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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Thank you WM. I will attempt to explore over the weekend. Gareth
  2. I still have my old Tri-ang 'R52' Jinty with a large crest and red and white double lining - it was my first motorised loco after my initial clockwork birthday present! I would like to work on my GBL Jinty to turn it into a replica of the above and have as a desk top memento. As I am new at locomotive modelling (despite my advanced years!) I would be grateful if someone would advise me from where I can buy the appropriate decals - if they are available. Many thanks in advance. Gareth
  3. There is only one thing to say, and that is to wish you well WeatheringMan with the strongest of feelings. I was very concerned about your absence and as ever feared the worst, so I am overjoyed that you are returning to (hopefully) rude good health. It puts all this hobby stuff into perspective. Take it easy and here's looking at a steady recovery.
  4. Where does this fit in the schedule? Don't get me wrong, I would love to see it appear, but I don't think it is in the first twenty. It would be nice to see a draft of the planned following five, ten or twenty. If anyone has access to that information, please enlighten us. Kindle my enthusiasm!
  5. Thank you for that information. It is fascinating (to me anyway) to learn how and where all these diverse goods are developed and produced. Given what is going on in a certain former Soviet block country currently, it is unsurprising that a worker's application of decals and paint may be a little shaky at times.
  6. I totally agree sir. Do you perchance happen to know where above described production facility is located? I'm not asking for Google earth coordinates, just an indication of continent or country!
  7. Whew! Didn't think I was being taken for a Patsy, but as a newbie you never know!
  8. So that is a Hornby body and Hornby chassis i.e. Hornby model? Or GBL body and Hornby chassis? Sorry - confused as to your point.
  9. Very nice simplex. Did you have to dismantle or just mask to spray the wheels?
  10. Thanks for that. It worked with a fine screwdriver, so now it's in the correct orientation. I can't believe it though - I searched carefully good quality examples but missed the fact that my Schools one and the A3 have a missing buffer each. I'm going to have to buy another for the spares. Really stupid mistake!
  11. Has anyone successfully prised the smoke box door off, and if so, what is the trick? I am a little apprehensive, and don't want to damage the model.
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