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The Blue Streak

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Everything posted by The Blue Streak

  1. I completely agree, I think there are more people inclined to take the "hammer and chisels" to a model labelled as Railroad than a "High End" (and proportionally priced) model and the little mods shown here in this thread are within a lot a peoples capabilities who may not normally have the confidence to perform surgery on their newly acquired stock. Perhaps leading to bigger and more challenging things. So Yes thanks from Me as well.
  2. Gilbert, Have You tried that one on the nice blonde lady who walks by with the dogs ? (poodles wasn't it) ?
  3. Cracking pics Gilbert. We like them !!!!
  4. Still waiting for mine to arrive from UK. But I was sort of hoping that this current batch had some of the issues from the original batch ( ie slow speed running from the 3 pole) addressed, but looking at John's post I see that maybe not the case, but I shall wait and see what it's like when I get it in my hot little hands, at which point I shall decide if I re motor it or just move it on. At the end of the day it was only 70 quid so we shall have to see if it's the bargain of the century (like the BR Green Railroad Mallard I bought a while back) or you get what you pay for and that's that. I think however if I were to fork out the extra for the soon to be re - released "full fat" version (which I may still do, if I can see one in the flesh prior to forking out the dosh), I would hope for a "full fat" motor. Still I cant help but look wistfully at my Railroad A1 from a few years ago( the first RR A1 with new tooling ) and think what a splendid model that was/is, separate handrails, shaded lettering, fully painted and lined, 5 pole motor etc etc. Very little between it and the full fat version, except a lack of Glazing, older type tender (but still with pickups) and a non detailed cab. All very easy to sort out. ( Edit - Also lacked Lubricator arm and speedo drive ) But nothing stays the same forever I suppose and if you keep looking back, You'll only get a sore neck. Edited for Edit in paragraph 3 !!!
  5. No time to lose then, I'd better find my paint rollers and crayons If I make a hash, I'll try again, Got to start somewhere, better off with a 70 quid loco than a full fat version. Painting Is a bit of the hobby I've been a bit reluctant to try, not sure why as I've been successfully re - painting slot cars for years.
  6. I think by the time I cover the Railroad lettering and Numbering with a set of Shaded decals, and pick out some of the detailing with a fine brush and pop in a bit of cab glazing. You'd be hard pressed to pick it from the non Railroad version, for 72 quid and a bit of time and material, However I should reserve any wildly speculative claims until the model is in my hands and I've actually done said work !
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-R3171-P2-COCK-O-THE-NORTH-/161808278448?hash=item25ac8663b0
  8. Thanks for the Heads up, john. I missed out first time around so I quickly jumped site's and grabbed one. Theirs are about the cheapest at the moment too.
  9. I think that as a eagerly anticipated model that has been on a lot of peoples want list for some time, it was always going to sell. I guess at the end of the day if you want something long enough, when it finally arrives you may be prepared to spend a bit more money and accept the fact that their may be some compromises. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you pay your money and make your choice etc. etc. I suppose there are a lot of people who really wanted a crosti and will actually do a bit of modelling on the basic model to make it better ( I bet we see some cracking ones on here in the next few months) and there are probably just as many who are just happy to have it trundling around as is. But I do agree that a lack of brake rods etc seems a bit odd, has anybody looked to see of they are taped to the back of the styrene box like the A1's etc.
  10. Well they've got as far Perth. - West Australia not Scotland but which is still closer to the UK than Melbourne ! http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Hornby-OO-GAUGE-BR-CLASS-9F-CROSTI-BOILER-HRR3274-/221843817613?hash=item33a6ec048d The good news is the further West they go, the Cheaper they seem to be getting !!! By the time they hit the UK shops they'll be as cheap as chips. (Written tongue in cheek, please don't throw rocks at me !)
  11. Thanks Tony, this gave me a real laugh. Not because having a paint job turn so pear shaped is ever a brilliant experience. It's just that the way you described it was a perfect blend of despair, wit and sarcasm. It must happened to all of us at once point or another, I can remember feeling absolutely gutted on more than one occasion. After one or all of the above happen. Thankfully I have a good wife who will show me just the right amount of pity and then point out whats going on in the news or the rest of the world and put it all back into perspective. (Actually that last bit isn't always entirely true, sometimes I just sulk more quietly to myself ) Edited to be more truthful ! Cheers, Ted.
