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Status Replies posted by modelpara

  1. Well thats one exam that went horrifically badly

    1. modelpara


      It's not over until the fat lady sings, wait until you get the results then worry

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. Would like someone with skills in developing and producing etched detailing parts to please provide steel duckets to modify a Parkside PC14 from the wooden ones. Oh... and delivered this afternoon, please :)

    1. modelpara


      Looking for Doctor Who then :P

  3. IOS8 ?? blinking thing is more buggy than MS Vista, and thats saying something!

    1. modelpara


      Ive been lucky in that problems seem to have been limited to freezes while using FB but the FB update seems to have sorted it out


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Having been through the carriage sidings last night (aka 3 stock boxes under the bed) to make up several 7 carriage sets, i find myself in the bizarre position of being low on Airfix mk2d FO and BSO carriages rather than being swamped with them.....and also wondering whether i should have some proper carriage sidings!

    1. modelpara


      More carriage sidings is ALWAYS good!


  5. 01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01010011 01010101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100101 01101110 01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 01100100 00101110 00100000 01001000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101110 00100001

    1. modelpara



    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  6. Why is it when you try to do the right thing you end up felling bad about it?

    1. modelpara


      been there many a time, you just have to remember the reasons why its the rigt thing to do


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. How is it possible, in the 21st Century, that one of the biggest NHS hospitals in the SW has no air conditioning in the wards, windows open only slightly, patients swelter with virtually no clothing on in their beds, and there are not even any fans available for patients running a temperature? It all seems squalid and reminiscent of the Middle Ages.

    1. modelpara


      had that for 8 long days, didnt help that my temperature was fluctuating massively anyway and they eventually tracked down a fan for me from another part of the hospital!


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. New DCC fitted Hornby B17

    1. modelpara


      Are you sure something was not knocked loose in transit?


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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