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Mike Kieran

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Everything posted by Mike Kieran

  1. Breweries are always all over the place. Brewers usually go with the local waters' taste (hence why Milwaukee and New York had all of those breweries), access to ingredients, and affordable space to build the brewery. The Brooklyn brewery is located in an old bakery. If you make up a name for the brewery, it wouldn't be unprototypical and breweries are a treasure trove of car varieties.
  2. What surprises me is that you have a juice plant instead of a brewery. That way you could drink while you work.
  3. From what I saw of the new addition, do you have more room for switching leads on the ends? Your layout has everything that I love. Yard switching and industrial switching all in a plausible package. I wouldn't have considered passenger traffic, but that's where you have much better vision than me.
  4. I have a weird question. Why is modeling Florida big with the Brits? Aren't you guys afraid of bursting into flames once you hit the sunshine while railfanning in Florida? btw Roundhouse. This Ft. Myers Layout is one of my favorite layouts EVER! Keep up the great work.
  5. Peco would definitely allow you to add more track or make the plan even shorter.
  6. I flipped the first plan so that an extra industry could be added If you notice, I drew in 18 inch wings on the ends so that it's easier to transport. It will fold into an easy to store and carry 3x1 foot package.
  7. Simon, your right. I mistook a spirited discussion for nitpicking. I am very sorry about that. Robatron, I would actually make this 84 inches by 18 inches with the ends being 21 inch long wings (21+42+21 inches) for storage and transport.
  8. The irony of your post is that when I read it, there was an ad below your post for Model Railroad Baseboards with rivets as the border for the ad.
  9. Thanks Switcher and Phil. I was just trying to point out that this isn't worth arguing - and then joining in the fray. I apologize.
  10. Wow, I wasn't expecting this kind of response. There are short lines that are nothing but switching operations. I've come to believe that ISLs are Industrial Switching Layouts, but it's not set in stone - like the spelling of harbor/harbour. The Hoboken Manufacturers Railroad and the Los Angeles Junction Railroad are two railroads that I can thing of off the top of my head with double switch switches. Maybe people don't like them, but they are no less prototypical that traversers. Once again, there are just brain droppings for people to mull over. If nobody likes the designs, I have the same amount of money in my pocket as I would if people like it. It's just an idea for somebody to consider if they are stuck on a track planning issue.
  11. I just have the tracks somewhat parallel to illustrate the track plan clearly.
  12. Hey Gordon and Zomboid, The reason for the fifth track is because the track above it is used for sorting, storage, drill track, and locomotive layover. Complex track work is used wherever it is felt to be necessary, so there is always a prototype for it. Just throwing out ideas for space starved modelers. I know that my designs are not everybody's cup of tea, and that's fine. Just sharing some possible ideas.
  13. Hey Professor, I only design my plans like this to show the basic layout of the track plan. Please feel free to tailor the plan to your heart's content. We don't all have the same needs or wants in a plan.
  14. I'm posting 2 6x1 foot ISLs made with Atlas Code 83 Snap Switches and Track. I drew my inspiration from Jim Stanford's Dolton Industry Park http://www.jimsmodeltrains.ws/index.php and Jack Trollope's Ness Street Yard http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/55422-new-switching-layout/page-2: The first plan would require the use of 2 locomotives to shuffle the cars while the second plan uses 2 Peco Double Slip switches to make it happen.
  15. I showed my wife the video. She walked away shaking her head and told me that I have to get another hobby.
  16. Taking time off to eat ice cream with Nigella Lawson? Sweet!
  17. Daniel, While I'm not a fan of sector plate layouts (just as others are not fans of my caboose shove/no runaround layouts), I am absolutely enamored with your work on this layout and I always look forward to the pics of it.
  18. Chris Gilbert's Layout build had me thinking about a small shelf layout for an 8x9 foot room or shed along 2 and 3 sides. The theme is a short line serving a furniture factory and a food plant. I envision the crew switching the yard to set up the trains, pulling 1-3 cars out half way up the branch line to switch the furniture factory. after switching the furniture factory, the crew would return to the yard and go to beans. After lunch, the crew would then pull 1-3 cars for the food plant and shove them there for switching. Here's the 2 sided plan: And here's the 3 sided plan.
  19. I feel bad for Messi because he will always be compared to Maradona. I was seeing people ripping Messi apart because Argentina didn't win. While Maradona was quite possibly the best ball handler that I will ever see, he is a horrible human being who begrudgingly would pass the ball. Lionel Messi had no support on Germany's end of the pitch. Without Di Maria playing, Argentina's offense became average. Maradona was surrounded by great players in 1986 and didn't do much better in his other world cup appearances. He was an even bigger failure as Argentina's coach. One player cannot carry an entire team. Germany had 11 men playing as a machine.
  20. A well deserved win in a hard fought game.
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