  12. That's brilliant. Looks like you blokes had a ball. I keep trying to tell people, sometimes it's nice just to "play trains". Forget era, regions and correct consists, just run what takes your fancy. Doesn't BR Blue look good right next to apple green (second last pic) !! Now I really fancy something in that Blue, #@%**^!!
  13. I caught the suburban from Midland to Perth last week and saw Preserved S 542 "Bakewell" covered in shrink wrap at East Perth. So I did a little investigation and found this - http://www.pta.wa.gov.au/Projects/EastPerthBakewellLocomotiveRemediation/tabid/969/Default.aspx A bit of a relief to find out nothing "sinister" is happening to the old girl.
  14. Cracking pictures again thanks Gilbert. They Cheered me up after the Cricket.
  15. I see Hattons have Baby Deltics on special there at the moment. I have to say that I was almost ready to click the button and get one, the Dirty version. I don't know why, I felt like I'd like one, they are not my era, they didn't seem to be a particularly popular loco with the public or their crews. I don't even own a Diesel in OO. But there was just something I liked about it. Still I managed to be strong and buy another A4 instead (Although the Baby Deltic is still in the Hattons "wishlist". And post's like the one above, mentioning that they are nice runners, are not helping my resolve )
  16. I live about a 100 kilometres from the nearest decent model shop so mail order is a big thing for me. A Mate kept telling me about Hattons and I so I had a look at them last week. I found the website easy to use and their communication excellent and the Loco took less time to get to me in Country West Australia than it takes for me to get items from Sydney or Melbourne. I was well impressed and will more than likely be back again. Getting it less VAT didn't hurt either
  17. These Look Stunning I must say that the Apple Green does look very nice on an A4 and I hope that Hornby get on and get some out there sooner rather than later, As long as it;s like these with the parabolic curve, I'm not quite sold on the all black smoke box version. I'm planing on doing 4489 when she was being run in with Green wheels, workshop grey and with Woodcock Plates (before being renamed Dominion of Canada and painted blue.)
  18. Looks pretty darn good from where I'm sitting. In that last series of pictures with the B1 in them, the whole scene has really "jumped" into life. It's just amazing the extra impact they have on it. They were possibly a bit high before, but they look spot on now. Any lower and I think they'd crowd the scene and get lost a bit. But what's important is how they look from an everyday operating viewpoint, if they look right - then they are right !!! I'm not sure if that last bit makes sense or not.
  19. The Poles look amazing, I really think they add to the atmosphere. It's getting to the point where a quick glance has you doing a doubletake to see if the photo is Model or Prototype !! Also the pictures on the previous page of the Railroad Mallard are quite amazing. The modern digital camera can be very cruel at times and for 60 quid the Duck's budget Mallard comes out looking very good indeed. With products like that for so little money, Hornby must surely take a bow.
  20. Hi Gilbert, have you branched out into another hobby ? Slightly off topic but I thought you might get a chuckle out of it.
  21. I've sent Zane a picture as requested, but it's pretty grainy. Hopefully one of you nice chaps on here can help him out with a good one. Sorry about going OT here Gilbert, thought it might be relevant. Especially if young Zane is so keen on making new things for East Coast mainline modellers.
  22. According to Yeadon's She certainly did, tender 5647 had Hoffmann Bearings and was fitted to DONZ on that date and had it through to the end. (Difference is I had to look it up). As for making the frames, You never cease to amaze me Zane, is there anything you won't have a go at ? With young blokes like you around, the future of the Hobby is bright. Great Pictures Gilbert, a real sense of the original achieved. But it's of A4's so I'm always going to say that. edited (and again not very well) for grammar
  23. Of course your absolutely right so Fair Call I tend to forget about the stuff up North, it's a whole different ballgame up there. Like another world (and so far away). I should get up there for a look !! But to be totally honest I'd rather see John E's "quaint" diddy little cutesy things running up Welsh mountains!"
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