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Everything posted by KLee55

  1. How common was it for ETH fitted locos to be used on freight workings?
  2. Many thanks for your replies.
  3. How common was it for a loco without train heating, or train heating compatible with the coaching stock forming the train, to be used on passenger trains during TOPS era?
  4. Apologies, I'm not familiar with operational requirements/practices regarding use of different types of brake van. Following K77's reply relating to use of "piped vans", I was trying to establish the circumstances in which different types of van would be used (TOPS codes CAO,CAP, CAR). I would be grateful for any assistance anyone can provide.
  5. Many thanks for your replies. Can anyone assist regarding use of a brake van with TOPS code CAO (unfitted)?
  6. Was a brake van required on a train hauled by a single cab loco e.g. a class 08 or class 20 on a trip working ( during 70s and 80s)? Many thanks
  7. Does anyone know whether tank wagons, especially of the 20 ton anchor mounted type, used by BR during the late 50s/60s were generally fitted or unfitted?
  8. I wish I had seen these posts a week or so ago. I placed an order on 3 March for which payment has been taken and heard nothing since. I tried to contact them via the phone number and email address given on their website without success. If the business is under investigation, does anyone have contact details e.g. for police or trading standards with whom I can register a complaint?
  9. Does anyone have photos of coaches without the warning flashes in the mid 60s?
  10. Apologies, I was thinking of the earlier lightning flash warning signs which, I thought, started to appear in the early 60s.
  11. When did the yellow overhead warning flashes begin to be applied to rolling stock, in particular, passenger coaches? Was it around the same time as they started to appear on locos (early 60s) or was application carried out more slowly? How common was it to see coaches without them by 1966/67? I am aware that the Southern Region were very slow to apply the overhead warning flashes, as well as other safety measures such as yellow waning panels to cab fronts, even though stock may have ventured outside the region. (Most of my Bachmann mk1 coaches in maroon livery do not have overhead warning flashes applied to coach ends.)
  12. Many thanks all. Any other photos/examples of local/trip workings to and from docks without marker wagon would be appreciated (Eastern Region, TOPS era).
  13. Yes, I was asking whether class 03s would have worked short local freight to and from docks without the marker wagon.
  14. Does anyone know of class 03s being used on trip workings on the Eastern Region in the mid to late 70s without a match wagon?
  15. So, might a class 03 be used on a trip working to/from docks without a match wagon (ER)?
  16. Did class 03s always operate with a match wagon on the Eastern Region? Can anyone recommend a suitable model to use as a match wagon (00 scale, TOPS era)? Many thanks
  17. Many thanks. Just wondering whether it was Bachmann's error or that of BR!
  18. Many thanks. What's the likelihood of minor variations/errors in the application of branding/logos by BR paint shops?
  19. Most of the branded Bachmann mark 2As in blue grey referred to earlier in this thread don't seem to have the hyphen in the branding. However, I can't find any reference to an official "Inter City" ( two words, no hyphen) branding. Can anyone clarify? Many thanks
  20. Further on this, does anyone know when the branding change from Inter City to Inter-City (with hyphen) took place? Would both have been seen regularly in around 1983?
  21. Many thanks. I'm modelling the late 70s to early/mid 80s period in 00 gauge. If I understand correctly, suitable rakes of blue grey coaches might be:- Mark 2Ds -Inter-City (Hornby) which could include non branded mark 1 BG and RMB (with ETH fitted loco)? Any mark 1s (secondary routes)? NOT mark 2As without branding? Can anyone recommend suitable models of earlier mark 2s (2A, B and C) for this period.
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