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Everything posted by Al.

  1. Thanks. I hope it doesn't disappoint when seen in the flesh. Al.
  2. Can't help you with the gondolas, but I do sympathise about the stress. Keep up the good work and I'll see you in a couple weeks time for the test session. Al.
  3. Thanks. Glad you appreciate it. Still a lot of work to do before it's ready for Warley.
  4. Jeremy, that looks very nice. Al.
  5. A long overdue river update. After much tinkering about I've finally got the river to a colour I like. With that sorted, I've added the boat wakes. I'm giving it 48 hours to completely dry, then it'll be time to add half a dozen coats of varnish. Al.
  6. First time out for a layout is always a bit of a venture into the unknown. It's good to hear it all when so well. I look forward to seeing the layout grow in detail. Keep up the good work. Al.
  7. Al.


    I've been using a similar method for a number of years now. It works particularly good for brand new green concrete. This is a HO scale under construction motorway bridge I've been slowly building for Paul Stapleton's China layout. The abutment retaining wall and bridge concrete slabs have been paint pretty much the same way. Al.
  8. Simon. Just picked up on this thread. I must say I'm impressed with the level of detail you're putting into the layout. I look forward to see it of the exhibition circuit some time soon. Al.
  9. By the 90's, most vehicles were strapped down with strops, not chains. Easier to replicate with micro strip than miniature chains.. BTW, war flats look good.
  10. Thanks, but I think I'm a little too far along to jump ship now.
  11. I toned down the river abit today. It's still too green for my liking, so still a bit more work to do.
  12. For anyone who's interested, here's the YouTube tutorial on the toilet paper river method.
  13. Update on progress with the river. Over the weekend it got a cost of green paint, and the past two evenings I've been adding a second coat green/brown to give it more a mucky river look. It still looks too green to my eye and I'll be giving it another all over brown coat tomorrow to effort to one the green in a bit more. At this rate, I won't be varnishing until the weekend.
  14. Out of curiosity, what are considered ''modelling cliches' these days....?
  15. I'd agree this that. With the standard of modelling, you should have no problem with invites.
  16. Getting back to the river, it got its first coat of paint this morning. I'm now waiting for this to dry before touching up all the little spots I missed. Another tip here. The paint dampens the paper and makes it soft again - probably because my pva/water mix was too much on the eatery side - and too vigorous brushing can impact the wave texture if your not careful. Next step is to tone the green down a little and darken it off towards the banks.
  17. Andy. That's pretty amazing stuff. I wish my modeling was half as good. Al.
  18. I've just caught up with all the videos. It's looking really good. We'll done on all the works that's gone into the layout, and figures crossed for a fault running during the show. Al.
  19. Some scenic work tonight, with more yellow turning white, soon to turn green....
  20. Sorry to hear about the accident. Hope John has a speedy recovery.
  21. 96 hours later and I think we've a winner. All the glue has gone off and the surface is quite firm. I'm still going to give it another couple of days before painting, mainly so I area of plaster bandage done on one of the other boards before the dust embargo starts. I'll post up more pics tomorrow night. Al.
  22. Phil, when and where are you planning to show the layout? Al.
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