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Posts posted by modelpara

  1. Still showing as in stock with Kernow



    I am hoping that SOMEWHERE still has them in stock on Monday when I get paid (which would have been fine if they had been delivered as planned not early!)

  2. Pleased to report that I've had the Hattons emails for picking and dispatch.


    I'm looking forward to meeting the P2 in the flesh at last!


    Looks like its out of stock with Hattons already, really not happy with them now

  3. A bath/soak in cellulose thinners, for an hour or so, and a scrub with a hard tooth brush will probably get rid of the lacquer. Just remember to do it in a WELL ventilated area and not in the lounge!




    Sounds like a load of effort when you live in a flat!

  4. My Railroad P2 has been sent by Hattons today so they must be getting in the shops by now.


    Showing as in stock today and they tried charging my card, but as I dont get paid till Monday it got declined and they are saying they wont be able to hold it if they all sell out before I get paid!


    This is despite the fact that the original due date was after I got paid and I didnt put aside any money assuming all would be fine but because (unusually!) they got shipped early I may loose out :(


    EDIT to Add they have sold out, annoyed is an understatement, would have thought that pre-ordering would have prevented something like this, polite email sent to MD asking them to review their policy for future when an item is dispatched earlier than expected.

  5. Which begs the question, how much would YOU pay for a rebuilt/semi scratchbuilt 14vehicle APT?


    (Question open to all)






    I suspect the market would go to about £500 for an example needing further work, completed fully (and I mean all pain touch up / respray etc) they could well possibly make the full 750

  6. They must be very impatient if they can't wait from the 5th to the 16th. Its only 11 days, after all this time.


    In my case nothing to do with impatience, just cannot justify the cost of a second sound loco, but still want two of these locos.

  7. Hi all


    I have a question for Jason and Bill , my apologies if it has been answered already, but could be interesting to others.


    How many sound functions will the model have? and will it be possible to split the whole train set and run one power car and one trailer car?




    I suspect with the way the articulated bogies are that the split option wont be feasible

  8. At the risk of further accusations of "Hornby bashing", I'll just say that Hattons are now predicting the arrival of the main range P2 for 26th September 2014 according to this morning's welcome missive.


    As someone old enough to have seen 2001 before she acquired her Bugatti nose (and thus now contemplating my own mortality) it's good to know that it may actually arrive before I depart.


    Ive not received any email but dates I have found on their website is


    TTS version

    Due into stock on or after Tuesday 16th September 2014


    Railroad Version

    Due into stock on or after Friday 5th September 2014


    Still tempted to buy a second one.....


    EDIT: Ordered railroad version, will rename it to one of the others in the class!

  9. so its back on? I canrt wait if it is. my three year loves the mallard and id love to build him this


    Yes it is, first part should be in within next week or so (before September they said) and next two parts within 28 days

  10. I would be more inclined to believe that the delay is due to quality control issues rather than financial, either way I have one ordered and seriously tempted to order a second for renumbering (but finances may scupper that!)

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  11. if it's the last 3 digits in the order number then it's up to 440 this afternoon for the standard 4-car DCC ready version


    I believe the numbers are in consecutive order no matter which variation you order so 440 is the number of DCC fitted and DCC ready units which is not a bad number with still 9 months to go.

  12. Hi,  I've ordered one.  Thanks due to Sandra at Rapido for responding so quickly (via RM web) with my order number (197) which is really encouraging and great customer service.

    What is also encouraging is the numbers ordered already and the order line is open until 30th April so will be a nice production run I suspect but also (hopefully) a good fundraiser for the NRM.

  13. I think an affordable, easy and good-looking catenary system is inevitable.  The next generation of modellers is not going to be interested in the 1960s and earlier, so catenary is going to be necessary.


    When that day comes, a P train can do well.  Until more people have catenary, I think it would be too risky to produce.


    I personally love looking at well-modelled wires.  Watching a model electric with its coat hanger up and engaged with the catenary is really wonderful.  




    Hmmmm so its not a no :P

  14. Yes, APT- A promise unfulfilled by Hugh Williams. May be available second hand, but at a price, seen it go for £60! There is also British Rail Fleet Survey 5: High Speed Trains and Derby RTC-25 years of research.






    Blimey, will try the local library!

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