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richard i

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Everything posted by richard i

  1. I am state side so cannot rummage at exhibitions like i used to, but will look on ebay to see if one is up for grabs. Thank you. Too much to hope it is a kit in the offing? - far too early for you as they had all gone by 1924. Richard
  2. Does anyone have a drawing or the main measurements of the little gcr tank locos 12am they were 2-4-0 tanks which just made it into lner stock. A scale drawing would be best but if none exist some major dimensions would help so i could scale the rest from a photo. Any help much appreciated Thanks Richard
  3. I colourising of a photo i have been working on. The P2 in all its glory, one of the best proportioned locos around. Did they come down the GCR during LNER days for an open day at Nottingham or elsewhere? Richard
  4. looks like a good start, i would have looked at the same loccation if i had the space to do it justice Mine is just a smaller station close by. Richard
  5. Was hoping to avoid putting them in at all if I am going to be honest. I want to get it right though. Richard
  6. Finally one you can tell has been glazed. If only because the loo window has a white backing to it. It is the only one. Do i glue the rooves down next or delay finishing the models further by fitting passengers? How many in a had art though as it was on an excursion so d i really have enough figures to fit? Richard
  7. Could still make one side hinged at the bottom and magnets at the top with his system. Just replace the l section metal t the bottom of the side with a hinge for a short section an you can then view inside at all the great detail.
  8. Glazing a plenty That is all the non LNER stock and the LNER parcels stock. Difficult to tell as it is just clear sheet. However i needed to be done. It's also why i have restricted the number of shots. No need to see all done. This one is different though as it was the cinema car so had the back of its glazing painted black including on the door, i was in two minds just use black plastic or glaze and not paint, but went for it and did it properly. Like a lot of things it is hard to tell but it's knowing it is there. Richard
  9. I try and use all paints from the same manufacturer in consecutive layers. Even then does not always work. Try then only filing back top surface. They have already reacted, sometimes I find then a second coat goes on fine. Not a chemist but perhaps all the reaction has happened.
  10. Temperature of the room or was it a foggy day? Both have orange peeled paint on a loco I have painted. Hot and humid would do it too. Was the dryer going? Richard
  11. Done by the USA to deliberately bankrupt the U.K. So they could complete their transformation into a world power. It was a continuation of Wilsons policy of breaking up the European empires after the First World War . His policy of self determination and freedom of the seas was not altruistic. the special relationship has not always been both ways. In fairness the U.K. Did burn down the president's house in 1812.
  12. I have to agree on the coke being difficult to tell apart from coal. Have googled "coke coal" and third picture is a comparison of the two. Perhaps use matt varnish to take the shine off coal. Coke seems to have a flatter greyer look to it.
  13. And in terrifying close up! However, considering it was only the sides and ends and the rest has been scratched together. Now a complete cct. Sides and ends ironically are the easiest part as they are flat sides. So more push to scratch build more stock. Richard
  14. For my age coke is either in a bottle or a white powder. Never seen a color image of coke in a coke wagon, but I have a couple of empty coke wagons labeled up on my layout. I will be interested to see if anyone has an image of coke in colour.
  15. Cleaned up and a pair fitted to the cct. Has the one it is hoping to mimic next to it. Paint it up and it can join he fleet. Richard
  16. Pushing on with the casting. One of the LMS CCT came only as a body. So made the roof, scratched up an underframe. And am now casting from green stuff the more complicated shapes of he springs etc. The spruce off cut I the roof was put in to give me something to hold whilst painting it. The first casting of the Gresley bogie is lucking in shot, why do I feel it is going to be spot the bogie side frame in all my pictures from now on. Thanks for the advice on lead casting. I will look in to it. Richard
  17. I have used resin as a casting material, but not lead alloy. Now where do I get a ready supply of that in the states?
  18. six years away he has to imagine some things had changed. My grandfather came home to find a new young boy he had never seen calling him Dad walking round the house.
  19. This sounds interesting, do you not find the green stuff too flexible? have i mixed it poorly. I might give it a go. Best to have several options to chose from. Thank you Richard
  20. We can pick up Marmite but have to travel 45 minutes to get it. Closer to the big smoke than the rural area we are in. It is the water container for the acrilic brushes cleaning.
  21. I want to say it. Is complete. The really shiny paint is supposed to be dull black from prescision paints. all other of their paints have been great. Is this from a duff batch? I will continue to tone it down . Have started to do so with pastels. Richard
  22. Cleaned up. Sanded down on the back. Drilled to accept the bearings. Photo with the original which I was loathe to file the back of so I could reuse it. Besides I thought it would be easier to file back epoxy putty rather than white metal. However, how to get a flat back to an open cast without lifting it away from the inside of the mound? Richard
  23. There is already a model done in the BR era, so you will have to go earlier. Go pre grouping the number of liveries would have looked fantastic.
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