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muddy water

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Posts posted by muddy water

  1. No prizes for guessing this location!!


    Leicester UK Rail Leasing.

    Monday 30/07/18


    56038 Fertis grey, 56018 Fertis grey, 56104 ex large logo grey. Green 0-4-0 shunter. (Anyone know what this is?)


    These were being moved from the sidings near the mainline to the shed at the back.


    The Fertis engines are meant to be out of service. 56104 was reported as working. I guess these will be taken for Gbrf.



    • Like 6
  2. Magnificent!

    Can you do a panoramic photo or video of the entire layout as that would be great to see all your work together?

    Do you still not have a fiddle yard for continuous running and accessing the Freightliner/ TMD?

  3. Sorry to rattle the cage. In the year and a half you have built this layout, all I have done is read about your wonderful work.

    I think your mojo is just have a rest!


    Following your story, your actually built layouts to try ideas.

    Whilst other people make drawings of layouts on backs of old envelopes and spend hours reading RmWeb of other peoples layouts. But never get to a near completed layout themselves.


    You have a great talent.


    I just need to put into practice what I have read in your pages!


    I will be looking forward to the next chapter of this great work of art!

    • Agree 1
  4. I had an private ebayer seller send me two Lima boxed coaches. The only ‘packaging’ was cling film wrapped around the two boxes to make a parcel! The models arrived intacted. The ploystrene and cardboard on the boxes still in good condition.


    My local post office must not be into ball sports!!

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