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Everything posted by ParkeNd

  1. Thanks for the info Tony. The 3 plank wagon base caught my non-expert attention because of the distinctive wheels - I have never seen such spoked wheels before. The inside of the signal box visible through the open window appealed too. There is much detail to photograph at Norchard but it's difficult to access. One of my favourite views is of trains arriving out of the trees around the curve from Whitecroft - it would look even better if the rubbish bin at the end of the platform was not there and other abandoned items - my brain excludes it but the camera seems to accentuate it.
  2. I had a yen late on Saturday morning to go and take some photos on the DFR - there was a Facebook entry saying that the DMU would be running on two extra dates (11th and 18th July) so off I went. It was too late to see trains in both directions at the "termini" on either end of the line so I settled for Norchard in the middle. Now Norchard I find hard to photograph mostly because of the long string of carriages being overhauled against the Low Level Platform - they obscure all the interesting stuff from pretty well every viewpoint. The DMU came through both ways and 5541 arrived at the low level platform along with the restored Queen Mary but hid behind the signal box whilst the folk doing the Branchline Experience had lunch. But I did my best and great fun it was out in the open air. I noticed that a pagoda is being erected on the High Level Platform - photo attached.
  3. The eldest son of an Italian national living in the UK where he was the Managing Director of a business bought up by an Italian multi-national was unusually quiet at breakfast. The father insisted that the family always had breakfast together where they ate cremas, drank coffe, talked Italian so they could forget they were actually in Manchester. "What is troubling you son" said the father. "It's this damned English language" his son whined "Your English is perfect father because you speak it all day at work whilst I struggle. I went into the corner shop for some cigarettes and asked the girl for 20 filter tits. I was so embarrassed I left empty handed" The father was keen to reassure his son so said "That's just a slip of the tongue - I do it all the time. Why yesterday morning I made a slip of the tongue with your dear Mama. What I meant to say was "Please pass the marmalade darling - but what came out was "you are a boring fat old tart and I have wasted 25 years of my life with you. "
  4. That picture is absolutely brilliant Brian. Thanks so much for posting it. Norchard has changed a great deal since then which makes the photo all the more important. This is the nearest current view I have from the same spot but it's not such an interesting photo.
  5. Wish List ? For a DJM loco to actually turn up. Not meant to be cynical - I spent my final 6 years prior to retirement as a New Product Manager so I know how much is involved to do it properly. But the already listed N Gauge J94 to pose as Wilbert on my DFR layout would be very nice - please.
  6. Thanks Arthur. Good to hear from you after all this time. I shall watch out for the very distinctive looking Poppy from now on. I haven't taken any new DFR pictures for a while because I thing folk were getting brassed off with them coming too frequently, but I did hand in my completed application form and first year subscription to join the DFR Society just over 2 weeks ago - haven't heard anything back though. I really liked you photos and thanks for posting them.
  7. A female pharmacist counter assistant in Edinburgh was surprised by a soldier, a pipes and drum Major in full ceremonial uniform, who marched in and slapped a 1930's reusable washable condom on the counter which sported several obvious holes, tears, and old bicycle inner tube patches. "Please book that in for maintenance right away" he said with no hint of embarrassment. The young lady was so horrified by the idea that she called over the pharmacist who inspected the item with mounting horror. "New single use condoms have been available in packets of 3 very cheaply for years now" he intoned "and this would be the best course of action". The soldier picked up the moth eaten old relic and without a word wheeled around and marched out of the shop. But the next morning he was back - slapping the old washable condom, now sporting a couple of new holes, on the counter. "Your advice has been considered" he boomed "but The Regiment wants it repaired".
  8. Surely they would manage it in the way characteristic of the breed - hibernate behind the telephone answering system and pray that the need goes away?
  9. Dean Forest Railway's EWS liveried Class 31 at Norchard at the end of the day. It has come in on the low level platform and is running around its train prior to going to bed.
  10. I'm going to get these stations in the wrong sequence - apologies in advance. My 91 year old mother was always amused by a regular train announcement - "The next train is for Addlestone, Walton, Weybridge, Byflett, and Alton on Behind "
  11. Just a last quick burst for a while on the DFR photos - you will all be getting fed up with them. In the meantime I am going to be concentrating on some Parkend model railway layout photos for a change. Some shots of 5541 from some hopefully less than usual angles. Anyway no more for a while - I promise.
  12. Hi Chaz - thanks for the comments. Have I got any more - I suppose I might risk this one.
  13. How realistic is your modelling. Not as realistic as some - but I'm prepared to have a go. N Gauge - well known for having no detail anyway.
