically I am going to have an ex LMR terminus with an ex-GWR Branchline. Think of somewhere like Chester going into Wales or even a type of SVR spur. This will run to Hopeguard or Hopeton (not sure on the name yet) which will be a branch terminus. This will give me the excuse I need to run the ex-GWR tanks and stock. Have a look at the trackplan and let me know what you think. Estimated completion- 2016! Best Dan
  9. This is great- I am rebuilding my layout and I'm very glad I found it! Like you my layout will have an LMR and WR side
  10. Actually stripping back the layout I can see new possibilities and a need to finish the paint on the walls! The track is coming up well and I am trying out new ideas
  11. Very much so- I have a Meaco De-humidifier and that has saved the basement really. We have two air bricks and they seem to do very little- let me know what solution you come up with for ventilation I tried out some new junction ideas yesterday and they seem to work so just more track to lift and wood to remove
  12. Thanks Steve- its amazing how as you get further and further with this hobby that you realise how badly things like track heights, dead spots and generally poor areas of the baseboard can limit locos to 5 coaches and de-rail other locos Lets hope layout three works better!
  13. Hello all, I am afraid reading this month's BRM, running problems through Harton station (the damp has affected the gauging), problems with the remaining Hornby points (do they make them out of rubbish), the fact I am undergoing a massive career change and the fact I am getting fed up with having to climb over the layout to get into the basement means the line has been closed by Dr Beeching! Citing the damp problems (I am damp sealing the walls) and the lack of traffic (a blatant lie) the layout is being broken up and re-built. The re-building will take a few years, but I am going to start it properly. No more Hornby points, raised trackbed on cork matting, proper attention to the backscene and a basement that can be easily accessed. Thankfully my decision to use John Lewis washable PVA for the ballast was a good one and the track is peeling off nicely. I have been using AnyRail and please see the plans. I plan to build the station in the part of the basement that is least affected by the damp and I am building a junction station with that ex GWR branchline The de-humidifier has been doing a great job of keeping things dry, but what might not be obvious is that where my wife knocked over a glass of water in the living room (above) the water seeped through the floor and has caused major issues with the scalescenes printed medium station. Its also made the platform edging at Harton run and change colour. Time for a change. Progress will be slow as I move jobs and due to finances (our daughter is now going to nursery). Beeching's men have been swift- the line into Hopeguard has already been singled- thankfully this does not affect the operation of the line as due to the layout of the track it was pretty much a singled line into the station here anyway...which has given me other ideas Thankfully an earthquake has removed some of the offending and annoying bit that you have to climb over to get into the basement- it was 7 on the Jiigsaw scale!!!! The Stanier 5MT, 8F and the Ivatt 4MT seem un-affected in the shed thankfully! Best Dan
  14. Unfortunately your magazine article has inspired me to destroy my layout and start again- its going to take a number of years- but thank you for the inspiration. I liken my current layout to 'Rubbishtown'
  15. Got the BRM magazine today- what a great layout
  16. Hello, Lots of progress. Pictures around the layout showing both stations, improvements and some finishing touches. Still more to do but the list is getting smaller! I really like the fact both yards can be shunted and a Class 24 is shunting in Harton Goods Yard Please let me know what you think! Quick Youtube Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuqT1y52cCE Enjoy!
  17. Hello, A short Youtube of trains running on my layout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaW6vAXTfQs&feature=youtube_gdata Enjoy, Best Dan
  18. Last shots of these before I sell them on... Got 17 locos and need to cut down to pay of credit card abit! Not much to update on yet- life has been very very hectic
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