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Everything posted by Karl

  1. I can add a few others up. The plan originally came from wanting to build a Clyde Puffer and having somewhere to display it along with a lot of small pecketts/sentinels etc. So I fancied having a go at something which featured a few things I wanted which were... - The puffer - Rails under an overhead crane - a run round loop - Rails through cobbles. So from that rough 'wish list' it just grew organically.
  2. Thankyou very much. I didn't really document the build but have a few phone photos taken that show some stages. Below are three showing the original board getting marked up with the original idea which was changed a few times during the phase shown in the second photo. The 3rd one shows the revised plan with an added track running over a sheet of paper cut to the size of the Bachmann gatehouse as I just fancied having a model running through that like you see in lots of industrial settings.
  3. Hi Sean, whilst it doesn't directly answer your question as it's either side of your period this photo here shows the one at Helmsdale as White and blue in 1972 https://andrewstransport.smugmug.com/LesTindalls1970sBritishtrains/Orcadian-railtour-1972/i-KPTPfGR and in David Price's 'Kyle of Lochalsh and the Far North Lines' book there is a photo of a large logo blue 37 passing the same box in 1988 and it's white and blue in that too.
  4. Good afternoon, I have been looking on the forum for many years but not much of a contributor but have over the last year built a small quayside layout using largely ready to plant buildings with a few kits thrown in as well. Just thought I'd share a few photos of it, it's not perfect by far but has been an interesting build and even though it measures less than 1m by 50cm. And thank you to all those people on here who unknowingly inspired me to have a go at this. I hope everyone is well!
  5. Good evening, Hopefully someone will be able to help me out here. I am looking for a Scottish side-windowed Cowlair cab for a 4mm gauge LNER K2. Ideally I would like two. If anyone has any left over from a K2 kits where they used a 'regular' cab or has one for any other reason they'd be will to part with please let me know via a PM. Thankyou Karl
  6. Thankyou very much for the response. PM sent.
  7. Good evening, I have been looking at the forum for many years but not really on it. I am building up a long term project in assembling a Scottish fleet and having been very impressed with what you have done with this would love to have a go at this kit. I have been hunting across the internet but haven't found where I can buy this resin body kit. I hope you don't mind me asking but would you be able to point me in the right direction? Also does the kit come with the scottish cab option? Many thanks.
  8. This one has got me thinking, Hornby have a history for marking anniversaries. Well 2019 is the 125th anniversary of the west highland railway and 25 years since K1 62005 and K4 61994 ran specials marking the west Highlands centenary. On the occasion both were in LNER apple green (62005 never was green in service I know). But with that and 61994 being retired now along with 60009 the K4 could be a goer with a 2005 and 3442 in a lner green set, a 60009 and 61994 set and then 2 other k4s in BR black, one early and one late. So that would give Hornby 2 special sets to sell both with popular liveries and named green engines plus 2 Scottish engines to compliment the j36. I could see the K4 being a strong contender.
  9. Karl

    Bachmann Peppercorn A2

    Batchelor's Button and Tudor Minstrel are now appearing in the shops too.
  10. Karl

    Hornby Thompson L1

    Well I wasn't getting an L1 at all but saw the LNER liveried on today and snapped it up. A truly great model of an idea model railway engine! Not a glamourous express engine but a more everyday workhorse.
  11. Just a quick question, those of you who have had an email saying they have been despatched have you ordered the platinum one or the standard? I am order 22 and ordered a standard one but have had no word on despatch so just wondered if it seems it the platinum ones that were sent out. UPDATE! Wrong email checked, its on its way!
  12. It may seem expensive but I think when you consider it against other models it isn't really, the Hornby Clans are ??100+, Bachmann's A2 is in the region of ??120 rrp isn't it, these are models which have benefitted from past models having bits already available such as wheels (Clan), tenders etc whereas CoT is going to have been laser scanned and made from scratch. It isn't much more than the Deltic was and that will have utilised the Standard Deltic Chassis. Also remember that as a Ltd Edn it will see for its RRP and also it is a fundraising venture for the museum. I have to say i personnlly don't feel it is too expensive. But as with many things in modelling it all comes down to personnal opinion.
  13. Those who bought the Deltic received a reply slip to return to the NRM to be kept informed of any future models that would be produced and so i would imagine if the NRM was giving out advanced warning it would be to those who returned this slip and not neccessarily all who bought the Deltic. However, i imagine the vast majority who did buy it would have returned the slip! I certainly did!
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