  14. The station building at Lydney Junction still looks good to my eyes but is let down by the general environment. Since your post I have got to thinking that when even a few more miles are added in the direction of Speech House Road that making more of St Mary's Halt and installing a run around loop would be preferable to crawling the last few yards to the comparative desolation of Lydney Junction - except for the occasional links with say The Cathedrals Express. I accept that Lydney Junction might never have been picturesque but at least in days of yore it had a purpose. Unless there is ever a realistic hope of reaching the rejuvenated Lydney Docks (not in published plans up to 2040) then shifting the railway North by about 0.2 mile would retain its sylvan character which would be more appealing to repeat coach trips which then go on to lunch in Monmouth and tea in Ross on Wye.
  15. At last the a selection of Lydney Town Station photos. There are more of 5541 but I will post them seperately - the intention of this post is just to add more online pictures of this station. I very much liked the station - sitting on a bench in the shade of a tree waiting for 5541 was a very pleasant experience - quiet and peaceful and could only be improved if some of the folk in the houses opposite had passed me a cup of the coffee they were drinking. The first photo shows the crossing gates over which the train will approach from Norchard. The platform is very long - this shot looking the same way as the previous photo. Then two shots, one in each direction, of the immaculate station building. Then 5541 arriving and slipping slowly along the platform, then leaving in the direction of St Mary's Halt and a few yards later to Lydney Junction. More photos showcasing 5541 to follow in a separatepost.
  16. If you really want to do that then PM me an email address and I will mail you a full sized file. It was taken on a 36mp Nikon D810 so there are entry of pixels to play with. Chris
  17. The Lydney Town Station expedition came off well this morning. The car park beside the station was half empty and the platform was quiet - just a few people turned up a few minutes before the train arrived. I had already dropped in at Norchard to pick up a couple of the DFR Magazines to take down to Essex in a couple of weeks so I knew that there were not massive coach parties today. I found the station quite enchanting to be honest and I got the photos I wanted which should add to the very small quantity of Lydney Town Station pictures on the internet.. There was a swarm of bees by the corner of the car park being rescued by a beekeeper, and some grandparents with their small grandchildren from the Channel Islands who had never seen a train before in the flesh. Parkend a bit later was busier but it looked like a good balance between revenue for DFR and a bit of space for me. I will post a selection of photos when I have processed the RAW files. 5541 was on roster - truly sparkling. Still no sign of a man with a dog in Lydney!!
  18. This morning I plan to have another go at photographing steam trains at Lydney Town Station using the parking tips received. I don't really know what to expect in the way of results since it looked to be a very restricted space with contrasting character surroundings. But I shall take an 18-35 zoom on a full frame camera and give it my best shot. I hope it will be 5541 rather than Wilbert although I must confess that the 57xx pannier tank is my favourite - it's just genuine Forest hardware by virtue of the classes number of appearances in old photos.
  19. Often discussed on the forum board and now published in DFR Magazine Summer 2015 is a useful timeline for Dean Forest Railway Expansion. Phase 1A. Parkend to Coleford Junction. 0.3 miles of extra running. Finished by 2017. New infrastructure "Travellers Rest Level Crossing. Phase 1B. Coleford Junction to Bixslade Halt. 1.1 miles of extra running. Finished by 2020. New infrastructure "Nags Head Tunnel" Phase 1C. Bixslade Halt to Speech House Road. 1.1 miles of extra running. Finished by 2025. New infrastructure "Speech House Road Station" Phase 2A. Speech House Road to Serridge Halt. 1.6 miles of extra running. Finished 2032. New infrastructure "Speech House Road Bridge + Serridge Halt Station. Phase 2B. Serridge Halt to Cinderford. 2.2 miles of extra running. Finished 2040. New infrastructure "Cinderford Station" To save you adding this up it comes to 6.3 miles of additional running. So railway is planned to be over 10 miles in length.
  20. This really needs Tony Comber to answer. A quick blast on Google shows that 6412 was the last loco run at Ross and this is on the West Somerset. The West Somerset have 5542 and this is the only tenuous link I can find although I am not much of a historian.
  21. Hi Jonathan, I think most people (even the DFR folk) would prefer something other than Wilbert, but only one loco is on roster per day, and that's just Wednesday and Sunday at the moment. Thus whatever is running gets in the photos - or you give up an go home. What I would like is for there to be a resident Hall or a Manor - but I never get what I wish for. Even a re-appearance of the 14xx with an auto coach would make a change. On my layout of Parkend I run all the DFR and Severn and Wye locos ever run there - and then locos I just plain like. Naughty but nice. Here is some compensation :- 5541 approaching Norchard And a Class 31 in the "forest" but not in EWS colours. On my layout.
  22. ParkeNd

    TGauge HST

    As an N gauge modeller I have never really got used to the comments about my gauge from those who model in the default gauge (OO). "Ugh! Too small to see" or "Diddly Fiddly Gauge". Those who can't even see or handle a loco if it isn't approaching 12" in length are never going to "get" T gauge. To me N gauge is the ability to show trains in a landscape. I probably won't try T gauge but I can see its attraction. To me it seems that it's about the challenge of making something really tiny actually work. Maybe scenic layouts aren't even important to its existence?
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