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Everything posted by Al.

  1. Another update. Basic paint job done on the two triple 'A' dugouts along with the two quad 20mm guns. The infantry trenches has had some modification as felt it was too big. It's been shortened and I've started adding the detail. Also started the basic structure of the infantry trench on the far side of the bridge.
  2. Thanks Dave. That film was the inspiration for the layout. I've still got a lot of hard work ahead.
  3. Latest update. I've back to working on the West Bank scenery today with the trenches and light anti aircraft gun emplacements. The trenches are still at the basic structure stage. I've still to add texture to it. This trench sits ajacent the farm house on the edge of an apple orchard. The two anti-aircraft dugouts are further on. A little bit more detail to add and then they'll be painted. One of these sits in the field opposite the farm house, while the other is on the other side of the bridge abutment. In realty both dugout were much further away from the bridge to eliminate blind spots for low flying aircraft. I've moved them in closure to include them in the layout.
  4. As promised, the 'modern' concrete bridge is painted and installed. Also started on the cobbled road beneath it. I should get the sold landscaping done tomorrow, then it'll be time for the plaster bandage... Ps. Another tank for you, Lez
  5. Electrics isn't my strong point and I've been putting off tackling it for way too long. Anyway I've finally got around to it and started on building the mock-up for one of the control panels. The layout is split into two half - the East and West bound lines. Each controller will take the trains from one storage siding, run them across the layout and deposit them into the other storage siding for the other controller to preform the return trip. This is the Eastbound control panel mock-up. It feels about right with the switches in the right place. Next stage is a plywood prototype.
  6. Production of the PzIII finished in 1943, but the tank remained in service right up to the end of the war. The model in the photo has been converted into a Panzerbefehlswagen - command tank. The 50mm gun has been replaced with a dummy gun and extra aerial have been added. One of the scenic areas will be a panzer unit have a few days maintenance rest. ThePzIII will be part of it.
  7. Almost made a big mistake on the 'modern' bridge. I started cladding it To show the joint lines between the different concrete pours - the horizontal lines about half way up the retaining walls on the above pics. Then while out on the network yesterday, I realised 1940's concrete pours were in much smaller volumes than those of today, and therefore more shuttering joints. So, this evening a bit of remodelling to the retaining walls and more support beams added to the underside. Also changed the hand rails to cast concrete type. It looks much better now. I should get the basic paint coat on tonight and by the weekend, have the bridge installed and the soft landscaping completed around it. I'm getting dangerously close to having the final bit of scenic track laid.
  8. It's been a busy weekend. As well as the landscaping and Lancaster, I've also pushed ahead with the final bridge on the layout. This one carries the railway line over the top of the Remagen to Kripp road. The bridge is meant to be a modern - modern for 1944 - concrete construction bridge. I've taken a bit of artistic license on this one as the actual bridge only carried a double track and not the four tracks as I've got it.
  9. I originally intended to use a B17. I brought the model, but wasn't over happy with the level of detail so never around to building it. By chance I came across the A-Model Lancaster. Far superior detail to the B17 model. The model built up beautifully and was very easy to modify. Only additional work I did was to scratch build two Merlin engines to add to the debris field.
  10. Also been getting my head around a bit more scenery. I built this Lancaster some time ago and now the landscaping is starting to take shape, it's time to start looking at positioning. After loosing an engine on the way home the pilot has tried a belly landing. Any landing you can walk away from, as the saying goes...
  11. Been making a mess today getting the basic structure of the soft landscaping done. Plenty more mess to come when I start sanding it down to profile.
  12. Also been working on a few civilian vehicles. It started out as an Oxford Jaguar but will end up being an out of fuel family car laddened down with all the possession they own. Still a bit of work to do.
  13. Progress update. Back to more baseboard work today. The front and back scenic bourders are fitted so I can now get on with filling in all the holes and turning the board green.
  14. A trip to Gaugemaster today to pick up two new controllers to replace my aged Triang unit. Another step closure to having a running layout. However I suspect the hard work is still to come....
  15. More progress today. The contiguous piling walls for the steelworks tunnel is done. Pile caps also done. Just need to know the gauge clearance at the tunnel entrance to set the facia beam then this ready for cladding and base coating. Once at that stage, it'll be time for landscaping.
  16. It's official. Remagen will be at Warley 2016 show. All I need to do now is get it finished.
  17. More scenic work this week - I've really got to stop putting off tacking the wiring..... - Anyway, tree planting has commenced on the Erpeller Ley. The top and upper section of the mountain is done. I've still got to finish of the lower section and tunnel mouth area.
  18. While waiting for the world to wake up this morning, I continued with weathering the rolling stock. This is one of the civilian trains. Br-94 and a rake of 10 local coaches. I'm reasonable happy with the result with the exception of the coach roofs. They're gonna need a bit more work....
  19. Update for this week. I've still got two rail over bridges to build before I can get the final bit of scenic track laid. This is one of them. Well, actually half of one of them. It carries the up Air Valley Line over the top of the West Rhine line. The main structure is complete. I just need to add handrails and them it'll be ready for painting. This is how it'll sit in the layout. The other half of the bridge is just visible to the left. Unfortunately I've ran out of textured plasticard to finish off the other half. Local model shops are getting few and far between these days. And those that remain don't seem to carry the range of stock they used to....
  20. This one caught my eye as I know this station well. I'm looking forward to see it develop.
  21. I used to game years ago too - 1/300th Cold War micro and 20mm WW2 where my main areas of interest. I've still got most of my stuff safely stored under the layout. I'm sure I drag it out one day...
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